Go From $0 to $10,000+ in 30 days With This Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Trick (FREE Traffic)

In this video today I want to show you An affiliate marketing for beginners Tutorial where you can go from zero to Five thousand dollars every single month Really quickly the way we're going to do That is I'm going to show you how to Create one of these very simple blogs That's only going to take you 30 minutes Max and it's absolutely for free you can Do this in any Niche to talk about or Promote products you see if I click onto One of my ones that I have over here It's the five tips for fast weight loss Once I click onto this it's going to Take me over to this page that I've Written up and as we scroll down you can See that I'm promoting different offers On this simple little blog now when I Click onto this it brings me over to This product that I'm promoting this Product alone can make me as much as 149 For every single sale that I make the Best part is I do this with 100 free Traffic and as you can see just one of These free traffic sources has got me Over 62 000 views and I'm going to show you this One plus another bonus strategy that you Can use to get free traffic to make Money online with affiliate marketing as A complete beginner so make sure you Watch this entire tutorial because I'm Going to show you everything step by Step let's get into it so what I'm going

To do is I'm going to show you how to Use a site like clickbank.com or Digistore24 you can use Warrior plus you Can use jvzoo actually go down the Bottom and comment let me know which one Of these sites do you prefer for me to Use when I'm making these tutorials and Which ones are more available for Yourself in your countries okay that way It helps me and also helps you as well So go down the bottom and comment let me Know what do you prefer me to use Digistore24 ClickBank jvzoo Warrior plus Etc and if you end up enjoying this Tutorial guys please smash that like Button in appreciation it means a lot to Me and it also helps out the channel so For the purposes of this video today What we're going to do guys is we're Going to use clickbank.com but you can Use any site and the first thing what You want to do when you're on ClickBank And you register for an account and you Sign up you want to come over here and You want to go onto their marketplace Now when you're on their Marketplace When you're on any affiliate Marketplace You'll be able to find a category Section and the first thing that you Want to do is you want to pick a niche That you want to go into before you Start promoting any affiliate products Okay what I'm going to be doing today is I'm going to be using the health and

Fitness Niche but there are many niches Guys you can use E-Business and E-marketing you could use business and Investing when you scroll down here You've got green products as well you've Got self-help you've got spirituality There are a lot of really good affiliate Marketing products that you can use I Just simply gravitate to make money Online affiliate marketing and also Health and fitness now once I click onto Health and fitness over here it's going To give us a whole range of different Types of products now before you start Writing any sort of Articles or start Promoting anything you want to be happy With the product that you're about to Promote so you do a little bit of Research on these products now I happen To know a lot of these products and a Lot of these products convert really Really well what you can do to see the Top converting products quite simply Come over here guys and click on to Gravity once you click onto gravity What's going to happen is it's going to Show you all the products that are Converting really well like you've got This one over here which is a weight Loss supplement you've got t-burn Java Burn which is a coffee the smoothie diet Some really really good products over Here guys a custom keto diet all of These are some of the ones that I

Promote on the very simple blog that I Created a while back and I want to show You how I've been using that to convert Sales guys even if it's 50 a day a Hundred dollars a day sometimes it's Zero dollars and sometimes I have two And three hundred dollar days when an Article takes off on any one of these Different sites that I'm promoting I can Make an extra few hundred dollars and There is no bit of feeling than when you Start making that money when one of These free traffic sites starts Converting for you so what we're going To do today guys is we're going to I'm Going to show you how to promote for Example this product over here will Scroll scroll down maybe the tea or the Coffee smoothie diet and also maybe the Custom keto diet so I'll show you how to Do a few of these now what we're going To be looking at doing is we need to Create a very simple blog like a landing Page something that we can promote Without it looking like a spammy product Or just a raw link we want to have a It's called like a bridge page but it's Going to be more of a website or we've Got a lot more information we want to Provide as much information as possible Then on the back of that information We're going to have our products and These this works really well guys and Really converts really well let me show

You an example what I'm talking about That I'm going to show you how to create It so this is my blog AV very very Simple blog I've promoted this many Times okay I basically like hello Welcome to my blog and then I've got This picture in the background I'll show You how to do this guys and when you Scroll down here I've got five tips for Weight loss then I've got 10 top 10 Foods for Optimal Health and then I've Got can you really lose weight drinking Smoothies the reason I've done this is Obviously I'm promoting the smoothie Diet I'm promoting the keto diet and I'm Also promoting a supplement as well to Help people lose weight now creating This page guys only took me a few Minutes and I'll show you how to do that And then when somebody lands on this Page they can take a look at any one of These three options let's say they want To read a little bit more about this Option over here they'll come over here They'll click onto this this is going to Bring them over to five tips for fast Weight loss they're going to scroll down I've got genuine five tips over here Guys that they can you know uptake in Order to lose weight but then what I Also have if you come over here I also Have a call to action to a product that I'm promoting I've got this call to Action over here guys and if I scroll

Down I've also got the call to action Over here and over here as as you can See he says one healthy option I can Suggest when it comes to supplements is Exit pure as it's scientifically proven To increase calorie burning click here To read more about it once I click onto This guys guess what it's going to take Him straight over to the product this Product over here guys as you can see That's my affiliate ID there as they Scroll down when they come over here and They decide to purchase this I'm going To make an affiliate commission and all I need to do now is I need to promote my Very very simple blog that I've got over Here that I've created to people that Are looking for this and it's exactly What I want to show you how to do today So in order to create this Blog the First thing that you need to do is you Need to come over to Google and you know And you need to type in Google sites Once you type in Google sites click onto It it's going to bring you over to a Page that looks like this and then what You want to do guys is quite simply Click on to blank or you can choose any One that of these templates that you Potentially have if you want to use a Template or you can just click on to Blank once you click on to blank guys And you can create as many of these as You want then what you want to do quite

Simply guys is you want to title the top Of this blank okay so as you can see With my one if I come over here to my Raw over here in my back office of this One I've just got hello welcome to our Blog you can use something exactly the Same I'm just going to copy this guys Because I just want to save us some time You can do hello welcome to my blog Something like this you can do something Like welcome to the fitness Blog the Weight loss blog whatever you like guys Then what you want to do guys is you Want to title this site as well so if we Come over to my site over here that I've Got let me just bring this over you can See I've got lose weight fast okay so What you can do is you can title this so You can change this to something like Weight loss Secrets okay and as you can see that's Going to become the name of this site Then with this background over here guys You can very easily change this image Okay so once you click on to change this Image you can go to upload or you can go To select image now once you go to Select image what this is going to do is It's going to allow you to choose images By coming over here to search Okay it's going to go to Google and then What you can do is you can type in Weight loss as an example hit search And this is going to find a whole range

Of different types of weight loss tips Images Etc now you can see this is the One that I've used on my blog a little While ago you can scroll down there's All these images Guys these are royalty Free and you can use all of them let's Just run with this one over here looks Pretty cool so I'm going to click onto That and as you can see guys you've got Weight loss tips in the background you Can double click onto this that's bored You can change this to italic Etc okay And as you can see that sits there Nicely okay now you can make this a Little bigger like if you come over and You get a header type you've got all These options you can leave it as cover So it's going to be a lot longer and That stays in the middle you can do Larger Banner you can just click on to Banner it's going to make a little bit Smaller or title only so we're going to Leave this as is you can change the Color of these guys but I'll let you Play around with that yourselves now What we need to do is we need to start Putting in these different types of Pages at the front just like I have over Here you can do two three four five guys You can create 20 of these if you want It's entirely up to you you can make as Many as you want but what I want to do Show you exactly what I did so you can Replicate this now remember you can do

This in any Niche guys to make money With affiliate marketing okay it doesn't Necessarily have to be weight loss Because the free traffic method I'm Going to show you works with everything So as you can see here guys we now have The front of this which looks great now What we need to do is we need to start Filling this out and in order to start Filling this out on the right hand side Over here you've got these content Blocks okay now the first content block We want to use is this one over here so We're going to click onto that and what As you can see once you click onto this You can very easily add an image here And then you can start adding text Titles Etc and moving down but what we Want to do on the front of our blog is We want to create pages so the first Snippet this one over here is going to Be page one page two Etc and you can Title these so if you were to click onto This again you're going to see it's Going to create a second one so let's Build out this first one to show you Exactly what this is going to look like So let's say that obviously we want to Promote one of the products that we want To promote is this one over here exe Pure which is weight loss supplement Okay now when it comes to weight loss Now what you want is you want to write An article on tips to losing weight as

An example so what you want to do is you Want to come over to Google and you want To type in something like weight loss Tips now very very important guys you Cannot just take someone else's article And copy it directly in there I've seen People do it your article or your Website will never really be indexed Into Google because a lot of these Articles guys and this site believe it Or not if you do the right thing still Has a good chance to one day be indexed Into Google if if you want that to Happen if you don't want that to happen And you just want to push traffic the Way I'm going to show you you can do That but you can still be hit with Copyright so change as much of it as Possible okay get a Rewritten rewrite it Yourself change it as much of it as you Can so you don't have any issues with Copyright extremely important so when You come over here guys as you can see You've got weight loss tips as you Scroll down you can see here you're Going to find all these different tips Now over here as you can see you've got 21 weight loss tips that actually work So I really like this title over here so We're going to click onto that but what We're going to do is we're going to grab This to win our weight loss tips that Actually work we're going to copy this We're going to come over to our site

Over here and what you want to do is Just paste that title in here now once You paste that in there you can Highlight this and we're just going to Change this back over to title we just Want to click off or click back on it And then click on to Bald now what I'm Going to do is I'm just going to change This to say five tips for for weight Loss that actually work okay and as you Can see we've got that in there then Over here what you want to do guys is You can come over here and you can type In something or so you can type in Something else underneath this you can Tab this back and then come over here And type in you know something very Simple like what I've got over here so As you can see I've got here are some Effective okay tips to help you lose Weight safely and quickly so you want to Copy that I'm going to copy that save it Some time so you tape paste that in There and then all you need to do is Type in something like Click here For All the details Okay we'll click here To read The article Okay and then what you want to do as you Can see so we've got that in there now We need to create a page for this

Before we create that page we want to Come over here guys and we want to put In an article for weight loss uh image Over here so you click onto this and Again you're going to go to select image Once you've done that go to Google image Search up here And then all you need to do is just type In something like Weight loss guys hit enter again these Are all royalty free images you can use This one that one anything that you want Guys whatever you feel you know it works Well with your blog okay depends Depending on what you're looking to get So maybe let's run with this image over Here as an example go to insert okay so That image can sit in it that looks Really good now what we need to do I'm Going to copy this okay so we're going To copy that we want to create a second Page that this is going to link to we've Pretty much done this this is the first Section done we've got this that's all Done now what we need to do is we need To come up to here where you've got Pages you need to click onto pages and Then you want to scroll down here where You've got this little plus sign and you Want to open up a new page create a new Page so you click onto that and then you Want to title this page and what I've Done is I've copied that five tips for Weight loss that actually work and then

You want to click on to done now you can See that this second page over here has Pre-populated up here you want to hide That you don't want to have all the Pages along here because you're going to Have too many you can click onto these Three little dots okay and then you just Want to click on to not hide from Navigation okay and that's going to hide Now what we need to do is we need to Start filling out information on this Page so you can come over here you can Click on to insert and as you go to Insert the first thing that you can do Is you can come over here you can add an Image so you click onto image again you Can click on to select once you click on Select go to Google search images again Guys you type in weight loss as an Example and then you can just grab let's Say this image Okay click on to insert Okay so five tips for weight loss that Actually work you can drag this out drop That there click onto it guys expand it Move this down Etc and just put this There so we've got that image now what We need to do guys is we need to start Writing so you can click onto text box Okay and this is where we're going to Put it all our information now what we Need to do If we come back to our Pages section Over here so if we go to pages and we Click onto home this is really important

I want to show you guys how to do this See this section over here where it says Click here to read this article okay to Read this article You want to highlight this once you Highlight that you want to click onto This insert link once you click onto That insert link you're going to have All the other pages that you have Created on this article available for You to link so you want to click onto This and then hit apply then you want to Highlight this Okay click onto bold and You're going to click onto italic as an Example when somebody clicks onto this Now it's going to take them straight Over to this page now this is where we Are going to start importing these five Tips for weight loss that actually work So what we need to do now is we need to Come back over to this article and when You're on this article guys you want to Come over here and you want to find five Different tips so the first tip can be Something like eat slowly so what you Want to do is come straight over to your Article click onto this guys put one and Type in something like Eat slowly as an example you can Highlight this go to normal text and go To heading okay that's going to create a Heading then what you want to do is Enter this down then what you want to do Is you want to rewrite everything that

You have here so as an example guys Let's just say you wanted to use this Section over here so adding slowly that Allows us to enjoy food but gives us Better cues for okay so copy this now Remember when I said to you under no Circumstances are you to come over here And grab this entire article and reuse That exact same wording you want to Change it if you want to use a software That can change that for you What you can do is you can use a Software like this one called quill bot Or you can just rewrite it yourself if You choose to use a software like this Guys when you paste this in here You can click onto paraphrase and this Is going to paraphrase this now over Here for us as you can see it's changed All this for us now we can copy this and Once we copy this what we can do is we Can come straight back over to our Article over here guys and we can paste That in there so that's number one then We can come over here guys and now we Can go to point number two and then Point number two can be something like You buy it you write it or exercise Anything that moves keep a daily Gratitude Journal uh batch cook and prep So you want to come over here and you Want to choose any one of these number Two number three so you've got 21 over Here of these different things guys so

Stay hydrated as you can see is another One guys so what we can quite simply do Is come over to you so Point number two You can put something like Drink [Music] Plenty of Water daily okay so you can highlight This now then what we want to do again Go to heading and leave that there then You can tab down and then come back over To this article guys rewrite this Yourself okay so copy this you can like I said rewrite this yourself or like I Said get one of those tools to rewrite It for you so we can highlight this now We can come over here and go to normal Text and then when it comes to sizing Over here guys I recommend using like Number 11 and then all you need to do is Put another three points okay because Remember we've got five tips remember I'm just showing you how to do this very Quickly because on my one if I was to Click onto my one over here guys it's Going to take me over to my article and You can see here that I've got five tips Over here now what we want to do is we Want to start adding this very very Simple call to action so I'm going to Copy the call to action that I that I Have over here so I'm going to copy this We're going to come back over to this Article that I'm creating over here now

Let's say we wanted to put this on Point Number two and what you do is you'd Write something like this if you find Yourself ever needing a little bit more Help to get you going why not try a Scientifically proven weight loss Supplement that's been proven to Increase calorie burning for faster Weight loss results then you type in Something like Click here To Get access to this now okay Now what you want to do guys is you want To come over to this product now as you Saw here I've got scientifically proven And all this sort of stuff where did I Get that information well when I opened Up this product You can see here that this is that Product exe pure and you can see the Tropical secret for healthy weight loss Scientific scientists discover the real Root cause of your belly fat Etc so this Is a scientifically proven supplement That's helping people lose weight okay This is where I came to get this Information in order to write that very Very simple brief so what you want to do Now Is you want to come straight over to ClickBank And you want to click on to promote once You click on to promote you want to

Click on to generate hop link it's going To give you this link over here okay you Want to copy this link now what you want To do is you want to come back over to Your article you want to highlight this Point over here okay and then you want To click onto this link you want to hit Ctrl V and you want to hit on to apply Going to highlight this again you're Going to click onto bald over here and As you can see that's how that's going To stand out once you put your third Point your fourth point and your fifth Point then again you want to put this at The end of your article just like I have Down here on my one as well very very Simple stuff guys I'm not going to Completely do another three points Because that'll be a waste of time you Get the point of this now what you want To do is you want to come back over to Home now what we want to do is we want To create a second one as well okay so We want to create one page two page Three pages as an example now the next One that you do can be something a Little bit different here we're Promoting a supplement over here you can Promote another product so when you come Over to ClickBank we'll close this off And you scroll down You've Got Tea that You can do you've got Java burn you've Got the smoothie diet guys you've also Got something like the keto custom keto

Diet so you can do something around the Custom keto diet and quite simply if we Come over here all you need to do is Write something like Does Keto Really help You lose Way fast okay so do something like this Question mark again you can grab this Guys you can click on to bold then what You can do is you can come over here and Write something like here is an article That explains the benefits of Keto and How it can help you lose weight now what We want to do guys is we want to copy This okay you can copy that or you can Just copy this title over here so we Copy that now again what we're going to Do we're going to scroll down over here We're going to click on this new plus Page and then we're going to paste this In here we're going to click on to done As you can see that's going to add that There so all you need to do guys is hide This okay so hide that from navigation Now this page has been created now what We want to do is go to insert again you Want to go to images you want to go to Select an image go to Google Search Again guys type in keto okay so keto Foods like this this is going to fire You find you a really cool image that You can use so something like this Something like this any one of these

Looks really cool let's select this one Over here go to insert Then all we need to do guys is move this To the middle again you can stretch this Out you can see it's going to look Really cool if we stretch this out So leave that there then what we need to Do again is click on to a text box now What we want to do is we want to repeat The same process come over to Google so You can come over here and then we want To scroll up go back over here go to Google and just type in Benefits of 18 keto two Lose weight Okay guys and then you can click onto Any one of these different types of Articles okay and quite simply you can Come over and you can copy a lot of this Stuff and like I said you want to Rewrite it okay make sure that you Rewrite a lot of this stuff so let's say If we scroll down over here guys and we Grab this And so we copy this copy that what we do Is we'd come straight back over to our Article Okay and then we can paste this in there Okay and as you can see it's going to Have a lot of this information If you copy anything guys that has a Link to it what you want to do is you Want to click onto it and just click

Onto this little bin over here and get Rid of it okay so delete this and then You just want to tap anything back okay Just to make it fit nicely okay and then You want to get rid of anything that you Don't need now again guys if you come Over here and you put all this in here As you scroll down again what you want To do is you want to make sure that you Add a call To action okay in here something along These lines would be if you want a Custom keto made diet make sure that you Click onto this link as an example if we Come over to mine 10 top 10 optimal Foods for Health if I click onto this Link over here guys and we come over to This page you're going to find that this Is mine top 10 foods for Optimal Health If we scroll down over here and take a Look what I've done is I've got one two Three four five then I've got a Bonus Tip this bonus tip as you can see sends People over to my custom keto diet okay So very very important that you do that The other thing that you want to do when You're on this page if we scroll up to The top over here guys and we go to Pages and we go to home you want to make Sure that you link that page over here So you highlight this okay you click Onto this little link over here and does Keto really help you lose weight you Click onto that and you hit apply then

Again we want to make sure that we add An image over here so we're going to Click on to select image and and we're Going to go to Google Search we're going To find another Keto image and then what I'm going to do Guys is I'm going to show you How we're going to get this free traffic Okay so you've got keto diet you've got This let's just use this for now and Then come over here click on to insert Now you can see how quickly we've Started to create a blog and you're Using all this information now all we Need to do is get people to this page Now when you come over here guys to Click on to publish you can see here we Can't get this link yet because this Site's not published there's a few Things that you need to do once you Click on to publish over here the first Thing that it's going to do is it's Going to ask you to come up with a web Address this web address is going to Start with this https sites google.com Review then you are going to add your Url okay to this site now what we want To do is we want to try something like [Music] Weight loss Secrets safe this works okay that's Taken so we can move this so there's too Many s's there we can try weight loss Let's just try this with 1s weight loss

Secrets try it with two s's if this is Going to work no so this is all being Taken So maybe then what you want to do is try Something like secrets to Weight loss Okay so that's also been taken so you Want to play around with this I'm going To come up with one and I'll show you Exactly what this looks like all right Guys so I've just quickly come up with An Weight loss okay so you can see here That that's going to be our URL now what We need to do is we need to scroll down And you can see here you click onto this Request public search engines to not Display my site do not click onto that Whatever you do leave that as is guys And click on to publish once you click Onto publish you can see here that this Site has now been published and now we Have this link over here so if we click Onto this okay this is our site we want To copy this link now if you come over To a page over here and hit Ctrl V You're going to be able to see that this Is your weight loss secret blog account When you scroll down here five tips five Tips for weight loss that actually work Does keto really help you lose weight And then from here guys anybody that Clicks onto these it's going to take Them over to those articles which

Contain all that information that you've Put in there just like I have over here In my blog guys which takes us straight Over and allows people to read those Articles they click onto those links you Can potentially make as much as a Hundred and fifty dollars for every Single sign up that you get so how are We going to get this free traffic where Are we going to get it so the first Place that you're going to go to get This free traffic Is through core okay guys I'm going to Show you two different ways that you can Do this why Cora because I've been using Quora guys as you can see now for a Couple of years and I've got over 62 000 Views and I don't even post that often But when I do you can see that if I come Over here and go to views some of my Answers over here I've had over 6 000 Views if I was doing this a lot more Often if I was doing this daily I could Be making some really good money online So what you can do is you can come over Here and click onto this section and you Can search for different answers or you Can search for different questions that People are looking for answers to and You can insert your blog in there so how Does this work so you can come over and Type in something like how To lose weight as an example okay hit Enter now what's going to happen when

You type in how to lose weight guys you Can see what are the best ways to lose Weight what are some easy tricks to lose Weight how can I lose weight quickly and All this sort of stuff let's just open Up this one over here as an example now As you can see guys once this comes up You'll be you'll be able to notice that A lot of people have come over here and They've put in a whole heap of answers To these different types of questions Some of these people also have links as You can see and you can do the exact Same this is exactly what you want to do As well now you want to come up here and You want to click on to answer when you Go to answer these questions what you Want to do is you essentially Want to pretty much put in some of the Information that you already have inside Your blog inside this answer so quite Simply if we come over to this section Over here with what are some tricks to Losing weight you can very easily copy Something like this okay and then come Over here and click onto copy then what You want to do guys is you want to come Back over to this quora answer over here And you can write something like Here are a few tips that can help You get healthy and lose weight Really quickly okay so you can do this [Music] Then what you want to do is you want to

Tab down over here guys you want to hit Ctrl V and this is going to come up and Once this comes up you're going to be Able to see over here so we're going to Need to get rid of this this bonus tip We're going to get rid of that and then What you want to do is just get rid of This okay And then you can write something like This so you don't even need to have this Bonus tip in here you can get rid of That because that's on the website and You can write something very very simple If you Would like to get even More Tips and Tricks on Weight loss Solutions that Help Thousands [Music] Of people Daily read this Amazing Article okay So you can come over here guys and just Type in something like Click here to read Okay Then what you want to do is you want to Come back over to your site that you Created you want to click onto that link

Okay so you want to copy that link Then you want to come straight back over To quora you wanna Highlight that okay once you've Highlighted that click onto these A's Over here so click on to that then click Onto this chain section and this is Where you're going to paste that site The URL to the site Okay and then once you do that guys you Hit enter as you can see now this is a Link now you can click onto this you can Come back over here you can click onto Board and click onto italic okay and you Can add this a number of times Throughout this post okay guys now I'm Not going to post this because obviously That side isn't finished but you Understand exactly how this works the Amazing thing about this guys is that You can come over to Cora and take a Look at how many answers over here you Can answer what's amazing about this is If you come over here and you do this Every single day you only need to create This site once but you can come back to Quora and you can answer as many of These questions as you want and like I Showed you when we come straight over to My stats over here if we go to my Content and stats you can see even the Last 30 days I've had over 1 377 views people are still clicking onto My stuff guys they're still clicking

Onto the links that I have any and I've Got links in all of them this is an Amazing way to make money with affiliate Marketing as a complete beginner and You've got this amazing site that you Can use now how are you going to get use A second traffic source to get even more Traffic and make even more money guys Another amazing site that you can use is Pinterest.com Pinterest can get you a Lot of traffic let me show you an Example of people are doing using their Blogs and how they're making money on Pinterest you can do the exact same if I Come over to Pinterest guys and I search For weight loss and when I scroll down You're going to find all these different Pins now these pins you can very easily Create on a site called canva.com let's Say you click onto this pin over here as An example once we click onto this pin Once you create this pin on canva what You want to do is something very simple Like this she's written without feeling Hungry or deprived so seven things to do Daily to lose 20 pounds in two months Then over here guys take a look at this It's she's got sosmo small.com if I Click onto this it's going to take us Over to this very simple blog that Shea Has created you can do the same you can Actually link back to one of these Pages See how you come over and you click on To read more you can link directly to

This page over here where it's got all The information you don't even need to Link directly to the blog if you don't Want to okay you can link directly to This page just copy that URL and then What you're going to find when people Are clicking onto this coming over to These pages when they're clicking on These links just like you're going to Have in your blog it's taking them over To Pages like these guys and take a look At this this is a click Bank product They're doing the exact same strategy That I'm telling you to do all they're Doing guys is creating these very simple Pins using this site over here called Canva.com now if we come over to canva All you need to do up top here guys is Type in Pinterest Pins as an example once you click onto These guys take a look at this look at How many different pins you can start to Create if you click on to create a blank Pinterest pin all you need to do guys Come up here and type in weight loss as An example you can type in Fitness I Mean look at this you can very easily Click onto this herbal drink Change this image over here with keto as An example so if we come back over to You guys and we go to elements and we Type in say keto Foods as an example Okay you're going to find something like

This you can find all these different Images so we can click onto this we can Very easily get rid of that Okay get rid of this background move This down to the bottom over here guys We can stretch this out then you can Very easily come over here and change This to custom keto diets or you can Even use the exact same titles can you Really use can you really lose weight by Eating keto you can type that in here Guys all you need to do is click on to Share You can download this or you can link Your Pinterest account to here and you Can drive this directly over to Pinterest okay so if we download this And we click on to download this pin is Now going to download I just want to Show you very very quickly how simple This is guys because what you're trying To do is you're trying to replicate Exactly what this person has done here And if we come over to this section it's Called the nutrition twins if we click Onto this what this is going to do is It's going to bring us over to her Pinterest profile I assume it's a female Because of the photo and look at how Many pins she's got she's got 372 pins Here 39 here 221 here 67 here and 45 Here and she's promoting different ClickBank products on all these at Different types of pins and all she's

Doing is creating very simple pins like This so once you come over to Pinterest Guys and you create yourselves a profile Make sure that you call us something in The health and fitness Niche you come up Here you click on to create go to create Pin as an example guys then all you need To do is drag and drop that in there Remember we would have changed that then All you need to do is use something very Simple like this okay without feeling Hungry or deprived cetera and then down Here as you can see it says add a Destination link all you would need to Do guys is come straight over to your Blog that you've got over here copy that Link okay as you're over here on Pinterest all you need to do guys is Paste that in there and that's going to Come up as Google sites I'll come over You guys now what you want to do is you Want to click onto this and you want to Create a new board let's just call this [Music] Simple weight loss okay and I'm going to Hide this board but I just want to show You what the pin would look like okay so Let's keep this board secret and let's Click on to create so now what you need To do is just come up to here guys and Click on to publish As you can see this is now publishing This exact same pin remember that Obviously I would have had a title in

Here and as you can see guys this pin Has been finalized you can click on to See it now now two things guys one of Them is obviously I would have had a Title in here and you can very easily Put a description in here to let people Know what this pin is about but you can See this is what this is going to come Up like and if somebody clicks onto this Guys it's going to take them straight Over to this blog where they can come Over here they can see all these tips They can see how they can potentially Lose weight these are two free traffic Sources that are amazing guys and that Will allow you to make a lot of money Online if you come over here and you Create this very very simple blog this Is one of the easiest ways to make money With affiliate marketing as a complete Beginner and like you saw once this site Is set up you can use it with multiple Traffic sources that are absolutely free To make money with affiliate marketing So that's how you make money with Affiliate marketing guys for beginners Now if you want to know how you can Incorporate this site and paste this Somewhere else click onto this video View right now that's going to show you How you can paste links and make a lot Of money online with affiliate marketing I'll see you on this video right now Until next time you guys take care of

Yourselves and goodbye

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