How to start affiliate marketing for Beginners welcome to video three now if This is the first video that you’ve come Across uh first thanks for checking this Out and welcome to my channel hit the Subscribe button so you can get updates And make sure you go back and watch Video two one I’m sorry and video two uh Before you go on in this video so you Can catch up so just a quick Um summary of where we are uh the first Video is just kind of an overview of the Entire process we went over this Affiliate marketing email sales funnel And now we’re kind of going through and Talking about the different components In the last video we talked about how to Choose a niche and how to find offers to Promote and for the rest of this uh Training series I’m going to just focus On the make money online Niche okay it’s A super popular one I enjoy it a lot of People are looking for ways to make Money online you’re watching this video Most likely because you want to make Money online and so I think it’s a great Niche and Um yeah I just enjoy it so that’s what We’re going to be using for the rest of This training series Now and today what we’re going to do is Talk about how to create your email Opt-in page okay so if we go back here Remember this is the kind of the Crux of
This whole funnel okay this is where You’re going to be sending traffic to The email opt-in page after someone Gives their email opt-in then they’re Going to see an upsell offer or you know It’s usually a low ticket commission Where you can make you know some money Usually seven dollars under ten dollars And then you can send them to another Affiliate product and then after that You have these automated email messages That start going out and so Once someone puts their email address Into the opt-in page the rest of this Funnel is automated and it is hands off So this is super important you want to Be able to make a good opt-in page you Want it to convert well so that when you Send traffic to the opt-in page people Will give their email address and so That’s what we’re going to be spending Time talking about and this video is how To create a good email opt-in page now There are several different ways to Create email opt-in pages I’m not going To go into all the different ways Because there’s just a lot of them However what I what I will say is that You do need a couple of software for This Email sales funnel you do need an email Autoresponder and I only recommend Aweber or get response and I’ll leave Links for those below this video because
They’re both friendly to affiliate Marketing okay there’s others out there And you know you’re risking getting your Account shut down With a lot of the other services now you Can get your account shut down with Aweber and get response also if you’re Making a lot of Um you know bogus claims and things like That so you know treat them with respect And you’ll do well with them now the Other thing that is going to be really Helpful is to have a page builder to Create your opt-in page okay so a page Builder will help tremendously now You’ve probably heard of some of the Page builders that are out there I’m Sure Many of you have heard of Click funnels It works well but it is super expensive I believe they still start at 97 per Month okay that’s really really Expensive and then there’s other options That are less expensive lead pages and Others but they’re still I think 37 or 40 a month and so they can be quite Expensive now again there’s other ways If you want To build Pages I.E using WordPress Etc But that requires hosting and it also Requires quite a bit of technical Knowledge okay and so really what you Want with a page builder is you want Something that’s going to be low cost
And Simple okay I’m talking about like drag And drop simple where anybody can do it You don’t need any Tech expertise and so I’m going to show you my favorite funnel Builder it’s called the HBA funnel Builder right what a creative name so This is the sales page again I’ll leave A link for it down below and you can go Through you can watch the video see the Demo see everything you know read Through obviously what you’re getting And like I says the great thing about The HBA funnel Builder is it’s only 25 a Month and that includes your hosting so 25 a month Super cheap And you get tremendous support as well That’s the other thing if you scroll Down you know and you can build all Kinds of sites you know so we’re talking About lead capture pages but you can do Everything sales Pages webinar Pages Checkout Pages upsell Pages membership Sites you can do funnels because you can Link all your pages together you can do A complete website you know all kinds of Stuff right and that’s a great thing so Like this page you’re looking at was Built with their funnel Builder and all Of what they do is built with their Funnel Builder the company because they Have other things as well and so Um you’re gonna get some great training
Let’s just jump over there I guess so Here I’m inside my home Business Academy Account this is their kind of primary Product the funnel Builder Um and then but then they do have a Traffic and conversions uh training Which is actually really really good and Then a financial literacy Academy if you Need some help with financial stuff it’s Really good as well but today we’re just Talking about the funnel Builder they Have tremendous training okay they got Some quick starts here Um you know they walk right through Exactly how to get everything set up so You know it’s just you know number one Pick a great domain Um you know and how to integrate it they Go through exactly how to do that Um how to do a subdomain if you need it How to integrate it with your Autoresponder And so it’s you know here it is super um Simple to get everything set up and the Training as you can see is just step by Step you know they have time stamps so You know where where to go now again I Use aweber aweber is probably the Easiest to set up Um so but you’re only a waiver or get Response and then they have tons of Training Um so you know exactly how to use Everything inside of the HBA funnel
Builder Okay and then lastly they have Some training as well so every month They have some training Um so you can get on there and you can Learn from other people what they’re Doing they do have a week every morning Grow Rich call as well and part of it’s Because they have a really really strong Affiliate program you earn 80 Commissions okay so it’s costing you 25 A month to use their funnel Builder and They pay 80 commissions and so you know Again you’re working online right so I Have a nice residual monthly income from Aweber And a nice monthly residual from HBA Funnel Builder and lots of other you Know recurring programs that I use and So Um you know if you recommend HBA funnel Builder and one person decides to go Ahead and start using it now you’re Getting a 20 commission every month so It’s only costing you five dollars to Use it and if you happen to get a second Person started now you’re in profit okay All right so I don’t want to go too far Off track here but um I just love the Company it’s a great page builder funnel Builder and a low cost and they have Such a nice affiliate program that you Can make your money back really really Easily so anyway from here you just Click on login and then once you log
Into the funnel Builder this is the page That you’re at okay and just to kind of Go over really quickly if you click on Dashboard It’ll take you here where you just get Some stats you can um you know see how Things are doing uh you know get some You know traffic stats where your Traffic’s coming from Etc but primarily The meat of it is here inside the funnel Builder so right here we’re clicked on Builder you can build stores you can get Your contacts to export from here if you Want and then you can if you’re um are Using some kind of you know scheduling Um You can create appointments up here but The bulk of what you’re going to do is In the Builder and the nice thing is They have tons and tons of templates That you can use and so you can create Something completely from scratch you Can start with a blank page if you want Um to be honest I don’t because I just Have never had the need to because they Have so many good options now I’m not Going to go Um super in depth With the builder because again they have Tremendous training uh here and you have Everything you need but I’m just going To kind of give you an overview so you Can kind of see how simple this is okay So this is one opt-in page that they
Provide for you and this is promoting Obviously their own company Um if you go into funnels you’ll see the Different I have basically four funnels Set up right now this one then you see This one and actually these top two come With Um HBA funnel Builders they’re kind of Built in this is one I created this is The one of the main ones I send traffic To this is another one and then if you Want to create another opt-in page you Just click add new Step do you want a Page a pop-up a section label let’s call It something first I’m going to call This A test section okay that way it’ll Oops we’ll separate that Um Okay so now we’re going to be working Here we’re going to add a new Step we’re Going to create a new page and so this Is where all the templates come up and So you can see them by category over Here so so these lead capture opt-in Pages you can see you know I’m going to Try to scroll through slowly so you can See all the different styles that you Can choose from and all you would so These are all pre-done templates and Then it’s really drag and drop simple to Edit them and so you could go through You know find one that you like find one That’s close and then just make simple
Simple edits to Um Make it you know the way you want it Okay and so as you can see lots and lots Of templates to choose from and then They have thank you Pages you know some Legal pages over here if you want to Create link Pages you know some people Really like these these are this is Actually a great idea for like a thank You page after they have given their Opt-in So if we go back to the funnel uh one Thing that you can do is instead of Sending them to an upsell offer you can Actually go in and send them to a link Page so these are all different Um links that maybe link out to Different products that you’re promoting And so instead of sending them to just One Offer like you normally would do you Could send them to a link page so this Is actually pretty cool Um and so yeah you know if webinars they Have you know sales page templates Um Uh check out membership if you’re Creating a membership course coming soon And then users put in their templates as Well so you can go in here and you can Look at what they provide and that’s a Great thing people share Um as well okay
Um so let’s just maybe go back and let Me pick one of these just to kind of Play around with let’s go ahead and Choose this one And so we’re just gonna call this uh Maybe join now oh now I forgot to show You Um you well let’s just go ahead and set This up First Um but yeah what I forgot to show is if You go under settings this is where you Can add tracking code Um you know upload your own images in The file manager this is where you would You know but I would recommend buying a Domain and adding it they walk you Through exactly how to do that Um application so this is where you Connect your email autoresponder and Again they show you how to do all this Okay so again all this training they’re Going to show you how to do all this so I know sometimes people look at this Like oh it’s kind of overwhelming but They they you know really literally take You step by step through it it is not That technical at all because they show You exactly what to do so that’s where You’d be setting all this up your Autoresponder your domain Etc Um but yeah so here’s you know something You can start with and so you can Obviously change the background image
You know because that’s probably you Know maybe not your family right so you Can change that But then this is what I mean by drag and Drop simple see so I just hover that I Can expand that out I can make it bigger I can make it smaller Um you know you click on a section you Just say edit and so maybe you want to You know change the font And so it’s as simple as that you want To change the size so you pick your size Make it bold make it underline make it Italic so it’s that simple right that’s How you do that now here when you click On the opt-in section you can edit the Fields okay so this is what is going Inside the box so you can do that When you click on the settings Um this is Where you will Um select where you want them to go okay And so Um you can send them to again upsell Offer to a thank you a generic thank you Page to really whatever you want and so You just put on here either show a thank You message or go to a page we’re going To go to a page and then you would just Select where you want them to go okay And that could be Um you know a funnel it could be a Separate external link it could be Whatever you want you just put that in
There Um okay and then Um since I have my aweber connected you Just say what list you want that to go In so these are all my lists on aweber And so let’s say I want them maybe to go To my test list confirm that and so now When someone opts in they’re going to go Into my test list in aweber okay and so Again same thing you just Make any edits that you want you can Type more words in here Thank you Um You can again go back if you want to Stretch you know this out That’s just a spacer you can click on The whole box right you can make Maybe you want the picture smaller you Want the picture bigger if you want to Add something you can add a new block Now what I want to add and again so Here’s all the blocks that you can add An image or text a video you want to add A gallery at checkout an opt-in page an Empty block they got everything right so You can choose whatever you want let’s Just say you want to add that boom there It is there’s the disclaimer and so then You can make things fade in Fade Out That’s what you know the timer is so if You want to set up some animations or Delays you can do that you know before It you know shows up so this is kind of
Good like if you have a video playing And maybe you want to opt in to show Under it but you don’t you want you or Or a uh uh add to cart button a buy Button but maybe you don’t want that to Show up for a while right because you Wanted to watch the video first before They’re distracted by having to opt in Or click a buy button and so you could Have that buy button or opt-in form have A delay on it before it shows up So and that’s what I mean by it it is Super super simple you know and that’s What’s really awesome about this is It’s Again drag and drop simple just add Stuff you can play around you know with It make it however you want Uh they have all kinds of things that You can widgets that you can add a Heading section text button icon Containers images menus spacers Etc you Can see them all here if you’re not sure What they do no problem because again You have all of it in your training okay How to add custom codes how to add exit Pop-ups how to add first name to a form How to track your leads how to sell your Own products how to create one-click Upsell or downsell Pages how to create a Membership site how to host videos Appointment booking widget we talked About how to create Graphics resizing Videos split testing let me just the
Training is all there and that’s why I Say it’s kind of a no-brainer really When you think about what you’re getting For twenty five dollars a month Um it’s it’s pretty crazy you know You’re they they have the hosting and Tons of things you and so many again you Can create as many funnels as you want You’re not limited there Um yeah so it’s very cool so anyway that Is and and and then once you click on The link and you open it up you know Here it is so here’s your page right you Can say if you like it you don’t like it Um you know also you can preview down Below this is what it looks like on a Computer this is what it’ll look like on A tablet and this is what it’ll look Like on a phone so you can go and make Sure it looks the way you want or edit Anything you need to if you don’t like How it looks on those different devices So super super uh simple and again as I Said the main thing you want to keep in Mind if you’re looking at getting some Kind of uh page slash funnel Builder Because Um HBA is as they call it their funnel Builders not just the page builder you Want it to be low cost so 25 a month and You can really offset that easily with Their very generous uh 80 commission Affiliate program but you also want it
To be super simple and like I said Theirs is drag and drop there’s really No technical stuff that you have to Learn and on top of that they have all That awesome training to make sure you Get it set up to start working and then If you want to get in depth and go crazy They have all super super in-depth Training as well so that is what I Recommend Um I’m sorry using for building an email Opt-in page is the HBA funnel Builder so I will leave a link for this down below Go check it out again they do have when We scroll down again so they have their Funnel Builders Academy that’s all the Training that comes with it they have Their interactive help and training so You’re never you know left alone you can Create unlimited Pages you’re not Limited okay and then have tons of Templates is now some you’re limited to How much you can do so this is unlimited Um 80 commission affiliate program like I talked about which is awesome because It costs you Twenty five dollars a month but if you Help somebody get started you get paid Twenty dollars okay so kind of a No-brainer Now it only costs you five Dollars a month because you’re getting Uh twenty dollars every month as a Commission
Um pretty cool And then again super super um active Community on Facebook and telegram uh Which is awesome as well and another Nice thing they do is they Um partner with I don’t know if they’re Gonna actually talk about it on the HBA Sales page or not but they partner with Um Let’s go down they’ll do it here Um This um a camera was called oh yeah Feed My Starving Children here it is um so They partner with this non-profit Feed My Starving Children and they donate Regularly to them and so right now They’ve you know every as of today they You know they keep this up to date They’ve donated 1 630 000 almost 664 000 days of meals Provided to kids so far from the people Who just use this right and so not only Do you get a super reasonably priced Page and funnel Builder that is drag and Drop simple so you don’t need any kind Of technical expertise at all but and Not and you can earn 80 commissions Um by helping other people use it Um you also get a you know provide a Partner with a company that really does A great job giving back to kids so Anyway I’ll leave links down below for Aweber for get response and for the HBA Funnel builder thanks so much for