[$900/DAY!] How To Make +$4,000/WEEK Online As A Beginner (The EASY WAY) Make Money Online 2022


Is a brand new way to make money online And I don’t know if you can name any Easier way if you make money online Because you don’t have to invest a Single dollar it doesn’t require any Previous experience because everything Is pretty much done for you it’s a Pretty fun process of making money Online you don’t need your own website And you don’t need any social media Followers or whatsoever and I’m going to Show you exactly how that works in this Step-by-step tutorial beginning with the Step number one which is to go over to Dspring over the teaspring.com just a Quick disclaimer here if someone replies To your comment like this claiming They’re me just know it’s a scam I don’t Have WhatsApp I don’t have Telegram and I would never tax you for money you can Check their accounts they don’t have a Verification badge they don’t have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I’m Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them all this is a printer demand Website that we already talked about on This platform but there’s gonna be a

Specific method that you will be using With this platform in order to make Money so this is a website where you can Basically upload your digital designs to All the different products that are Available on this platform and you’re Gonna get a commission whenever someone Buys a product with your design on it so It can be on t-shirts it can be on mugs It can be on phone cases on pillows on Magnets or whatever that might be you Can just upload your digital designs Each time it sells you earn a commission Without actually owning any of those Products without actually touching any Of those products ever and without Having an inventory and without actually Having to invest a single dollar so all You gotta do is you want to create an Account on teespring.com and then you Want to click on start creating after You’ve signed up now after you’ve signed Up this is what you’re gonna be able to See you can track your analytics on the Left hand side so you can track your Sales you can track your clicks you can Track your earnings but most importantly In order to start making money you want To create a product by clicking by Clicking on create a product button Right over here and that’s going to take You to the Builder section you can for Example sell t-shirts you can sell Hoodies you can sell mugs you can sell

Stickers you can sell all of these hats You can sell Apple watch bands you can Customize everything so I’m gonna go With a t-shirt because that’s the Easiest one to explain I’m just gonna Open up a blank t-shirt like this where As you can see we can add an image so You can add your own logo you can add Your own design and you can sell it like That if you sell this t-shirt for thirty Dollars your profit is gonna be eleven Dollars per t-shirt so what you simply Want to do is you want to create a Design either with Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator or just by opening a tool Like anima canaway is an absolutely free Graphic design tool so you can find a Lot of different templates here you can Just click on the custom size and you Can start with a 10 by 1080 by 1080 Custom size you can go to the elements Section you can start working on your T-shirt so if I for example want to make A t-shirt that’s for coffee lovers I can Search for coffee and I’m gonna use for Example this one and then I can add some Effects above this so maybe I can write Some something and I can find some nice Text so maybe something like this and I Can customize the text so if I want to Type it for some reason if I want to Type in Dave Nick I can do that and I Have the effects section on the left Side if you want to curve this like this

If I want to change the colors I can Also do that so maybe I want to use this Color this is how that’s going to look Like if I only want to use some colors From the cup then I can just select that Color like this and then it’s going to Look a little bit more customized so This is going to be let’s say my t-shirt Design now I can download This by Pressing on the download button I’m Going to download it with a transparent Background because I have a premium Account on canva and then I can just Download this and I can upload it to my T-shirt so I will just go back to Teespring and I will click on ADD image And now as you can see I have my own Design on the T-shirt I can customize The size I can move it around and I can Just click on continue and I can just Add this same design onto all the Different products so just one click of A button if I also want to set it so Cool it is with that I just click on the Plus button if I want to sell mugs with That design I can preview that over here If I want to sell hats if I want to sell Backpacks it’s all available as you can See all of these different products you Can sell all of them and make profits so Now I can just click on continue and I Can give it a title so for example I’m Just going to type in Dave’s coffee and Then I can write a brief description

About this design this is my design and Then I’m going to click on launch Listing and I will have my own store on Facebook that I can share with other People and whenever someone buys merch From this store I’m gonna earn a Commission so I can click on view Listing over here and it’s going to look Something like this I can copy the link For this listing as you can see it looks Like this they can buy it in different Sizes and it’s gonna cost them thirty Dollars for a T-shirt and I’m gonna make Money because this is my design so what I want to do right now is you want to Copy the link of that listing and then You want to proceed to The Next Step Which is to go over to sniply over this Snip.ly which is a tool that will allow If you add a call to action to this Listing so what I want to do is you want To create an account in sneakily and as You create an account in sneeply you Will be able to add a certain call to Action that’s going to make you money Even if someone doesn’t Buy the T-shirt So you’re just gonna paste that link Here click on create a snip and now That’s going to look like this you want To click on new call to action and we’re Going to create a new call to action new Button CTA and you’re going to add a Message so whatever your typing is going To change here so if that call to action

Is going to be for an offer from CPA Grip over the cpagrip.com this is a Platform where you can find a lot of Different CPA offers and CPA stands for Cost per action or cost per acquisition Which means that in most of the cases People can just submit their email Address and you are going to be paid for That so what a simple gonna do is you Want to create an account with CPA grip By pressing on the register button log Into your account and as you log into Your account on the left side you want To go through the offer tools and by the Way you can also see all of these Different people that are already making Money with CPA grip there’s people Making twenty three thousand dollars or On here eight thousand dollars over here So there there are a lot of people that Are making money now what you want to do Is you want to go through all four tools Go through my offers and then you want To find some giveaway for apple offers To promote so I’m gonna select the Category only for email slash zip submit So that means that when someone submits Their email address I’m gonna be paid as You can see in this case I’m gonna be Paid two dollars in this case two Dollars and six cents and in most cases These are like giveaways where people Have a chance to win something by Submitting their email address and I’m

Gonna be paid like two dollars per email That I collect for example this is a 750 People gift card giveaway where people Have a chance to win this for free and I’m gonna be paid two dollars and five Cents per person that I refer so now we Can copy the link for this giveaway or Even change the domain if this one Doesn’t work and then go back and paste That inside of the button URL and then Take the call to action grab a 750 PayPal gift card now and I’m gonna paste That here and I’m Gonna Leave the button URL the button text say click here and Then I’m going to click on next and Finish CTA now I’m going to show you Exactly how that’s going to look like I’m going to copy my snipper link I’m Going to preview my link which is going To look something like this so someone Comes here they want to buy this t-shirt They’re watching this but they can also See my call to action for this giveaway For which if they sign up I’m gonna be Paid two dollars per email that I Collect plus I’m gonna make eleven Dollars if they actually purchase a T-shirt so now you want to share this Simple link with other people and to do That one of the easiest ways to do that Is to just download this image or just Take a screenshot of your T-shirt and Then go to canva again and then you want To create a custom size which is going


To be 1080 by 1920 and then click on Create new design and then on the left Side you can find a lot of different Templates you can even search for a T-shirt designs or t-shirt promos or any Type of promo designs so I’m going to Type in promo let’s see what we can find So perhaps I can use this one as an Example I can change this image with the Screenshot of my t-shirt so I’m going to Click on upload files and then I’m just Going to upload my t-shirt over here now Obviously with the white background White T-shirt doesn’t look that well so Maybe I will change the color of the T-shirt to black or red or any other Color and then you can paste it here and Then you can customize the text and most Importantly you want to add a call to Action below the t-shirt which is going To be plus a in this case 750 dollars Giveaway And then I’m gonna customize the text so I’m going to change the font I’m going To change the colors to be white and I’m Going to leave that somewhere around Here I’m going to remove this one plus a 750 giveaway and this is gonna say Coffee lovers only and I’m gonna add Another call to action over there plus 750 giveaway and this is how my promo is Gonna look like I’m gonna click on share I’m gonna download this promo for my Computer and now most importantly what

You simply want to do is you want to go Over to pinterest.com which is a Platform that’s being visited by 600 Million people every single month where People promote their designs and their Merge their t-shirts their mice their Pillows and actually get sales from the Traffic and then you want to create an Account you want to click on create Create a pin and then you want to upload That canva design here it’s gonna look Like this now you can add a title and I’m gonna type in perfect gift for a Coffee lover and I’m also gonna say win 750 fifty dollars and then I’m Gonna Write a brief description about this and In the destination box I’m simply going If you paste my snippler link so I’m Gonna paste that here so that when Someone sees this design they see the T-shirt they maybe love coffee Especially a lot of people on Pinterest Love coffee they love cats they love These types of designs so they’re gonna Check this out they’re gonna see this is A perfect gift maybe they have someone Who loves coffee and they’re gonna Appreciate this t-shirt obviously not With a Dave Nick sign but like you you Gotta type in something that’s actually Relatable and you obviously put a little Bit more effort in the design and They’re also going to see a 750 giveaway And when they click this they can check

Out the T-shirt plus the giveaway which Is also gonna make you money even if They don’t actually buy the T-shirt so Now I’m going to create a custom board Which is going to be for a coffee lovers In this case click create and now I can Publish this onto that board which can Potentially be seen by tens of thousands Of people around the world so just put a Little bit more effort into creating Some valuable designs which you can sell For a very long time you can actually Create trade merge and sell without Actually owning any of the products Without having an inventory and without Actually having your own website and by Adding a simple twist with CPA grip you Can make money even if someone doesn’t Want to spend money on a t-shirt even if They just want to check out the t-shirts They see it and they’re like you know This is actually none for me or I don’t Want to spend 30 bucks on a t-shirt but They’re still going to see your call to Action at the bottom because it’s a free Giveaway that they can enter and if the Answer you’re still gonna make money off Of that so by doing that you’re Maximizing your results so I really hope You got some value out of this video I Really hope you’ve learned something new And if you did make sure to drop a like And I will see you next time

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