You're supposed to set up a fully Autopilot and automatic passive income System without actually selling anything Without actually paying a single dollar Without investing a single dollar and From literally anywhere in the world With no social media followers so Everything is pretty much on incomplete Autopilot and everything is pretty much Done for you but you have to set it up Yourself first and then it's gonna run On incomplete autopilot for you so if That sounds good enough then drop a like Down below and pay close attention to Every single segment of this video and Stick with me all the way until the end Just a quick disclaimer here if someone Replies to your comment like this Claiming they are me just know it's a Scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I would never attack you For money you can check their accounts They don't have a verification badge They don't have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick people are just creating fake Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can track their Posts the engagement is fake their new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them on so with that Being said the step number one is to go
Over to give This is a platform where you can find a Lot of different gifs those short funny Images that move around like for example You can go to the search bar and you can Type in something that's related to Money or something that's related to Celebrating because those are the types Of gifts that we need so for example I Can use this GIF over here so all I Gotta do is press right click on this Image and click on save image as and Then just save it up to my computer so I'm going to save it up to my downloads I'm Gonna Save this one and I'm gonna Show you exactly how I'm actually going To use this to make money without Actually selling anything so what I want To do next is you want to create an Absolutely free account on get response I'm going to leave a link to get Response so you can sign up for free It's going to be in the description box Down below and this is a fuel that will Allow if you create your own landing Page and also do email Automation and Once again for completely free you don't Have to invest anything upfront you can Just start using it and once you pass 500 subscribers 500 email subscribers You can of course reinvest some of the Profits into get response because then They do have pricing plans but until That point you can use it for completely
Free and with 500 email subscribers you Can definitely make some decent amount Of money online now what you want to do To start building your email list is you Want to click on create a landing page So you want to build a landing page and You can also create a forum as well and You can add contacts here so you can go To the context section and you can also Create your own list so this list in my Case it's going to be giveaway already Have that one so I'm just going to type In giveaway food to show you a simple Example so I'm going to create a brand New list and then we can go to the tools Section again and we can start creating Our landing page so click and create a Landing page and then you can choose From all of these different fan plays That are already created for you now I'm Going to use this one as an example I'm Just gonna go with that one I'm gonna Click on next step and I'm going to show You exactly how I'm going to use this This landing page in order to collect Emails without actually selling anything So I don't need all of these other Blocks so I'm personally gonna remove This one you can of course skip some That you like I'm gonna remove all the Unnecessary one so for example this one I really don't need it I really don't Need this one as well and I also don't Need this one either so I literally just
Need this I can also remove the logo Part because I don't have a logo in this Case and then you can customize all the Colors I really don't like this this Font over here so I'm gonna change this Font so I'm going to type in for example Enter a 750 giveaway and through your Email to receive more giveaways in the Future and then I will say that they Will be redirected to the giveaway page After they submit their email address Here now instead of download now this Button should obviously say something Different in this case it's going to be Perceived through the giveaway and I can Also change this image so I can replace It with a different one so I can pretty Much just search for Ray get response Images and I'm going to type in Something that's related to money or Giveaways and I can for example use this Image from the left hand side of a guy Counting money it's a high quality image So it's gonna show up for me and this is How it's gonna look like as of right now So here we have it this is a super Simple Landing prediction of course Customize the background you can Customize colors and change everything I'm just gonna go with this because it's Pretty easy and simple and now I can go To the next step I can of course save it But I'm gonna proceed and most Importantly once you come over to this
Page to click on next step and you Proceed without any mobile versions or Whatsoever you just scroll a little bit Down you change the subscription list to Be that new list that you made in this Case it's giveaway 2 for me and then you Can select the thank you page instead of Default thank you page you want to Change that into a custom thank you page And you want to enter a URL and that URL Is going to be the URL which you will be Able to find on CPA grip and CPA grip is A platform with the thousands of Different CPA offers to promote and CPA Stands for cost per action which means That most of these offers allow you to Get paid when someone completes a Certain action which in most of the Cases means just submitting the remote Address so you can get paid per email That you collect with CPA grip plus Every email that you collect will also Allow you if you earn even more money And you will see exactly how so what you Want to do is you want to create an Account in CPA grip and then you want to Log into your account and as you log Into your CPA grip affiliate account on The left side you will be able to find Different offer tools so you want to go To offer tools and then you want to go Within my offers to find different Giveaways to promote and you can see That there are some give there are some
Offers which are kind of like giveaways Where people have a chance to win Something and when they submit their Email address to win some to potentially Win something I'm gonna be paid two Dollars and five cents regardless of Whether they actually win the giveaway Or not but just for entering and Becoming a fully qualified lead I'm Gonna be paid two dollars and five cents Per person that does that so per person It's a mystery email address I'm being Paid two dollars so now you can copy Your referral link for one of these Giveaways one of these offers from CPA Grip and you want to paste that as a Custom thank you page so that when Someone submits their email address on Your landing page they are redirected to The giveaway where they can now enter And they can now submit their email Address again and you're gonna be paid Two dollars for that email but instead Of losing them there now you have their Email and get response so you can Target Them with different emails and send them Even more offers in the future so they Can keep signing up to different offers And you're gonna keep making money off Of those people so if you have 500 sign Ups to your email list out of those 500 People if all of them sign up there will Be a thousand dollars each time you send Out an email but obviously not all of
Them will open up the email not all of Them will sign up but if you have 500 People let's say one percent of them Consistently signs up for your offers Each time you send out an email with a Different offer and you're being paid Two dollars per offer that's gonna be a Hundred dollars each time you send out An automatic email and I'm gonna show You how to do that and now you want to Scroll down you want to click on publish And you want to share your landing page And if you go to my landing page this is How it's going to look like as you can See someone can just answer in their Name and their email address they can Click on proceed to give away and that's Going to take them through that giveaway That I'm promoting now what you want to Do is you want to start driving traffic To this landing page that you made and To do that you can simply go over to Canva and create a promo design with a Giphy gift that we found at the Beginning so now you want to go back to Canva you want to click on custom size Or you just want to upload that gif I'm Gonna go with a custom size and then Custom size is going to be 1080 by 1080px and now I'm gonna go and upload That gif which I previously gotten from Giphy so I'm just gonna drag and drop it Over here and I'm gonna show you exactly How I'm gonna use it so I'm gonna put it
Somewhere around here and I'm gonna add Some text and that text can be something Like relatable and funny so for example I can say me after winning the 750 Giveaway that took me two minutes to Enter so I'm making something natural so It doesn't seem like I'm actually Promoting something even though I am but I want to make sure that I don't come Across as a spammy person that's just Trying to promote something so it's Gonna look like a meme that you can see Like randomly on Instagram or whatever And now I'm pretty much just gonna Download this to my computer as a gift So I'm gonna download it instead of an MP4 video I'm just gonna select it a Gift and I'm gonna download that to my Device now once you have it downloaded To your device all you gotta do is once Again copy your landing page Link in This case this is my landing page link And now you can go back to Imgur which Is a platform that's once again being Visited by fans of millions of people Every single month where people come to Share different memes as you can see so What you can do is you can create a new Post you can click a new post right over Here and then you can upload that design Which you made with camera like a funny GIF funny meme that promotes your Landing page so pretty much just gonna Drag and drop that over here and I'm
Gonna enter the title for example Winning the 750 giveaway so I'm making This completely natural and I'm gonna Add a description which is going to be Enter the giveaway here and then I'm Just gonna paste my landing page link Which is gonna look something like this So as you can see this is like a meme That I'm sharing on this platform so People can check this out completely Naturally it doesn't look like an ad it Doesn't look like I'm spamming or Whatsoever I just look like a natural Meme they see this they maybe laugh they Open up the landing page link they Submit the remote address they are Redirected to the giveaway they enter The giveaway I'm being paid two dollars Per person that does that and each time Someone signs up to my email list now I Can go back back to get response and Send them more emails in the future so I Can do emails email marketing with this Tool because once you have them signing Up for your email list you can send them Out different emails and you can send Them the next offer so you can say hey Here's another giveaway that where you Can win whatever you find on CPA grab so For example if I go back now I can also Promote Um now I can also promote this ten Thousand dollars giveaway or I can Promote this giveaway where they can get
A bag of candies and whatnot so you can Send them more giveaways in the future Because there's always more giveaways Coming up on CPA and you can get Paid each time someone signs up for Those giveaways through your referral Link so yeah that's how you can set up a Completely passive income system I Really hope you got some value out of This video really hope you got a brand New idea to make money online and if you Did make sure to drop a like down below And I will see you next time