How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – Overview (Video 1) – Easy Affiliate Marketing

How to start affiliate marketing for Beginners welcome to this free training Where I’m going to show you how to go Ahead and get started with affiliate Marketing if it is new to you if you’re New to my Channel please hit that Subscribe button so you can get the new Videos as they come out and and like This video if you find it helpful so First we’re just going to cover several Things in this training Series today We’re just going to do an overview but Here’s what we’re going to be learning In following videos how to choose a Niche how to find offers to promote in That Niche how to create your email Opt-in page how to create upsell offers In your funnel and how to create Follow-up email series and then how to Get traffic both free and paid so today We’re just kind of given the overview so Let me jump over here and this is an Example of the affiliate marketing email Sales funnel that we’re going to be Creating in this training series and the Um the basically the way this funnel Works let me just go ahead and show you Is you’re going to be sending traffic Now here I show free traffic but you Could use paid traffic as well and this Is kind of the Hub of your funnel this Email opt-in page you’ve seen these Before I’m sure sometimes they get Called a squeeze page a landing page Etc

But this is where someone gives their Email address in exchange typically for Something free that could be an e-book It could be a training course it could Be a software it could be a video but Something that is going to entice them To enter their email on that opt-in page Now after they do that You’re going to want to show them kind Of a low cost up upsell offer if they’ve Given you their email they’re probably In a good mood to you know present them A low cost less than ten dollar offer Um because then maybe you can make a Little money and then you could even After that show them a little higher Priced uh offered and maybe the 20 30 or Up to 50 price range okay Now the main thing is that’s also going To happen simultaneously is after they Put their email on this opt-in page Um yes they’re going to see the upsells But they’re also going to start getting This automated email follow-up series That is just going to start going out Automatically Um as well and so that’s the beauty of This funnel is once you have it set up Because you could have let me go back Here for a second so once you have these Emails set up You can literally have Um dozens weeks months of emails that Just automatically go out at set

Intervals every day every other day However you want to set it up that just Go out where you can provide training You can provide information and you can Promote affiliate products where you Have a chance to make commissions okay So you can make commissions from the Upsell offer that you put here you can Make Commissions in these emails that are Going out automatically and again once You have this Funnel set up this is the only thing you Need to focus on at that time is getting Traffic to your opt-in page and then the Rest of the funnel at that point is Automated it’s hands off they see the Upsells they start getting the follow-up Series these things are all happening in The background okay and so the only Thing that you have to focus on is Getting traffic to your email opt-in Page okay so let me pull up just a Couple quick examples to show you what We’re talking about here Okay so here is uh one example of a Email opt-in page you know we have a Headline up here let’s just um You know this is the headline up here You know maybe a little blurb and then This is where you have your opt-in you Know enter your name enter your email And then give me access okay So this is one example here’s another

Example crazy awesome new business Fastest easy way to grow an amazing Affiliate income from a home a bunch of Happy people enter in info to see this For free so they say yeah sure they put Their email their name their email Address now they have some proof If you Scroll down longer uh you know lower on The page So sometimes they’re just super simple Where there is really nothing except What you see here and a lot of times Simple does convert better but these are Examples of the email opt-in page where You’d be sending traffic to and so if we Go back here You know these those those are the type Of pages you’re going to be sending People to and then after they put in Their information they’re going to be Shown an offer okay or two and then There’s going to be these automated Email messages that just automatically Start going out and promoting whatever Product that you want to promote so that Is the overview now you’re going to need Um a couple tools for this okay you are Going to need a email autoresponder This is what’s going to allow you to Collect email addresses so when you have These opt-in Pages set up when people Put in their name and email address it’s Going to go into the autoresponder and Then the autoresponder is also what

Sends out the automated follow-up email Messages so you are going to need an Email autoresponder I only really Recommend two email autoresponders there Are others but the two main ones that I Recommend are either going to be aweber Oops sorry Um aweber is who I use or get response Get response can work well also these Are both very friendly to affiliate Marketing I’ll leave links for them in The description box down below you are Going to need an email autoresponder They both have free versions that you Can start with so if you go to their Pricing start with the free version you Get you know a free account for up to 500 contacts you can definitely start With the free plan same thing with Aweber you can get started for free same Thing with them up to 500 contacts so I’ll leave links for aweber and get Response down below because that is step One you’re going to need to have an Email autoresponder account since I use Aweber as we go through this training Series I’m going to um Be referencing aweber Um this the principles are the same if You choose to go with get response That’s fine but aweber’s who I’ll be Referencing since that’s the Autoresponder that I use and that

Autoresponder is the Um kind of the Workhorse of this funnel Okay because and what I mean by that When I say it’s the Workhorse It is what’s going to allow you to Capture those emails on your opt-in page And then send out these automated Messages and so you absolutely have to Have an email autoresponder if you’re Going to create this funnel so that is The overview so uh definitely follow Along as we go along we’re going to in The next video talk about how to choose A niche and how to find offers to Promote and then again we’ll go into how To make that email opt-in page that we Showed you examples of here and finally How to make your upsell offers into Funnel and then how to add your email Follow-up series and then lastly get Traffic but the first thing you need to Do is get an email autoresponder so Click the links below I’ll leave them For aweber and get response and then Make sure you subscribe to my channel so You can get these new videos as they Come out and um also hit like on the Video if you found this helpful thanks So much for watching

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