Easiest Digistore24 Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners to Make Money Online Fast

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This is not just one of the easiest but Also one of the fastest ways that you Can set up a passive income stream with The digi store 24 and earn affiliate Commercials on autopilot without Actually having your own website without Having any social media followers and Without investing a dime without Investing a single dollar into paid ads I’m going to show you exactly how to set It up but make sure that you are Following every single step but you are Actually watching every single second of This video because if you’re not you’re Probably gonna miss on the most Important part that might be crucial for Your success with this strategy so sit Down and watch this video all the way Until the end and then as soon as it Finishes go over there take action and Set up a passive income stream for Yourself just a quick disclaimer here if Someone replies to your comment like This claiming they’re me just know it’s A scam I don’t have WhatsApp I don’t Have Telegram and I would never tax you For money you can check their accounts They don’t have a verification badge They don’t have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I’m Dave Nick people are just creating fake Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can check their

Posts the engagement is fake their new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all so let us begin With the step number one which is to go Over to digistore24.com which is an Actual affiliate marketplace with Thousands of different affiliate offers To promote you simply want to register An account I assume you already have an Account in digital store 24 so I’m just Gonna log into mine to show exactly what This method is all about you want to go To the marketplace and you specifically Want to go through all offers on the Affiliate Marketplace and on the left Side I’m going to change the currency to US Dollars on the left side you will be Able to find all sorts of different Categories including fitness and health Dating and love dance and music computer And internet and this works with any Niche in any category now I’m gonna be Finding different offers and fitness and Health Niche and there’s one specific Offer that I want to promote now which Is some 3x lean belly this is like a Peel that people can make to lose weight Fast so this is a weight loss pill and I’m gonna be paid 52 dollars per that I Refer 52 commission per each sale that They generate so all I gotta do is grab My affiliate link which is going to be This link over here this is going to be

The step number one I’m gonna copy this Link but because this is a long and Boring link because for example you’re Gonna see if I click promotes now you Can see that these links are really Boring and confusing so I’m just gonna Rebrand that with re-brandly re-brandly Is a tool that will allow you to shorten Those links so I’m gonna log into my Account to shorten that digistore link And all I gotta do is press a new link Paste that link here and I can also add A slash tag myself so I can customize This so I can for example type in lose Weight weight fast now and let’s see if That’s available and this one already Exists so I’m just going to change this To lose weight extremely fast and now I’m gonna copy that link so now it looks A little bit better and it’s more Clickable and now I’m going to proceed To The Next Step which is to go over to Gifi this is already the gifi.com where You can find thousands of different GIFs That you can download for completely Free and those are like short Quick Videos images that are images that are Actually moving so they’re not even Actual videos but they’re just short Clips and moving images and so you can Search on here if you’re promoting Weight loss offers then you will search For example for abs or wait we’re losing Weight or whatsoever and then you want

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To find something that looks really Appealing so for example this guy over Here has abs so what I can simply do is I can take this and I can right click on It because his abs look really good I’m Just going to right click on that and Save image through my computer and then Proceed into the next step which is to Open up canva which is a free graphic Design tool that will allow you to edit That image so now you can click on Upload and you can upload that image Onto canva and I’m going to show you Exactly how you can actually edit this And why you need to edit this clip in Order to actually make money so I’m Going to click on edit video and I’m Gonna on the left side we can add a call To action with facts so I’m going to add Some text which is basically going to Say lose weight in 12 hours I’m going to Create a code to action myself you can Of course customize this for your own Needs and create a maybe a different Quality action for yourself Make it a little bit smaller and I’m Going to say lose weight in two hours in 12 hours and then below that I’m simply Just going to say click the link to Learn how and they can learn that for Free because they will have a sales Video on that affiliate link that we are Promoting so you can watch the sales Video which is obviously going to upsell

Them on the product so click the link to Learn how and it’s free to watch that Sales video and then I can basically Just click on download and I can Download this as a gif so I’m going to Select the gif file here and I’m gonna Download it onto my computer now for Some reason this particular GIF is not Showing up on the screen for me but when I download it I can actually see the Ebbs guys I’m gonna show you how that Looks so the next and final step is to Now share this GIF onto a platform like Pinterest because you can get a lot of Traffic from Pinterest there’s thousands There’s millions of people using in Pinterest every single month so you can Create an account you can create a pin So go to create a pin right over here Create a brand new board I already have A fitness Gods board so I’m going to Select that one and I’m gonna drag and Drop that image from canva and this is How that’s gonna look like for me so Here we have a moving guy so it’s a gif So it’s actually a moving image and it Says lose wave in battle hours click the Link to learn how for free and then I Can add a call to action here as well And I can paste my digistore link here From Ray brand lay so that when someone Sees this image they can click on this Link and they will be faken to that Product so now I can publish this onto

My board that talks about Fitness and Weight loss and you can create a whole Community about that specific Niche Where you can bomb different products so You can for example post a couple of Tips on weight loss and fitness you can Attract attract some audience and then Afterwards you can start posting Different ads like this and slowly but Surely start getting some clicks into Your affiliate links that can Potentially convert into sales earning You affiliate commercials and incomplete Autopilot now honestly that’s not how I Personally promote my affiliate offers And my digital store links so if you Want to see exactly how I personally Drive consistent traffic to my affiliate Links and and different offers that I Promote then click the first link in the Description box down below and I will Walk you through the entire process step By step and show you exactly how I set Up my YouTube automation channels Channels where I’m not showing my face And not recording anything with a camera And I’m using those channels so you Promote it from affiliate offers offers From CPA networks my own products my own Services different websites Brands and So on and so forth so you can use those Channels as consistent traffic sources And you can also monetize that content In many different ways you can actually

Make money even when someone doesn’t Even buy anything from you and remember You don’t actually have to show your Face in the camera or record anything With a camera itself once again that’s Going to be the first link in the Description box down below anyways I Really hope you got some value out of This video if you did make sure to drop A like and I will see you in some of the Next one


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