FREE Done-For-You System To Earn $400/Hour With Affiliate Marketing As a Beginner!

This system is almost entirely done for You and it's absolutely free you don't Have to sell anything you don't need any Social media followers and I'm going to Walk you through the entire process and Show you exactly how to set it up for Yourself in literally less than 10 Minutes so if that sounds good enough Then drop a like down below and let's Begin with the step number one which is To actually open up a tool called ad Creative just a quick disclaimer here if Someone replies to your comment like This claiming they are me just know it's A scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't Have Telegram and I would never tax you For money you can track their accounts They don't have a verification badge They don't have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick people are just creating fake Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can check their Post the engagement is fake their new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all as I said You're not gonna have to sell anything And you're not gonna have to actually Build your own product a website or Social media followers or whatsoever but You will have to use a couple of Different platforms combine them into

One system and then set up everything on Autopilot then I'm going to show you Exactly how how it works because this is A brand new strategy so what you want to Do is you want to open up ad creative Which is a tool for people that are Running different ads online that are Promoting their businesses and their Companies and this tool promises to Improve their ad conversions by 14 times So it's going to convert so it's going To improve their conversions by 14 times With these different ad creatives and Different AI tools that they have at Their disposal without now You're not going to have to use this Yourself you're not going to have to Spend any money on ads or whatsoever so This literally costs zero dollars but What you want to do is you do want to Scroll all the way down to the bottom of AD where you will be able to Find their affiliate program right over Here and if you open up their affiliate Program it's going to show you that They're currently paying out 30 Reoccurring commissions to their users Meaning that when someone signs up Through their link as long as they keep On using this platform you're gonna keep On getting paid every single month and As you can see that can go anywhere from 774 dollars a month all the way down to Three hundred and seventy three thousand

Dollars per month in pure passive income Plus a 25 000 bonus for referring five Thousand sign ups now obviously that is Quite a lot but if you can refer let's Say a hundred people they can still end Up being seven point four thousand Dollars per month plus a thousand Dollars bonus a one-time bonus so what You want to do is you want to sign Update or affiliate program click on Become a partner and then once you sign Up which literally takes two minutes You're gonna access their affiliate Program over here where you can find Your affiliate link so you can copy or Affiliate link this is my affiliate link Over here and if someone were to go to This link they will be redirected to add where they can sign up and On top of all of that as you can see They can get a five hundred dollars Absolutely free Google ads credit so not Only are they gonna improve their Conversion rates with this AI but They're also going to get a 500 free Google ads credit so what you want to do Right now once you have this affiliate Link you want to proceed to the step Number two which is to go over to which is a CPA network with Thousands of different offers for you to Promote and CPA stands transfer cost per Action which means that in most of the Cases people literally just have to

Submit their email address in order for You to get paid so you don't have to Actually sell anything you don't have to Convince people to pay for something They don't need to spend any money they Literally just have to submit their Email address for a chance to win Something and you're gonna get paid for It so you want to create an account and You want to log into your account so log Into your brand new account and CPA grip And then on the left side you want to go To my offers where you will be able to See all the different offers that are Available now you do want to select the Country to be us so I'm currently in the US so that's why it's showing right away But if you're not in the US right now You will have to enter and you're going To type in United States because that's Going to give you the best offers to Promote so for example this is a 750 PayPal gift card giveaway that we can Promote and when someone signs up to This giveaway by answering their email Addresses you can see email submission You're going to be paid two dollars and Five cents per email collected so you Just want to copy your link and you can Basically copy many different many Different giveaways that are available In CPA grid because you are being paid Per each of them someone signs up now Once you have those links you have an

Affiliate link for ad creative and you Also have an affiliate link from CPA Grip you want to proceed to step number Three of setting up your system and that Is to open up free plr downloads this is Already 3plr downloads and plr stands For private label rights which means That most of these products allow you to Not only download them for free to Access these different books for free But also to change them as you prefer to Maybe even add your own name as the Author of these books you can give them Away you can sell them you can do Anything you want so you can basically Grab some books let's say for example About entrepreneurship or affiliate Marketing so I'm gonna use this one as An example I'm going to open up this Book we can just scroll a little bit Down we can download this book to our Computer and once you have that compute Once you have that book onto your Computer or that product from free plr Downloads you're just gonna open it up So here I have it over here so I'm gonna Open up this book I'm gonna open up the Folder we have different things in the Folder so I'm just going to drag this Over to my desktop and then what do you Want to do once you have that PDF file Of that book you just want to open up Say that already say which is a Tool that will allow you to edit that

PDF document so you can just drag and Drop that document and you will be able To edit that document inside of SATA so Just upload that file here and here's The book which you got for free now you Can simply add your own call to action Between these lines you can even change The text but I'm just going to add Additional text on each and every single One of these pages and that text is Going to be either equal to action for a 500 through Google ads credit that it Can get from ad creatives or the offer That you found on CPA crap so if you Want to add multiple call to actions and Multiple links when someone is reading This book so I'm going to type in for Example get click here to get a free 500 Google ad coupon and I'm going to insert My affiliate link there to insert my Link I'm just going to click on links And I'm going to select this part and I'm going to insert my affiliate link Inside of this box so I'm just gonna go Back I'm gonna copy my affiliate link Again so I'm going to copy that and I'm Just going to paste it inside of the External URL box So that when someone sees this they can Click on it and they're going to be Redirected to ad created where they can Actually get a 500 Google ad credit Coupon code and I'm actually gonna earn A commission when they sign up through

My link so I'm gonna scroll down and I'm Also going to add a call to action for That giveaway which I wanted to promote And to do that I'm just going to add Some text here so I'm going to type in Click here and of course I'm going to Add my link from CPA grip here as well So I'm going to go back to CPA grip I'm Going to open up that offer I'm gonna Copy my affiliate link I'm going to go Back and I'm going to insert my Affiliate link inside of this box and Here I have it now what I want you to do Is I want to add a call to action for at Least two of these different offers on Each and every single one of these pages So on every single page you just want to Insert your call to action whether That's equal to action for ad creators Google ads credit whether that's equal To action for one of those giveaways on CPA grab so the more of these different Offers that you promote the higher Chances are that someone will choose one Of those offers click on them and sign Up and earn you a commission so what you Want to do then once you have all of Those different links on each and every Single one of these Pages you just want To click on apply changes and now this PDF document is going to be edited for You and you can download it to your Computer and if you open it up to see How it actually looks you can see this

Is a book that talks about a certain Subject in this case it's affiliate Marketing and you you have this call to Action and when someone clicks on this Button they're going to be redirected to Add creative where they can get a 500 Free Google ads credit and I'm gonna Earn a commission for them signing up Through my link so that's how it works Now the next thing that you want to do Is you simply need to start driving Traffic to that edited PDF document to That book which you just made and to do That you can simply go over to which is an absolutely Free platform that is currently being Visited by 70 million people every Single month and you can just create an Account you can log in and you can Upload the edited version of that PDF Document so as you can see in my case it Says how to succeed in affiliate Marketing that's the title I can write a Brief description of this book I can Select the category in this case the Category can be economy and finance it Can also be business and I'm gonna Answer some tags in this case I can Answer for example affiliate marketing Business finance is something like that To attract the target to attract Targeted people who are interested in That topic and it will potentially sign Up through those offers that I have and

Then I will set the Privacy to public And just publish this into where people can find it They can find it today they can find it In weeks months and even years because This is going to stay on SlideShare Forever and it's going to stay on the Internet and Google forever so that People can find it open this up they can Read they can get value from this for Free and they're going to be offers Which are also going to be really Appealing for them to sign up to because If they sign up they will either get a 500 through Google ads credit for their Business or they can even sign up for One of those giveaways that we are Promoting from CPA grip so in this case You're not even selling anything but you Are being paid when actually someone Signs up through your link so that's how You can set up the system in literally Less than 10 minutes I really hope you Got some value out of this video really Hope you learned something new and if You did make sure to drop a like down Below and I will see you in some of the Next months

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