Even if you're a complete beginner who's Just starting out this is a method which You can use to turn zero dollars into Consistently thousands of dollars in Passive income from literally anywhere In the world without having to build Your own website without having any Social media followers and of course Without investing a single dollar Because as I said you can earn a zero Dollars into consistent thousands of Dollars in passive income so if that Sounds good enough then make sure to Drop a like down below and let us begin With a full step-by-step break now just A quick disclaimer here if someone Replies to your comment like this Claiming they're me just know it's a Scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I would never tax you for Money you can track their accounts they Don't have a verification badge they Don't have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick people are just creating fake Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can check their Posts the engagement is fake their new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all so first things First what you want to do is you want to Open up this tool called Web to PDF
Already web to PDF dot com this is a Tool that will allow you to turn any web Page any website into a PDF document so What you want to do is you want to go Over to digistore24.com or any other Similar affiliate network of your choice Where you can find thousands of Different affiliate offers to promote in Literally any Niche and you want to Register an absolutely free account as An affiliate and then you want to log in Now once you log in you want to go to All offers on the affiliate Marketplace And there you can browse thousands of Offers of in different niches including A business and investment dating and Love you also have fashion Fitness games Food drinks and much more so you can Just select which Niche you prefer let's Say for example I want to promote Something in the business an investment Niche here is a product it pays me 319 dollars per sale that they generate So remember you don't actually need to Build a product service or a website you Literally just have to drive traffic to Some website so what you want to do is You want to copy the URL of one of these Offers you want to copy your affiliate Link and if you open up any of these Affiliate links you will see that sales Page provides you with your own Affiliate code so the link is going to Look like this and it's going to have
Your affiliate code over here in my case It's all in Hustle without that code you Don't earn a commission the reason you Are credited a commission is because There is a code at the end of the link So they know like okay he or she drove The traffic she or he got the sale so We're gonna credit them with a Commission of three hundred dollars and The same goes if someone actually clicks On the button and goes to the checkout Link so let me try to find the way to Actually buy this product so here it is Click here to get full access if I click On this it affects me into the actual Checkout link where we also have the Code over here because without that code Once again you don't actually earn an Affiliate commission so what you want to Do is you want to copy that checkout Link with a your code included and then You simply want to go back to the Restore and then again copy your Affiliate link for that offer and then Go to web to PDF and turn that sales Page into National PDF documents are Just convert that into a PDF file and Let me show you how that's going to look Like for me so a little just copy the Link of some product I pasted it here And now it's going to load it into a PDF Document that I can use to make money Online so I'm going to download this PDF Document to my computer with one press
Of a button and then we can go over to Sata.com which is a tool that will allow You if you edit those PDFs for free so Just click on edit a PDF document it's Free and upload that file now once you Upload it you can essentially edit that PDF document so here's a full sales page As you can see it was a turned into a PDF document what I can do right now is I can add a link for people to buy from This PDF document so I can highlight These parts and I can insert my Affiliate link so perhaps I can just Click on links over here and I can Highlight for example this part over Here and I can enter the external URL Which is going to be the URL of the Checkout page with my code included so Again you will need to copy your Referral link with your code in it so This is the checkout page this basically Means when someone clicks to buy the Product it takes into the Checker page Where they can write right away just Enter their details and they can buy the Product and get in so you just want to Paste that checkout link over there and You can essentially enter that same call To action and that same link on multiple Places around this product so for Example if it says somewhere around at The bottom they actually do have a call To action for people to go to the Checkout page and purchase it there's a
Lot of facts so for example here I can Just highlight this part and I can Insert my affiliate link over there and This is how it's going to look like so If someone clicks on this click here to Sign up right now it's going to take Them to the checkout page where they can Sign up for the product and I'm going to Earn an affiliate commission so now once You've added your affiliate links Throughout the entire PDF document what You want to do is you want to save this You want to click on apply changes and Now you want to save the edited version Of the PDF document which includes your Affiliate links in there so if you're Going to click on download in this PDF Document will be downloaded to your Device so now the next step is to start Driving traffic to this PDF document and To do that you can simply go over to These two platform the very first one is PDF drive over the pdfdrive.com where People come to share different PDF Documents and different topics and you Can see that some of them literally get Millions of downloads so for example This one has gotten 1.2 million dollars You can just imagine what a one million People who read that article how many of Them will actually click on the link and Potentially purchase the product because It's something that they're already Interested in so you can list your PDF
Documents on here for completely free And the more of them that you list the Higher chances of getting more traffic And more sales you will have so you can Perhaps list 20 of those per day because It literally takes you less than two Minutes to turn those web pages into PDF Documents and just add your affiliate Link and another very similar platform To PDF Drive is called slideshare.net Which is a website that is being visited By millions of people every single month And as you can see people have shared Their PDF documents do get hundreds of Thousands in some cases millions of Views so you can just click on upload And then you can click on select Documents to upload and just upload that Edited version of a PDF which includes Your affiliate Link in there give it a Title so in this case I'm going to type In something along the lines of how to Get rich with Bitcoin without Tech Skills or something like that and I can Also select the category in this case The category is going to be economy and Finance I can write a brief description Over here and I can also add some tags As well that to attract people that will Be interested in actually reading this PDF documents and potentially by the Product and then you can set the Privacy To public so it goes public on the Platform and then you can just click on
Publish and it's going to go live where It can potentially be seen by thousands Of people interested in that specific Topic and you can pretty much do the Same strategy the same method that I Just showed for literally any product or Service that you want to promote as an Affiliate and that way you can earn zero Dollars and zero previous experience Into potential leads and even sales to Make money online as a complete beginner So I really hope you got some value out Of this video I really hope you've Learned something new from this tutorial And if you did make sure to drop a like Down below and I will see you in some of The next ones