Article Forge Review Demo – FULL Overview of Long Form Content (1500+ Words) Article Forge Review

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Hi in this article forage review we’re Going to talk about how to create Quality long-form content using article 4. so in case you’re not familiar with Article Forge it is a AI text content Writer and Um it doesn’t use a lot of the other AI engines that other AI content writers Use and so as a result it produces Really really high quality content that You can get done in one click so that’s Really I think what sets article Forge Apart is it can create a long form 1500 words or more content Um very very quickly and simply and so We’re going to go through and run Through an example of that today so I um I have a dog website a dog Niche website And so we’re going to go ahead and Create an article for that now what I Tip I have a pay plan with ubersuggest So here we are my Uber suggest Um dashboard and you can also use the Free ubersuggest to do this as well but Let’s say I want to write we’re going to Do a little keyword research right Popular small dog Breathe all right let’s see what we come Up with here I just blew myself out of the way And Okay and so when we get these results What you’re going to have is you know What the keyword is

Um and then the monthly search volume Now the cost per click if you were doing Paid ads paid difficulty and then SEO Difficulty so if you’re trying to rank In the search engines that’s what you Want to pay attention to is search Engine difficulty so we can Resort these Um let’s go I don’t think we’re on page One so let me see where we’re at here Yeah we’re on page two let’s go to page One okay and so Um SEO difficulty So just the key word I put in popular Small dog breeds it’s got a search Volume about 1900 searches per month but Um you know red difficulty at a rank of 71 and so what I like to do is I like to Uh sort the search difficulty by lowest Okay and so here’s where we see you know 4 is very low should be easy to rank for But as you can see this is probably not A super popular keyword small dog breed Seven letters and as a result it has a Search volume of zero so what we want to Try and do is find low SEO competition Ideally in the green maybe yellow but Also with at least some decent search Volume so let’s just go down we can see We’re all in green still but the search Volume is extremely low on this page so Probably really not much now we’re Starting to get some traffic now Remember also when it says 10 searches a Month that’s an estimate it might be

Five it might be thirty you know um so Sometimes going after these low volume Keywords actually can be good because You can start to get some pages ranking In Google and then that can actually Help your overall site okay but you know You got to see if it’s a reasonable Keyword 30 most popular small dog breeds Popular small dog breeds in India Australia You know some of these are pretty Specific you know obviously it’s not 20 20 anymore so that probably is not a Good keyword so let’s just keep looking Let’s go to page two here So we can see picking up volume a little Bit Um here we go top small dog breeds 300 That’s kind of interesting top small dog Breeze 320 searches in a month and Should be very easy to rank for Um you know got a green of 15. so let’s See what else we got here small dog Breeds a sale so a lot of search volume Actually it should be easy to rank for But we’re not my site doesn’t really Talk about selling dog breeds Um look at this this is interesting Popular small dog breed I think our main Keyboard was popular Small dog breeds with the S okay now That actually was pretty competitive Um You know at a rank I think of 71 but if

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You take the S off it’s interesting uh Where to go popular small dog breed 1900 Searches a month with a difficulty of 29 So it’s still in in the green And so this may be a good keyword to go After Okay so let’s uh let me pull up my Notepad let’s go ahead and we’re gonna Copy that popular small dog breed We’ll put that in here it’s got a search Volume of 1900 and difficulty of 29. Okay so that is pretty good now what we Want to do so that’s just kind of a Quick example of doing some keyword Research And again I use ubersuggest for this you Can also though you can go to Google and You can just you know put in popular Small dog breed and here you can get Some longer tail keywords right so Popular small dog breeds that don’t shed You could go into ubersuggest and see What the volume is for that Hypoallergenic so similar Most popular small breed dogs so again These are all other good Search terms That you can come up with okay and so This is another way to do keyword Research but it probably would be good To put that in those in Uber suggest and See what kind of volume they have but Let’s go here so what we want to do is Um When you go into article Forge now Argo Force does have I should have mentioned

A free trial so you know if you want to Do a five-day free trial you certainly Can their pricing is actually very good But you can you know use the free trial Um you know it can it starts at Basically 13 a month you get 25 000 Words a month so you could really get One article a day from this plan so That’s pretty cheap and then if you use 27 this is what I have 250 000 words a Month this is a good plan if you have Multiple sites that you’re working on And so you maybe want to have multiple Articles every day that you’re putting Out so that’s the pricing so try it go Do the free trial I’ll leave a link in The description box down below for that But now we have our keyword let’s see When you when you go into article Forge Um and we’re in the new article section Create a new article this is where You’re going to put your keyword popular Small dog breeds okay and then you can Choose what language you want your Article in and then this is where it Gets a little interesting right here’s Where you can say you want very short Article about 50 words short about 250 Words medium about 500 Words long about 750 words are very long about 1500 words Okay and here you can exclude topics so This may be you where you don’t want Things included so you could put large Dog breeds medium dog breeds

Etc I’m not going to put anything in here You can have article Forge auto-generate Your section headings but if you want to Be really specific you can take this off And then put in your section headings Okay and that’s what we’re going to come Up with this Um Outline essentially that we’re going to Use for our section headaches there’s a Couple ways you can come up with this Outline number one you can just go into Google again what are popular small dog Breeds and you can either go from you Know what they come up with bulldog Dachshund Maltese and use you know pick Eight of these and you could go into Some of these articles okay 25 most Popular small dog breeds in America and Again pick out maybe eight of them Um so that’s one way to do it and then Create your outline that way so if we’re Making our outline in our notepad you Might we might just want to say you know We’re going to have an introduction and Then our small dog breeds are going to Be Bulldog I’m just going off of the Results that come up here Um Dachshund Maltese So again I can just you know pick these

The Bichon Foreign [Music] Which just won the what’s Mr dog show uh Pomeranian Okay and let’s do Yorkshire Terrier and so this is one very simple Way Um how to put your [Music] Um outline together and then these are The sections that would go in article Forge right so I’m just showing you one Way to do that so you’d come in here and So for heading one you’d say boom Bulldog heading two Dachshund Go back there dachshund Uh uh the Maltese And so you just as you can see copy and Paste back and forth and put all of These in the Bichon freeze Now you can like I said you can let Um You can actually let Um article Force do this for you it’ll Go out it’ll do the research it’ll and It’ll it’ll create these subheadings for You so so you don’t have to do this if You don’t want to you could you could Just let article Forge do it a little More risky sometimes but it really does A pretty good job to be honest so okay So we have those so that’s one way you

Can do that and then you can come down And say I always like to add an image I Think that helps with SEO having a video It’ll pull a video from YouTube Um if you have your WordPress blog Connect it to article fours then you can Have it automatically post it to your WordPress blog and if you have a Connection with word AI it’ll rewrite it If you want and then you just click on Create new article so let’s go ahead and Do an art do have it run this article Okay and while it’s running that let me Show you another way that you can create Your blog outline so I have another AI Content writer that works really well Called Word Hero the main difference how However between article Forge Which we’re using to create these art Long form content and most AI writers Like Word Hero is most AI writers they They don’t really generate long-form Content now you can work with it Manipulate it and you know kind of add Paragraph by paragraph Etc but it Doesn’t really Spit out a 1500 word article so that’s The main difference so a little more Hands-On a little more interactive a Little more work involved where you can See article Forge it’s almost halfway Done creating this 1500 word article for Us right right now but this is the other Way one of the main words ways I use

Word Hero is because as you can see it Has all these different tools or engines I think they call it Inside that you can use for all kinds of Different things okay so you can just You know see as I’m list as I’m Scrolling through all the different Things so one so I use Word Hero in Several different ways one sometimes Used to create video descriptions for my YouTube videos and for my blog post so When I use it for I use it in two Different ways one Um a lot of times I may use it to add Some additional Um intro because article fours will Create an introduction for the blog but Sometimes I think maybe it’s a little Thin it might want to be a sentence or Two and so I might use Word Hero to Generate A Blog intro so let’s let me just show You how to do that so here’s our keyword So I just put the we just go back put The keyword in and then you could say What kind of tone you want excited Authoritative Say Authoritative and then click right for Me and you’ll see it’s going to spit out Some content pretty quickly okay so here It gives you three options that you can Choose from Um and then

You just basically once you click on it It copies it and then you can go put it Into your blog if you want so I may use It as the blog intro section to help add Some information to the intro and then Same thing Um I’m sorry law conclusions I do the Same thing I use the block conclusions Because sometimes Oracle Forge doesn’t Write a great conclusion paragraph but We’re talking about outlines so you can Use Um something like block hero to create a Blog outline so now if I click right for Me let’s see what it gives us for a Blog Outline here Okay so here’s an outline breeds that Are popular and small so they’ll become An introduction and then it’s going to Talk about chihuahua pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier Toy Poodle and then a Conclusion and so you could take these Sections and put those into These subsections And use those now you can see it’s Actually almost Not exact but pretty similar uh to what We had there and so you can use an Alternative AI writer like word here I Have to do that for you and then they Also in um in Word Hero they do have a Listicles which are really good again For blog posts because it’s going to Make a list let’s click right for me and

See what it gives us from the listicle Okay so top 10 most popular small dog Breeds uh popular small dog breeds which One is right for you from a guide to Popular small dog breeds the pros and Cons of small dog breeds Um why these make the best pets and what To know before you get a I think it’s Supposed to say small dog breed so this Is you know um A little little different in that this Is kind of talking about small dog Breeds in general you know pros and cons Why they’re popular Etc And versus the outline and what we came Up with from our Google search was more Like this uh you know kind of talking About specific breeds okay well now you Can see we’re done and so while I was Showing you how to do some alternative Blog outlines that I use from Word Hero Either using listicles or blog outline And then I also use the blog intros and Blog conclusions and videos so I use Word Hero a ton it actually works really Really well and is a nice add-on for Some of the other things I do but for Long-form Content article Forge hands Down is the easiest and so let’s click To see the result and here we go so this Is the article popular small dog breeds Well they’re looking for a new family Pet or just love a dog there are several

Popular small dog breeds that are Available these breeds are known for Their cute looks and friendly nature Some popular small dog breeds include The French Bulldog Pomeranian Bichon Frize and the Dachshund now See Article 4 Janu we’re going to be Talking about these breeds and so it Included them in our intro paragraph now Sometimes I might again go back to word Heroin and um Again maybe have an additional paragraph Maybe you know sometimes I do sometimes I don’t this one’s actually a pretty Good intro but you could add a small Section if you want and then it jumps You know you might actually want to say Here let’s talk about some of these Popular small dog breeds Bulldog Um So again if you need to change spelling It’ll let you know Alternative spellings Dachshund But you can see very good long form Content that is specific so this section Just talks about Maltese dogs the Section only talks about bichon freeze This section only talks about French Bulldogs okay Pomeranians just like what we put in Yorkies so this is what I meant by Um Article Forge a lot of times doesn’t

Really have a good conclusion paragraph You see it just kind of ends with Yorkie Right so what we could have done as in One of those sections is we put put we Could have for the section put Conclusion uh popular small dog breeds And then it would have written a Conclusion paragraph for us but we Didn’t do that Um so now we can do is just save the Article and now you after it’s saved uh Number one if you know if you don’t like It you can spin it make a different you Can export it as a text file you can Export it as HTML export it as a PDF and Again if your WordPress site is Connected to article Forge over here you Just go to this section and connect your WordPress site you can have it post Automatically which makes it super Simple now what I usually do is I just Click on the HTML and then uh you know Copy that and then Um And I just import it manually to my site And it comes in looking just like this So that is how easy article Forge is to Create content now again I could this Should be around 1500 words and if I was To add a little second intro paragraph And a conclusion then I would probably Be at you know 1700 1800 pretty darn Close to 2000 words and so that’s how Simple article Forge is and you can see

It created this article in about five Minutes so it didn’t take long and so You know it actually probably took Longer you know to do some keyword Research and you know come up with our Outline for our article for our Subheading section headings and then Once we got everything set up in article Fours it did all the work for us okay so A lot of times again if you’re using a Different Um AI generator like like say Word Hero Um if using their long form then you can Create a blog paragraph and you can kind Of do it one at a time put in each of Those headings Um You know so have an introduction and Then have a heading a heading about Bulldog you have to put that in have it Write some information and then you have To go and put the next but so it’s a lot More Okay so that’s just an example of how Easy it is to use article Forge to Create long-form content for your blog So I hope you found this video helpful If you did please leave a thumbs up Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t Yet and if you want to give the five day Free trial a chance a chance then click My link Down Below in the description Box it won’t cost you anything head on Over click try it for free and give it a

Go see how you like it and then um I Think you’ll be very happy with how it Works thanks so much for watching

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