Hello in this video we're going to talk About using AI artificial intelligence For YouTube automation hey welcome to my Channel if you're new here please Subscribe as you can see I'm almost to 2 000 subscriber so I'd love it if you hit That subscribe button Um also like the video if you find it Helpful as you go along so let's jump in And what we're going to cover in this Video well we're talking about using Artificial intelligence software to help You do YouTube Automation and by YouTube Automation what I mean is you're not Showing your face so like on this video I'm showing my face so you don't have to Do that you don't have to use your own Voice you don't have to do anything Essentially you can let the software Create the video script a video Etc and Then you upload it to YouTube and you Get free traffic from YouTube now we're Not trying to make money from AdSense Although you you can the primary focus Of this method is to make commissions Through affiliate marketing and you'll Actually make a lot more money from Affiliate marketing with this method Than you will from AdSense so what we're Going to cover first these are the steps First you need to choose a niche for This video we're going to be using the Keto Niche okay the keto diet niche next You need to find the product that you
Want to promote that you kind of want to Make your video about now the video Isn't necessarily about the product but The product is going to be related to Our Niche okay so we're going to go to ClickBank and we're going to find a Product that's in the keto diet Niche And then we're going to get a script Written for our video we're going to use A couple different AI softwares to do That and then we're going to use another AI software to turn that script into an Actual video and then once that video is Done we're going to upload it to YouTube And you're going to get free traffic Okay so make sure you watch all the way To the end because I'm going to show you Step by step exactly the software we're Using how and how to do this so let's go Ahead and jump in we're going to do keto Diet Niche so let's I'm inside my ClickBank account I'm inside the Marketplace and this is where you can Search for products to promote and so if You type in keto let's see what comes up Now I know the product I don't want to Promote okay so you know you can look at Gravity score that's kind of an Indicator of how well it's selling so These are you know pretty low Keto breads is definitely a great one so Um It's been around a long time it's been a Good seller it's got a good gravity
Score of 28 so that actually might be an Interesting Um topic okay so maybe we'll do that Um I was going to jump into keto Resources has also been good a good Product I've been around a long time Good gravity score the main one I was Looking for I can't believe it's not on The first page but let's go uh we'll Find it if we search for Custom keto it's called the custom keto Diet there it is you know nice gravity Score almost 100 it's been much higher Than that in the past again it's been Around it converts well and so you could Promote this okay and then you can see There's other you know keto options that Come up as well the keto bread actually Is kind of interesting because Um I was before I started the video I Was set on using custom keto diet but we Might do this you know keto bread so you Just click on promote and then create Your hop link and save that hop link on A notepad somewhere because that at your Affiliate link and that's what you're Going to put in the description box Below the YouTube video and you're gonna You know refer people to click on that Link which will take them to the sales Page for this keto bread product okay And this is kind of maybe a good product Because you know the gravity is not Terribly high but it is actually
Converting well and like so this has Been a product that's been around quite A while and so it'd be interesting to Make a article about keto Breads and Desserts so and that's a big thing People struggle with with keto diet is Having to give up dessert having to give Up bread Etc so let's go ahead and do That so we got our product keto Breads And desserts Now we need to get a video script and so You can use lots of different AI Software out there that can do this for You I'm going to show you two that I use Primarily the first is chat cheap eat Tea you've probably heard of this You know it is free right now but it'll Probably end up you know going to a paid Version as they continue to refine it so I would definitely try to jump in uh if You go to oh it's you know made by open AI so if you go to open ai.com there's a Way to sign up for a free account and This is pretty cool because as you can See I've used it for all kinds of stuff Right I've used it for articles I've Used it to give me code for a URL Rotator plug-in that I'm working on Um and for lots of different type of Stuff so anyway let what you do is you Just come down here and you want to try To be as specific as you can in the Prompt because you'll get better output And so I'm going to put write a YouTube
Video script Um about Keto Breads and desserts In and in engaging Tone okay and then you said enter and It's going to start okay so while it's Working on it you can see it you know it Does it pretty quick let me jump over And show you the other AI software I use Uh quite a bit is called article Forge And you can use it to make video scripts You can use it to make blog content it's Really really good here I am inside my Account we're going to do a new article We are going to call this just keto Breads and keto desserts Um you just tell it you know you can Choose your language you can decide how Long you want the article maybe 500 Words it's probably good for a YouTube Video script you can add in Um you know sub keywords here if you Want you can exclude certain things if You want I'm not going to add an image Or video although I do want to use this For my blog post Um so let's go ahead and just hit create New article and so it is going to start Working so we'll come back to it in a Minute but let's go ahead and jump over So here we go here's what we have from Chat GPT And so okay so this is interesting so What it did is it hey welcome back to my
Channel today we're going to talk about Something that's near and dear to many Of our hearts Breads and desserts but Don't worry even if you're on a Ketogenic diet you can still enjoy these Tasty treats that's right I'm going to Be sharing with you some delicious keto Bread and dessert recipes that will Satisfy your Cravings without breaking Your diet so grab a notebook and pen and Let's get started and then it talks About a keto bread recipe so that's Interesting and then a keto dessert Recipe Okay so you know obviously you probably Want to you know try to verify this some Way I didn't think it was going to Actually give us recipes Um Uh but you know that could work now you Can always you know uh ask chat GPT to You know write it in a different way uh To say you know write again and you know It'll do it again you can say write Again but do not include recipes You could do that Um so that there's different ways that You could have it redo this or you could Use it as is let's go back so article Forge is still kind of working on its Article Um Because this you know the nice thing so Article Forge let me just jump in real
Quick I'll leave you know links below For everything I'm talking about Um it does have Um it was a paid option Um so you know they do have Um A couple you know they do have a five Day free trial so definitely take Advantage of the trial give it a go and Then depending on how many words that You want so this is a hundred thousand Words Uh a month and one user 27 a month if You pay for yearly and then um you know It changes obviously as you go up now This is a hundred thousand words per Month uh and you know it's 12 57 if you Pay monthly so and I think oh yeah and So you can go right so you can go down To 25 000 words per month it's only 13 a Month if you you know pay for the whole Year in advance or twenty seven dollars Per month if you want to pay monthly but 25 000 words that's a lot okay so you Know that I can if you're doing a Thousand word blog posts that's 25 blog Posts in a month or if you're doing 500 Word video scripts you know that's going To make you Uh what is that 50 videos in a month you Know so very very reasonable priced okay So it's still working it's almost done What we're going to do once we have our Script I'm going to wait for that to
Finish we're going to come over to our AI software uh right so once we have the Script now we're gonna use an AI Software to make the video and that Software is called Pick 3 again I'll Leave a link in the description box down Below they also have a free trial so you Can give it a go see how you like it and Then you can see their pricing on their Page usually it's I think it's pretty Reasonable and uh once we get our script We'll go and run it through Pick 3 okay So here we go so article Forge is done Let's see what it came up with keto Breads and desserts um keto rescue Desserts are very popular among people Who want to lose weight or improve their Health their recipes are easy to make And they also taste great these Ingredients that are healthy and low in Carbohydrates you can find several Recipes on internet however the best Option is to buy a cookbook ah so this Is perfect right because that's what the Product is that we're promoting is a Keto Breads and dessert cookbook Essentially using a cookbook we'll give You Friday okay so you can see this is Actually Um pretty good now it is actually talked About the recipe Burger so again you may Need to alter some of this or you can go To the product and see if they if that Is true
Um Okay So yeah so this is you know fairly good Actually look and it is if you're Serious about your health and fitness You should get a copy the keto Breads And keto desserts ebook this is exactly The product we're promoting from ClickBank okay so this is actually Really good so again and this is why It's kind of nice to have some options So He could go this route Uh what chat GPT put out which is you Know a couple different Recipes or I'm probably going to go with This one because it actually talks about The keto Breads and keto desserts Product that we're trying to encourage People to promote so let's go ahead and Let's copy this And now we're going to go again over to Pick 3 so I'm logged in here to my Picture account now picture can do lots Of different things but we're going to Do script to video that's what we're Focused on so click that and then we are Going to paste in this is the script That we got from article Forge okay I'm Going to pause the video because I'm Just going to take a a minute or two To kind of get this cleaned up a little Bit and I'll be right back Okay so I just took a minute and kind of
Broke this up Um this font I don't know why it's large But it would that should should Translate over fine but I like to break It up because it's basically going to Make a scene in the video from each of These lines okay so it's kind of helpful To to break it up like this and then in The scene settings up here let me get Out of the way Um I create scenes on I say line breaks Okay so every new line will have a seam So then all we do is Click proceed up Here and what it's going to do is go Into all the different templates that Are available and If you hover over the Template you can see how the words enter Don't worry about the background color And the text color Etc because you can Change all that in the editor once we're In there so really what you want to do Is kind of see if you like where the Text is on on the video where it's Located like near the bottom versus like Over here stays on the left here stays On the left you want to see how you know This is up near the top and also how it Pops in some you know like this slides Up this slides in from the left this you Know stays on the bottom some will have These bars along the bottom And some don't have a background like This okay so just pick what you like I'm Just going to go I think with this one
Here and we're doing YouTube video you Can also do vertical videos and square Videos for Instagram Facebook Etc but We're doing YouTube so just click Continue and now what picture is going To do this is the you know one of the AI Parts of picture is it's going through Our script each line and is trying to Find relevant uh video clips to go with That line and so it's going up to story Block so that's included with your use Of Pick 3 so you get free access to Story blocks and I think to integrate With one or two other Sites as well to pick stories and so When it finishes and it pulls up the Video so you can see how that was pretty Quick so now we're in the video editor Let me just get myself over here And let me just kind of talk in general About the editor and then we'll go into Specifics here in a second okay so right Now you can see estimated video duration 4 minutes and eight seconds so that's You know a nice little video so the main Menu is on the left side right now we're In you know the story section and then You have visuals elements audio text Styles branding and format so we'll kind Of go through these and that's kind of When you're making your video you just Kind of want to go through And here these are the scenes right and When you're in the story section so
Here's scene one scene two Scene Three And so you can edit these you know you Can click in here and edit it you can Split it you can drag them if you want Them in different order you can also see The scenes below the main video you can See the scenes down here scene one scene Two scene three scene four so if you Want to jump to Scene Three you can Click on it over here you can click on It down below yeah you want to go to Scene five click on it down below or you Can go through one by one by clicking on The Arrow so you know right now we're in Scene five so if I want to go back to Scene four so there's different ways to Navigate okay Um now the visual so let's go back to Scene one And again this is where the uh well Before we get to the visuals if you want To do anything with the text if you just Click on it you'll see this text editor Opened up on top and so you can change The font so let's say we want to do Roboto fonts you click on that and That'll change the font you can change The size maybe you want it a little Smaller 32 maybe want it bold you want you know Centered not centered under you know you Can this is where you can change the Text color right now it's white you can Change the background color from this
Blue to any color you want and then also The highlight color so you can change All of that so even though the you know Template comes with this you can change Any of it you do want to make sure you Apply to all so that way any changes you Make for this scene will carry over for Every single scene so you can edit each Scene to have its own unique style or You can make it the same throughout the Entire video so now what you want to do Like say in the visuals is just make Sure you want to go through scene by Scene and just make sure it looks the Way you want it to look and ninety Percent of the time it's going to find The right thing right so keto preserves Very popular so you know here's some Bread some desserts so it looks good Let's go to the next scene Recipes are easy to make and they taste Great so here's just some good looking Food they use ingredients that are Healthy and low in carbohydrates so Again just you know nutritional label That's good you can find you can find Several recipes on the internet so just People searching online you can change That if you want are the best options to Buy a cookbook a guy with a cookbook and Then I added this see Link in Description below okay because that's Going to be our affiliate link and so You just go through scene by scene okay
And if you want to change any of the Scenes then over here you could just say Using a cookbook for your keto diet will Give you a wide variety of delicious and Healthful baked goods so instead maybe We want to search for uh baked goods I Don't know you know and it'll search Yeah so here you go you know and then When you find what you want hover over It you can see what the video does when You find the one you want Um you know there's a good variety of Baked goods uh you know there's a bunch Of different breads we're talking about Breads so let's just pick one of these Breads I'm going to go back up to this One when you click on it it'll replace What's in there with the one you select It okay so now we have that and so That's how you change you can you know They do have texture backgrounds you can Use if you just want text on there you Can upload your own videos and images To use Um Etc okay but most people will go through The library here now I don't do a lot With elements this is kind of a new Feature like it says they have different Stickers you know that you can add to Your video GIFs that you can add to your Video Emojis okay Um so these are all options
That you can add now sometimes when I do Shorts I actually will add emojis on Here when I make YouTube shorts videos Um audio so here you can um uh have Background music voice over and again You can upload your own background music Or voiceover as well so background music They have 15 000 different tracks to Choose from you can you know select by Mood purpose genre Etc you can preview It by clicking on it Um you know and so you can kind of hear What it sounds like before you choose it But let's just say we're going to go and Use this one so you hit apply and that Will apply that background music to the Entire video now voiceover they do have Built-in AI voices so again this is Another AI part and you can again Preview and listen to it you can sort by Gender you can sort by regions Um let's just go ahead I'm going to Apply Joanna and so that will Automatically apply uh to the entire Video And it'll sync up the AI voice over with The text okay And then you can again upload you can Upload your own voiceover so if you want To do the voice over yourself if you Want to hire somebody to do the Voiceover you can upload your voiceovers You can upload your background music as Well when you go to audio settings
If you have a voiceover it'll Automatically lower the background music To 10 percent if you don't have a voice Over it'll leave it up at 100 percent You can change the text if you want to You can change the style which again you Can do through the text editor we showed Now branding so you have maybe you want To upload a logo you can have your logo Play throughout the entire video so you Can do that Um make sure people aren't taking your Content right You can again change the format if you Want and I definitely always like to Make sure you know it's set to 1080p Resolution now the the great thing about This you know you can make this one Video for YouTube save it and then you Can go back in open the project and then Make it a vertical video for a YouTube Short or Instagram Etc so you can do the work one time Getting the video ready but then just You know export it in different sizes go Back in change the layout and Export it That way as well now that is more or Less it they do have a preview option so If you click on that you can you know Watch the whole video through make sure It's the way you want go back and make Any edits if you need to and once it's Ready and you're happy with it just Click generate video and it will create
An mp4 file that you then download and You're going to upload that video to Your YouTube channel and then you want To optimize that video with you know Your keywords your tags make sure you Put your affiliate Link in the Description box okay because we are Telling people to go there's a few Different places in the video where I Added you know make sure you click the Link in the description box down below And I added it also to the final scene Let me find that let me just jump to it You know see the link in the description Box below Um you know again for a visual I would Instead say Maybe a an arrow arrow down because I do Have some vid uh yeah like this you know This is actually a good one here I think You put in there And this is kind of an animated arrow That goes up and down and you're Encouraging people to you know see the Link in the description box down below So that is it now I'm Gonna Leave links In the hopefully you made it this far Sorry this is longer but I want to walk You through step by step exactly how you Do this and you can see this is a 20 Minute video and and this you know is Pretty much done there may you know I Just got to go through and make sure you Know all this the visuals are good but
They'd only take another minute or two And so basically this video is done and To be uploaded and again if I wasn't Talking the whole time and explaining Things you could really create this Video in 10 minutes and then upload it So you can kind of crank these out and Upload them to YouTube and start getting Some free traffic from YouTube and start Making some affiliate commissions okay So that's how easy this is I will leave Links in the description box down below For everything we talked about article Forge Pick 3 I'll leave a link for a Really really good YouTube uh training That teaches you how to uh build your Channel quickly and how to rank as well On YouTube so again please leave a Thumbs up if you found the vehicle help Video helpful and subscribe if you have Not subscribed yet thanks so much for Watching