How to start affiliate marketing for Beginners welcome to this free training Series and um if this is the first video You’re coming to uh please you know hit Subscribe to my channel so you can get New videos as they come out and then you Also want to go to the playlist which I’ll leave a link in the description Down below and um you do want to go back And make sure you watch video one before You continue on in this video but thanks So much for watching let’s jump into What we’re going to cover video one we Kind of just did an overview About what affiliate marketing is and The type of funnel that is very simple Yet effective and this is the the funnel That we talked about where essentially You’re going to be sending traffic and It could be free traffic or paid traffic And we will talk about this in upcoming Videos how to get uh traffic Um so that will be covered we’re going To talk about how to create an email Opt-in page because this is kind of the Crux of the funnel you want to be able To collect emails email addresses from People so that you can continue to send Them email messages and these email Messages are automated they just Automatically go out through your email Autoresponder so you do need to have an Email autoresponder and we talked about Using either aweber or get response
Because they’re both very friendly to Affiliate marketing and so I only Recommend them I’ll leave links for Those down below now what we’re talking About in this video Is how to choose a niche and then how to Find offers in that Niche to promote so A niche essentially just um you know Like an area of focus okay and some Niches are what are considered Evergreen Meaning that people always have an Interest in those okay over time you Know um and so they don’t really ever go Away they’re ongoing they’re enduring Their areas of interest that people have Regardless of uh time now some niches Are more kind of like fats they kind of Come and they kind of go you know you Think back to You know maybe you want to get into the Niche of selling VHS tapes right and VCR Recorders well that was popular for Several years and then you know um DVD Players came out and so that VCR Niche It went away okay and so that’s an Example of a niche that is more like a Fad it can be really hot for a while and You might make some good money with it But it’s not going to be enduring so When we talk about Evergreen niches let Me just jot a few notes down here so Evergreen niches are going to be niches Like make money online that’s super Popular
Health and fitness kind of along with That weight loss Um you know dating slash relationships Self improvement Um now I’m just going off the top of my Head here I’m sure there’s others that Are evergreen niches as well but these Are just some of the top ones that Um are you know kind of year in and year Out Niche niches areas of interest that People want to learn more about you know So just do kind of talk about these real Quick make money online that’s my Favorite Niche I like to make money Online you are probably watching these Videos because you want to make money Online and there’s a lot of people out There that also want to know how to make Money online and They that is You know obviously it’s it’s only a Niche since the internet has you know Been around but uh I don’t think anybody Really sees this being a fad okay if Anything it’s only going to grow and Grow and grow about how to make money Online So super popular Niche and it’s Evergreen people are looking how to make Extra money you know side hustles Whatever especially if they can do it Online from the comfort of their home Whether they’re 20 years old 30 years
Old 50 years old and and actually a lot Of people as they’re retiring they’re Turning to look at how to make money Online so this is a huge Evergreen Niche That really Um you know as attractive to people of All ages okay so that’s part of what Makes it um one of the to me a really Fun Niche to work in health and fitness Is also huge you know people want to Know how to be healthy they’re always Looking for you know how to fix you know Ailments that they might have or maybe For natural alternatives how to get in Better shape you know weight loss that’s A constant struggle for a lot of people Especially as you know more and more People become overweight dating in Relationships People always trying to find that Special someone to get married or or Maybe have to improve a relationship how To strengthen a marriage Etc general Self-improvement you know improving Self-confidence improving self-worth Um just you know lots of things fall Under self-improvement and then finances And again these are not all the Evergreen niches there’s definitely more Um but these are just you know some Common Evergreen niches that are always Um of interest that people have and and There’s just lots and lots and lots of People you know tens of millions if not
Hundreds of millions of people that all The time are looking for information in These areas and they’re going online to Look for it okay now I I um you may want To think about not only getting into a Niche but also you may want to Consider what’s called a sub Niche okay And that is a even more specific area so Make money online maybe a sub Niche Might be logging it might be e-commerce It might be Amazon FBA Um video marketing email Market you know There are tons okay of different sub Niches in this make money online Niche Same thing with health and fitness you Know it could be you know building Muscle it could be losing fat it could Be Um Uh you know gosh increasing your heart Rate you know improving your heart rate Your pumping efficiency Um losing cellulite you know there’s Again tons and tons you know weight loss You could get this work you get into Like specific diets like keto you got Paleo Um Mediterranean Um You know this is where we could get into Supplements Um you know these are all different sub Niches for weight loss and then you know Same thing again for dating
Self-improvement and finances you know Finances might be things like IRAs Investing gold 4X trading Etc so you want to find number one Hopefully a niche Um You know that you have an interest in Um and hopefully that you also enjoy Okay because that makes it a lot easier Then to Um work in that Niche you know if it’s Something you really just do not care About at all Um or you just don’t know anything about Then it’s going to be kind of hard to Focus on that Niche so I am definitely Not a financial expert by any means and So if I try to you know say get in say You know the Forex you know trading Niche Forex Trading is really popular it Always has been it continues to be I Don’t really know anything about it so It’d be hard for me to focus on this sub Niche because I don’t know anything number one and It’s not something I have a passion About or wouldn’t even necessarily enjoy So uh but maybe you like golf right Health and fitness I mean this this is Where Sports could fall you know maybe Like the NFL maybe you like golf maybe You like yoga Etc okay so those are all sub niches That maybe have an interest in you enjoy
And you would love to promote those Things so that is Um choosing a niche because you need to Have a focus before you go about trying To set up this funnel right because Let’s think about it if you don’t oops Sorry let me um Erase this if if you don’t have A niche then how are you going to know You know how to create your opt-in page Or what products to promote or you want Email messages to send out or even where To get traffic from so this is you know One of the first things you absolutely Must do is choose your Niche okay now You need to find offers to promote right You want to make money uh doing this you Need to have Um offers that you can promote Um that you can either be upsell offers After they give their email on the Opt-in page and then also things that You can promote in the follow-up email Series so what you want to do is you Want to be able to find Affiliate platforms that have products Where you can earn an affiliate Commission now there are tons and tons And tons of affiliate platforms out There I’m just going to cover a few of Them you know this is probably one of The most Popular uh Amazon obviously it’s huge You know you can become an affiliate for
Amazon and sell products in almost any Niche right now the downside to Amazon Is our commission structure tends to be Very low maybe one two or three percent On a sale and so you know you know if You sold a 100 product you might only Make two dollars from that so Um maybe not as attractive right now They’re just going to show you a few of Those examples a share a sale is another One Um you know they have over two hundred Uh 21 000 merchants That you can choose from and they have Products and services for all kinds of Different niches so this is one that is Tends to be very popular ClickBank can be popular ClickBank again Has uh products for all kinds of Different niches as well and so it can Be a really good place to start the nice Thing about ClickBank is you can set up A free account and then you are pretty Much approved to promote almost every Single product in their Marketplace and So you don’t have to try to get approval Now that’s true also Amazon once you’re Approved then you can pretty much Promote anything but other platforms Like share a sale and Commission Junction and other similar ones you can Create a free account here that you know Is fairly easy although sometimes it’s Actually a little challenge to even get
Approved because they may want you know To see websites or social media account Or things like that But then you also have to get approved For each individual product that you Want to promote and so you may or may Not get approved so just be aware of That and that’s why ClickBank is nice Because they have products for a ton you Know dozens of different niches and You’re automatically approved to promote Those just by creating your free ClickBank account so it’s really a good Place to start now and they make money Online Niche I use sites like Jvzoo Warrior plus ClickBank Etc when I Promote products in the make money Online Niche now the other thing you can Do is just you know if you’re not sure Maybe let’s say Um You you you’re going after yoga okay now There’s definitely products on ClickBank Yoga products on ClickBank so again this Is where you could go but if you’re not Sure where to start you know you go to Google and you type in yoga Uh yoga mat Um affiliate program okay and so 11 best Yoga affiliate programs in 2022 and so You can find out what those are again Nine best yoga affiliate programs top Ten Um you know here’s the Philly specific
Affiliate program for yoga Jade yoga Everyday yoga has an affiliate program For their website so that’s one way that You can find affiliate programs or maybe You’re want to promote a specific Product okay maybe like uh Casper Mattresses Casper mattresses or foam Memory memory foam mattresses and what a Lot of companies do So if you click on this they partner With an affiliate Um Uh manager Pro type of program who Manages their affiliate program for them Okay and so you would need to apply to So a win a win is actually who manages The affiliate program for Casper Mattresses and so you’d have to join a Win and then get approval to promote Casper but that’s another way you can Find very specific things just go to Google put in the company name or Product name and affiliate program like I did here Casper affiliate program and You’ll you’ll find it in the search Results or if you just go to their Website you scroll to the very bottom of Their site you’ll usually find their Affiliate program a link to their Affiliate program there all right so Homework from this video is Choose a niche okay so these are just Some examples tons of others if you Sometimes be getting a little more
Specific can be good and bad right so Like say you know yoga is certainly a Sub niche of health and fitness but you Could even sub Niche even further and Maybe all you want to promote is yoga Mats well then you’re going to be kind Of limited right because then you can’t Sell other yoga products you know yoga Training videos Etc if you get too focused and so you Don’t want to get too specific but you May not want to be too broad either and Then go and find some products that you Want to promote products that are Interesting to you and I would really Encourage you to maybe start at ClickBank just because again they have Lots of different niches that they cover And you’re pretty much guaranteed to Approve every single product once you Get your free ClickBank account set up And so that is that for this video how To choose a niche and how to find offers To promote and then come back in the Next video and we’re going to talk about How to create that email opt-in page Which again is the Crux Really for this whole funnel so we’ll See you in that video and talk about how To do that