Clickbank For Beginners: How To Make Money On Clickbank For Free
Is it possible to start your affiliate marketing business and generate your first Commission in 24 hours with no money by the end of this video, you get to know-how to generate your first commission within 24 hours.
I’m going to take you by the hand step by step and provide you with a blueprint. What kind of products you need to sell and I’m also going to show you the best selling affiliate products with one click of a button.
I’m also going to build a funnel in front of you on my screen and I’m going to go ahead and give that to you. Now. This is an automated type of a funnel what that means is that all it takes one action from a prospect and the rest will happen automatically.
I will give that to you for Free this is an epic training a step-by-step training. Basically. I’m going to hold you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do. And I’m going to do it all in front of you a screen.
So I’m going to take all the confusion out of it and I’m going to make it so easy for you about this is a complete training a step-by-step training you can do it basically from home and you can start without any money from your pocket I’m going to go ahead and share my screen with you.
So you’ll be able to learn exactly what to do. All right, welcome. I’m going to go ahead and take you by the hand and take you step-by-step of how to make your money as an affiliate. This is a really extraordinary type of training.
I’m going to go ahead and take you step by step show you the strategies along with the pillars of success as far as making money online, especially in affiliate marketing. Then I’m going to take it step by step.
So do not get nervous and don’t think it is. This is way too complex. It is actually easy. If you follow the steps that I’m going to give you and within 24 hours, you’ll be able to make your first commission.
So as you can tell here I made it there are four pillars. We’re going to go ahead and go step-by-step from 1 to 4 and make sure you’re not skipping any of these steps. The first one we’re going to talk about is a very Important lot of people don’t think about this very well.
So it is your Niche now there are three types of niches that you should be considering. One of them is health wealth and relationships. These are the major three types of niches. So what you are looking to make money online as an affiliate, you have to keep that in mind.
Now, how do you pick one of these in all of them? There are a lot of sub-niches. Which has sub-niches as it’s self-explanatory for example exercise for women above 50. For example, if you are taking the health Niche this is a subcategory and then you can go under that as another sub Niche but to make a long story short.
There’s something that you need to be aware of is that you have to have some kind of passion to what you are trying to sell. You have to have some kind of interest in it. Otherwise Going to be very difficult for you, number two as I talked about I’m going to show you the best market place to get started now just for a beginner.
Even if you are a person who’s trying to start an online business, especially affiliate business and you having a hard time. This is very important for you because a lot of people teach you the wrong stuff and I have seen it so many times and that’s why I am making this video now the marketplace that I tell all my students to go to and the one that I made the most money out of is ClickBank.
There’s a lot of reasons for that. One of them is that they pay roughly about half a million close to half a million dollars a day in commissions. The other thing it is so easy. There’s a lot of marketplaces, you probably see in a whole lot of them but this is the easiest one to get into there are maybe some other ones.
I know there are some other ones that you probably would like but there are they do Have qualifications and if you’re not qualified and they probably leave you hanging for a day or two to get you qualified just for one product to sell.
What I’m talking about is you can go ahead it’s a public a Marketplace. That means you can go ahead and just apply you can get in have your own login information. But if you want to sell a product they have in there more than likely, you have to get approved.
But with Clickbank, you don’t have to get approved. Now number three that I am going to talk about it Is best-selling products, let’s say you want and you picked one of these niches that you have some kind of maybe knowledge or you have some passion for now, you know where to go and I’m going to show you here in just a little bit.
We’re going to go to the website and I’m going to show you how to pick the best selling a product with one click of a button. Yes, one click of a button then we’re going to go ahead and talk about number four.
So let’s go ahead first and and go to the website and let’s go ahead and go to ClickBank. Okay, let’s go ahead and we are right now on ClickBank. I’m not going to go through the stuff of how to actually open an account because I take it you’re smart enough to do that on your own and because it is not hard at all.
So what I’m going to talk is I’m going to talk about the most important stuff that you should know to start selling product online and I’m going to give you some tips and some tricks of what to do and how to do it.
So the first thing you want to do when you Get this is the marketplace obviously this in case you don’t know what affiliate marketing is. I’m not going to cover it in detail. But just I’m going to go ahead and give you a quick synopsis of it is basically selling other people’s products and getting commission or this is basically what it is.
Okay, I will the first thing I want to do. What I like to do is go and do a 50 here and what I’m going to do to pick the best product is very simple. You see this says find products don’t do anything with it.
Don’t put anything in here all you have to do click. Once on This now just wanna let you know I am a promotional partner with ClickBank so I kind of know what’s the algorithm and how they do things what’s going to happen is going to show the best-selling product on ClickBank as of right now that could change tomorrow that could change maybe in one month.
I don’t know. Nobody knows this is the first or the best selling product. This is the second one. This is the third one. One thing I want to bring to mind is that not all of them are in the same Market or Pitch or submarket they are indifferent ones.
You can say this is health and fitness and if you go down you can self this is self-help marriage relationships and things like that. So I just want to let you know that it is not in one particular Market or Niche or sub Niche.
So make sure you pay attention for that. The second thing that you need to do is the following you go down to attribute and what you want to do is the following. You see this where it says must have affiliate tool page.
Make sure you click that. The reason to click that is you don’t want to you know, spend time to go ahead and just start creating tools for someone else. There are just want to let you know there are some really good good product that you can take advantage of and they sell very well, but they don’t have these tools but there’s a way around it now.
I’m not going to cover that right now because This is not the subject of this video. But if you think you want to know more about it, because what this is part of the stuff that I do because the reason you will without a a guess here, you will have less competition.
Most people it’s nice to have a product that have a lot of tools that you can use. The second one that you have to do is you have to click on mobile traffic everybody right now has a mobile even in the third-world countries and they serve than that, so Out you probably go like wow, this is so confused at how can I for example big a product? There’s a lot of products.
There are some health and fitness. I’m going to go ahead and show you just maybe a little trick here. Let’s say you you’re like health and fitness ride, you copy this and then you do a Ctrl F.
And then you put it up here. You probably not seen it but you push your space then everything is going to be highlighted. Let’s say you just that’s what you’re interested for. Example so you would go and you find whatever you’re interested in now, you probably also a skin.
Well, I don’t know which product I am in the health and fitness. I like maybe this product right here. How do I know this is the best one to actually go and promote because there are few things that I’m going to show you right now and it’s very important to have that now the first thing that I would do is you click on the sales page.
If you don’t like the sales page, that means the people that you are going to advertise or promote this to might not like it. So let’s go and click on it. And if you click you’re going to end up on this page right here.
It happened to know that I know Drew Drew. I’m not trying to give him a plug here. He’s a very nice guy. He does a very good product and if we if you go all the way down here, they are some good stuff.
I mean, these are really a good this is a written Page, by the way, this is not DSL. Which I will cover in just a little bit. But if you go down you can see the products that they have here and then you can see Drew here at Andrew Canole.
He is very well known the reason I’m saying that is because I know the person so let’s go ahead and go back in here. Okay, I like this. Now. The second thing I want to do is I want to see what is the affiliate stuff you click on this on this link says affiliate page and the point that I want to make is that if you like the product you want to know what the Fund is that will have what the refund rate is.
You don’t want to spend your money and the refund rate is really high. Make sure to ask them. What is your refund rate and if there’s anything else that you have for example, some of them they have some really good emails.
They’re not going to release them unless you get whitelisted, but let’s go ahead and click on that. You’re going to end up right here. This is the affiliate page here. They tell you a little bit more about the product and what they do here.
They tell you go ahead and put your link you. The affiliate like obviously you have to be part of ClickBank. Now if the tools that I’m talking about as you can tell you can see here. They do have top-performing emails.
If you click on that, you can see what they are and they want you to actually sell because if you’re not selling they’re not making money, right? So what you do is here if you take a look I’m not talking about all of them.
Some of them have this some of them don’t have this but here they tell you there’s three options here. There is this one there is a In secrets that is this one. So you pick the one that you that you like.
Well, let’s say I pick this one. All you have to do is put your ClickBank affiliate nickname right here, and I’m going to go ahead and show you what I came up with right here. Now. I came up with this that I’m going to show you how you can really create a really nice page because you don’t use the last thing you want is sent people straight here do not do that because this is very very important because you want people Old emails there are two reasons for that.
Number one. You want to build an email list for two reasons number one is that you don’t want to just keep bombard in this page right there and people may not be interested in the second good thing is in case they’re not interested in this product.
For example, maybe you do have other products that they might be interested. And so that’s why you do have an email list. You must create a less. It is not complicated. It is not I’m going to show you how it is.
So do not get frustrated confused overwhelmed because when that happens, I have done that with 1200 entrepreneurs and I took them from Zero to Hero within short period of time. I’ve been in this business for over you probably already know over ten years, but the idea is not about me is the idea is about how you can become successful without being confused.
Let’s go ahead and go back here. I just picked health and fitness but let’s go ahead and go with this product that we just picked right now, which is organifi green juice, right? So I’m going to go ahead and show you exactly what you need to do next.
Okay. What are we going to do right now? We’re going to go ahead and go back to our step-by-step blueprint. Now. This is number 4, like I mentioned all these four have to actually occur in order for you to become successful in affiliate marketing.
So let’s go ahead and talk about number. Or there are some tools. This is one of the biggest thing that a lot of the failures the people that want to be successful in affiliate marketing they don’t pay much attention to because they start picking the least expensive stuff.
They shoot themselves in the foot that the first thing you need to have is a funnel software. The one that we use is clickfunnels. They have actually over eight billionaires from clickfunnels. I’m not saying because click funnel.
Made a millionaire. No, but they use clickfunnels. So they know more things than you do right. So what’s good about these tools are all free you can start with them for free some of them free for a month.
Some of them have a month. Some of them totally free forever. So make sure to take advantage of that. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to go and show you what I did with the product that we pick together.
All right, it’s very crucial to understand the convergent models because this is Going to determine your success. So this is going to separate you from someone else. So let’s go ahead and talk about the amateur conversion model.
Basically, what they do is they take the traffic you can buy basically from anywhere you can buy traffic you can advertise. It really doesn’t matter and they send it straight to the affiliate sales page.
This is the worst thing that you can ever do the conversion rate is about 1% If you are lucky and on top of that you are not collecting any emails at all from the traffic that you are spending money on or work in to generate now.
This is a typical model but none of the less is still an amateur type of a model. Let me go ahead and go just to step by step you get the traffic like I mentioned before and then you send it to the Opt-in page here.
At least you are somehow get in some email. You get the email then what they do a lot of times they send an email to the Prospect and they say check your email so you can get access to this or they send them straight to this page.
This is still a bad thing. This is also they send it to this page and then still it’s bad because the conversion It is a little bit better, but it’s a one to two percent. You need to warm-up at the person first.
Now, this is right. Here is the top affiliate convergence strategy by all means. This is not the most complex one. But this is the most basic one that you can use and I’m going to go ahead and build one for you and give it to you with one click of a button you can go ahead and just import it into your clique.
Final account so you don’t have to do anything at all. You don’t have to build it. You can modify it as much as you want, but it’s already there now. Here’s Beauty about it you get in the traffic.
Then what’s happened is that this strategy right here? We tested it and it works really good for any product below $200 anything above that. You need a different Bridge page right here, but I’m on I don’t want to make things complex.
What’s happening is That there is an opt-in and a bridge page at the same time. I’m going to show you how is that important and how I created it because I have an opt-in and also have a bridge page.
The bridge page is basically warming up the consumer or the prospect to whatever they going to go. They going to go into the thank you page. There’s a reason why I have it here because a tracking Purposes you have to track everything.
So what happens is that I automated this so when somebody comes here, they automatically go to the affiliate page. There is a reason behind that and I’ll tell you all about it later on. Let me go ahead and just go back and tell you a little bit more about it traffic.
So what happens is that you send them in here. I’m going to go ahead and build that page and then I’m going to give you the whole funnel to you, so you can use it. The opt-In page that has also a bridge page in it.
What happens here when someone put in their email address, it goes to the autoresponder. This one happens automatically. They go to the thank you page. The reason for that again is because of tracking and I’m going to show you what is the software that is used for that.
It’s one of the best in the industry because if you’re not tracking you basically driving in the dark, so what happens it comes here. It goes to thank you page and then go to the affiliate page automatically you don’t have to do anything.
This is when they go to here. So you’ll know that someone did actually opted in this is very important information that you need to do. And then later on what you can do is send them email we have found out this is has a 40 plus percent conversion.
Again, this is for products that is $200 or below that will work for that. Okay as I mentioned going to go ahead and just build these together. What I’m talking about is the funnel now. What are we going to do is first build the update and the bridge page together.
Okay, obviously, we go to clickfunnels. What you need to do is click on this then build a funnel now go ahead and click on create a new funnel right here. Now. What are we going to do is collect emails.
Now remember I’m going to go ahead and give you this funnel, but I want you to get the idea of how things work you choose on that then you can put anything you want in here as so you can remember let’s go ahead and just do that and then build the funnel we gonna build the funnel.
And the first thing here they asking us to do is to go ahead and pick an opt-in page and the one that is the best suited is I think this one right here select the template Then I’m going to show you exactly what we gonna do.
Then we’re going to build the thank you page. So let’s go ahead and click on edit page. Okay. The first thing that we like to do is to go ahead and change this color right here. So it’ll match colors here like the green and things like that because that’s very important.
So here are we going to do all right. Now we changed it to match exactly the color Okay. So this one looks a lot better. I am actually doing it for this product as an example. Then I want to give it to you then.
You can change it for anything that you want. Not necessarily this particular product. So the other thing that is very important to do is to go ahead and just get rid of this. Now remember this is also not only in up 10.
This is also a bridge page. So I’m going to put some benefits in this is supposed to be for videos now. You can put you on video, but I am going to change that and then I’m going to put an image.
Okay, I put an image. Basically, I took it from this right here. I did a screenshot. In here, so I’m going to just change it a little bit here to make it a little bit better. then what happened is you want to change this because it says sign up right here.
You can change all this. So let’s go ahead and just do that click on that then you can change it from here. Okay, right. Now what are we going to do is we’re going to continue here. What I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and add a column right here you go.
And you drop it where it says drop. The reason for that is I want to build in some benefits. So you click on that then you click on bullet lists. Now. The bullet lists are very good. What I’m going to do is I’m going to make a mold benefits because you don’t want to put anything else just just a benefit.
Now up here. I’m going to just put in some examples here. So you go back and you click on Save now don’t worry about this is not going to show up on the main page. You’ll see it not what I want to do right here is I want to do something right here.
What I’m going to do is I’m going to just make people aware that if they click on this it’s not going to take them anywhere because I don’t want them to take him anywhere because I want their email address and this is very important to me.
So what I’m going to do Going to go ahead and put in a here. Paste it. So it looks all looks fine. What I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and move it up just a little bit and you can do that.
Yeah, that’s good enough. Make sure to save now. I’m showing you this in case you want to make some changes you can do that as well. Now. What I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and match this color and then put it behind this so it will pop out.
And what I’m going to do is go to background color then I’m going to put the same color. Yeah this one right here and what I’m going to do also, I’m going to change the font the text font to White so that would be good.
So that will tell the people sure the color matches.Ok ya. This is the right color here. so is exactly the right color. So what I’m going to do right now is basically kind of leave it like this. So people in case they trying to click on this they know that they have to put in their email address.
All right. Now, this is pretty good. Yes take me to the video. Now. Everybody knows now enter your email address to see the video and then we’re going to go ahead and save right now. So the benefits here you can put some images.
While if you want to you don’t have to but here what’s what are we trying to do here? It kind of like entice somebody to do two things in Thai some about the product a little bit that there are some benefits.
There are some benefits here and there are some benefits right here. Okay. Now this is like you Bridging the Gap because you don’t want to put just a generic opt-in page. Yeah, sometimes it’s good.
But sometimes when you have something like this that is Is specific and you is well known you want to give it a little bit more buff here. Now most of these things that you get you get them actually from the sales page.
So you’re not like Reinventing the wheel. You don’t have to sit there and go like okay what I need to put you really don’t need to do that. So this is here. This is the opt-in page plus the bridge page.
We’re Bridging the Gap between this opt-in page and what they get. I see next I’m going to show you the thank you page in just a little. Okay right now. We’re going to go ahead and build the thank you page.
Then. They’re going to give us some options to choose from I think this one will do right here. Then we’re going to go to edit so we can edit the page the way we want to what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you how to actually do this automatically.
This is a thank you page. So when people land in here they’re going to go somewhere else. You with that you do in anything. So let’s go ahead and get going here. I’m going to get rid of this right here, and I am going to put in.
Yeah, it’s okay. I’ll just put in here then you click on that that what I’m going to do is I’m going to put a timer now the timer basically is gonna after the time is up is going to take the people or that person somewhere else.
So I’m also I’m only going to set it for three seconds and then it will do something else which I will share what I actually did. So I’m going to go ahead and redirect it but not right now because I want to show you a few things before that and let’s go ahead and get rid of this here.
There is no need for Dad. So I’m going to go ahead and just take this off. Thank you. Go ahead and take this off. Then I’m gonna go ahead and just take this off right here because it doesn’t make any sense and then I’m gonna put hear that.
Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and make it much bigger. So let’s go ahead and click on that. What I like to do is go ahead and change the text color. Go ahead and save it.
And then what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and increase it. Let’s go ahead and do 30. Then what I’m going to do is go ahead and make it all bold. Then what I’m going to do is do this right here.
So basically it’s telling people that you’ll be transferred to the video automatic automatically. Now, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and just to bring this up here to bring it like this.
You got to go to number 4 and then we going to continue when you click this. You’re going to see autoresponder. There’s something I want to tell you about autoresponder that it is very important to you.
You probably think that maybe the autoresponder that you already have might be good. Just want to let you know about something a lot of autoresponders, about 98% of them are not they’re not friendly at all for Affiliates when they know that you are selling affiliate products, and I’ve seen it happen so many times.
Times they close your account. A lot of them again. They’re not friendly to affiliate marketers second thing. They want to charge you twice for each domain name you have that’s why Aweber is is probably one of the best at there.
So let’s go ahead and show you how to connect you click funnel to Aweber. I’m going to have Joseph with clickfunnels to show you how to do that. Hello Josephine with the clickfunnels customer education team today.
We’re going to review how you can. Integrate Aweber with your clickfunnels account. Once you have this integration in place you will of course be able to make it so that when people opt into a funnel or when they order a product you in clickfunnels, they are automatically added to your list in Aweber get started with this setup.
You will naturally need an Aweber account. You’ll want to make sure you’ve already set up a list in Aweber as well. So you have that form ready to go once you’re all set with the Join me here, and we’ll hop up to the top right and we’ll go to the account settings tab.
Now along I left navigation. The first option under the setup is Integrations. Click on that. And then go to your top right where it says add new integration and let’s go ahead and click on that. On this new integration page you’ll see a Weber’s actually right here at the top.
So let’s click on that and we’ll simply named this Aweber because we’re only going to have one in this account. You may want to differentiate it if you have multiple Aweber accounts in either case.
Our next step is to Simply click connect integration. And here you’ll see we need to log into a Weber. You’ll see clickfunnels. Allow it click allow access. And then you should get a success message here in clickfunnels again going forward.
You’ll be able to connect this with Pages or your product until next time. Happy funnel hacking. Thank you, Joseph. Okay. Now we’re gonna go to the next phase which is very important which is tracking and we’re going to go ahead and get started right now in order for us to optimize the whole thing.
What do we need to do is start connecting everything together. And the reason we’re going to connect them is because we want to track everything we’re going to go ahead and start with Bridge page first.
And then thank you and then this one, right Like I mentioned this is going to we already have this page so we don’t have to create it. But we need to automate the process from coming here to here.
So we’ll start with this up 10 plus Bridge page. All right, I want to go ahead and show you how to create a new link so we can track everything number one reason most affiliate or online marketers fail because they don’t track anything or they track it in very poor way.
What are we going to do is first we can attract our landing page you click on this here you put in you put in your name link name, whatever you want to put you can put opt-in then you can put maybe the product name.
If you want to hear you simply put up 10 because you have to have something in here then here. What are we going to do? We’re going to go to our funnel. This is the landing page. What are we going to do? We’re going to click on this.
We’re going to come back to click man. Dick and then all we have to do is paste it now. We’re going to create a tracking link. Now. The tracking link has been created and this is it right here.
You probably heard of Tiny link or teeny link. It’s the same thing but this is much much more sophisticated and I’m going to show you what I mean by that might as well since I’m here what I’m going to do.
I’m going to create a pixel make it a little bit more sophisticated but it is so simple. All you have to do is click on pixel because we want to know when Buddy, opt-in we want to know that somebody did give their email address to us.
This is so crucial because we want to know if these things are working or not. So what do we do with this you create here you click on this and instead of action and click on engagement. Then you put at a pixel.
Here’s the pixel is already added we can copy it and then we can put it in the thank you page and I’m going to show You how to do that because when we put it in the thank you page. What happens is that we get a notice that somebody did opted-in or gave their email address.
Now you click save changes and that’s it now right here. We can track everything the most important aspect of this is very simple. You want to know what your conversion rate is. So if you don’t know what your conversion rate is, it’s very difficult for you to succeed because whatever you’re trying.
Trying as far as a landing page, maybe you try to get people to opt-in if they’re not opt-in in you would know it. If you don’t know what your conversion rate is and this is going to track it for you.
So it doesn’t matter where you go and do the advertisement whether solo ads or any type of advertisement. All you have to do is give this link right here. Not this one only this one this one will track everything.
Think we’ll track this total clicks unique clicks fraudulent Clicks in case you get in fraudulent clicks and action. These are one people are opting in and they give you their email address and here is going to show up what your conversion rate is is 5% 1% 20% 50% Okay second.
We’re going to go ahead and connect the thank you page what I mean by connect is put in the tracking inside of it. So it is Time someone lands here. We know that they already opted in that’s why we’re going to go ahead and do that.
So let’s go ahead and get started on that. Okay, we’re in clickmagick again. We’re going to go ahead and click the opt-in page. Now remember the opt-in page and the thank you page or both together and I’m going to show you how now you click on pixel.
I have already created the pixel, but it is very very easy to do that. You click on this create a pixel then an action you click on Judgment, then what you do is you copy this? You copy it then what you want to do is go back to the thank you page right here.
And then what are we going to do? We’re going to go ahead and put it click on track and code click on footer and it’s right here already put it in here, but I’ll go ahead and put it again doesn’t matter but the idea is it’s there.
So it’ll fire up. That means somebody did obtain because This is automatic when someone does obtain they go straight to the thank you page. So you’ll know that somebody did obtain and their email address should be in your autoresponder.
Now as you can tell we already decided on an affiliate type of product now affiliate of a product. Obviously. This is an example you can choose whatever you want to but what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you how to go from here to here because in order for you to be successful, you have to minimize the steps that your prospect have to take.
So we’re going to take them automatically for two reasons. The number one reason is that you know that they clicked so you they don’t have to like a click something or wait on something. So let’s go ahead and do that right now.
Okay, you get it obtained that from ClickBank. So what we did is we want to the resource space for organifi. In a resource page they do have the help link or whatever length that you want to use. You copy it now.
It depends on the product some products that you have to go and click on promote and get that link and it depends as long as you have a link you copy it you copy that link and what you do is you would go to the thank you page and what you do here? Is you click on here? Okay, and you click on here and then you put in you put in your ClickBank link right here under redirect URL.
What does that mean? What happens is that when the three seconds are up automatically. This is going to take your prospect into the affiliate page automatically without them doing anything as you see thank you.
You will be transferred to the video automatically because they want to see that video. That’s what we did in the first page is to make them want to see the video. So let’s go ahead and continue.
Now. What happened is that under clickmagick? You can tell how many people actually clicked on your link which is right here. It says total clicks here are unique clicks the difference between them is that if somebody clicked why as they’re not going to count it twice.
This has basically flag clicks and this is actions actions means that they already enter their email address and they should their email address should show up on your autoresponder. Now, you probably have a list or you should have a list and keep in contact with them so you can sell them that product because most people don’t buy from the first time now, I’m going to go ahead and show you how beautiful this is.
A habit all automatically. So go ahead. This is the beauty of it. Now I clicked on that. It’s going to take me to the landing page that I have created here for you going to go ahead and click on submit.
It’s going to take us a thank you page and then it’s going to take us into the affiliate page automatically without you doing anything at all. So the why is that so important the reason it’s so important is because, you do once and you forget it and then what happens you will refresh and then you can tell what happened because I just did it right in front of you.
What happened is total click is one unique click is one. This is not a fraudulent click obviously action. This is very important that someone did obtain. If you don’t have that in here, you would know all you know that yeah, you got clicks the other thing that you need to pay attention to.
In which I’m going to cover where to get your traffic from is that when somebody send you traffic you can tell if this is a fraudulent clicks, you can tell right away. So you do not waste your money and this is the beauty here is that you actually did that now you can track the rest of it if you want to you see that how good that is this is basically somebody obtain the inner their email address and then the rest is history.
Then here it will give you the percentage of how many people from the unique clicks not total clicks unique clicks actually did obtain obviously here is a hundred percent because one person opted in okay, the next thing that we need to talk about right here.
We talked about one two, three and four then we talked about these things. These are very important. You cannot get any of these done. If you don’t have these tools, these are the tools of success.
Let’s go ahead and talk about the last tool which is traffic. I left traffic to the end. I did that for a reason just because it doesn’t make any sense to go ahead and talk about it before, you know, your Niche or Market or you know, what the cell obviously without any traffic that is no business traffic means people clicking opting in On your landing page to buy a product now.
I want to go ahead and talk about you to me. Everything is in the description as far as all the links that you need to get your business up and running and I’m gonna go ahead and give you a coupon for using you to me.
I’m going to tell you why udemi everybody you as you are to me whether they say they do or they don’t there is always people who are using it. You’re gonna see something just like that you can Some testimonials and things like that.
Now what do you get is U by clicks? That’s what they call it solo ads. That’s what it’s called solo ad is basically you are buying clicks from people just like that. You would buy the clicks and what they do is they send you a qualified Prospect to your landing page at iPod under the keyword.
I put in health as you can see right here, and I got this now. I’m going to explain to you how to pick the right person for you. So you can get the most out of it. Now this person right here is looks like he’s doing very well.
He’s charging 69 cents per click now, obviously, if you are using clickmagick, the one that I showed you can you can see if that person is sending you the right clicks because what’s going to happen you’re going to give him that link that I told.
About because they’re going to ask you; give me a link where it should I send the traffic? So this is what he charges per click or visitor. This second number here is very important. This is a percentage of rating buyers a report sales 50% of the last 100 reported sales 50% This is very high.
By the way, as you can see here the other thing you need to to look at is that That right here all thumbs up. He got 516 so there were no complaints against him and that’s why you to be is good because it’s transparent.
These people don’t want to do bad anything bad because if they do they’re going to give them a thumbs down, which is three here. There’s one here and other thing you need to pay attention to is they have sometimes they do have deals solo deals.
Some of them have deals. I guess some of them don’t have deals and here they tell you Of 24 percent off so you can tell take a look at it before you place any order see if there’s something in here that you like before you place any order now, we covered everything so far.
So I am very much confident. I want you to go ahead and get started. So, you know we talked about number one is that you get a find your Niche you gotta find your voice something that you like the second we talked about marketplace where to go and we talked about ClickBank the Reason for that is it’s easy.
You don’t have to get qualified third thing. I showed you how to pick the best product the best selling product with one click of a button and how to pick it and then what to look for then we talked about the tools that you must have now, we talked about funnel software click funnels also have the links in the description area.
So watch out for it the autoresponder again, they’re not all the same. then track and you have to track otherwise, you don’t know if you are making money or not. All right. I’ll see you at the top.
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