Hello today we're going to talk about How to use AI for YouTube Automation and Affiliate marketing so AI tools are all The rage now there's tons of them out There lots of good options I'm going to Show you a couple that I use and how I Integrate those in creating what we call YouTube automation or basically faceless YouTube videos where you have to show Your face like I am on this video and How you can use these pieces of software To really simplify the task of making Videos that you can upload to Youtube And get free traffic from YouTube when People are searching and a lot of times Your videos also will rank in Google so Let's Jump Right In uh first you're Going to want to you know find a product There's lots of different affiliate Platforms where you can find great Products to promote a couple popular Ones that I promote products from is Share a sale and also good old Amazon so We're just going to go ahead and use Amazon one of the things to do is is to Try to take advantage of popular Products that are you know top sellers So if you go to Amazon go into best Sellers and then I like to go into the Health and household section where we'll Look for vitamins minerals and Supplements okay and so you want to pick Some you know since Amazon does pay Lower commissions it's good to maybe
Pick something that you know costs a Little more like this one might be good It's a 50 payout lots of reviews Here's another one thirty two dollars And 45 000 reviews okay so let's click on that And we're going to get a little bit of Information now the nice thing is you'd Love to see you know some of this Information about the item or if you Scroll down further Um you know getting you know hopefully They have other information about the Product that you can uh either highlight And copy like some of these are images So we can't really highlight and copy These Uh or again here you could you know Maybe use this information because what You're going to want to do is you're Going to want to grab this so let's go Ahead and Take this information And we're going to come into chat GPT And what we're going to do is we're Going to ask it to write a YouTube Review Script About the following information Okay and then you want to hit shift Enter and then paste in everything we Just did and let's hit go Uh and so now it's spitting out our
Script and so while it's working on that What we're going to do is I'm going to Jump over and show you the other Software we're going to use called Pick 3 Pick 3 is a great software that makes It so easy to create these faceless Videos that you can make them easily you Can make them quickly they're very high Quality and then you upload them into YouTube and so let's see it's going it's Going and what we're going to do once uh Chat GPT is done we're going to take This script and so here's another thing We can do right we can go because what a Lot of while it's finishing the script What a lot of people do when they're Searching online they might come they Might look at this but then they're Going to say Let me grab this product name let me go Into I'm going to open up an incognito Window because this is what people would Do they'd go to Google they would put That product name in there and they Might say review or they might just put The product name let's just do it that Way and they're going to see what comes Up and because they're going to want to Go and do other reviews and so here you See this is the company site here's Amazon Um And as you can see there's no videos on This page right so you have a very good
Chance of your video appearing here Because there are no videos coming up But this is what a lot of a lot of People do the other thing they'll do is They just go to YouTube and they put the Product name again into the search bar And see if there's review videos and so Here you can see You know it looks like there are maybe a Couple of them Um they're not necessarily there's only One really that's this Garden of Life Um Probiotic the rest are kind of just it Looks like Other other things Um but there's a few so you got again a Chance that you're going to get your Video ranking on YouTube as well so Let's go back let's go in the chat GPT Okay so it's done let's go ahead and Copy the script so this is the script We're going to use in our video All right and we are going to take that And we're going to come over inside my Pick 3 account and pick 3 does lots of Different has lots of different tools Inside it that you can use we're just Going to use this script to Veo click Proceed and then we paste the script in Here now I'm going to clean this up a Little bit so I'm going to pause the Video while I take a minute to do that Okay and so I basically just kind of
Broke this up into short sentences or Phrases so that it'll make it easier for Picture to create a nice looking video Then all we're going to do is go to Scene settings create a new scene on I Like to choose line breaks because That's why I split all those up and then When we hit proceed it's going to take Us to all the different templates that Pick 3 offers which are dozens and Dozens and dozens of them and and if you Just simply you know hold the cursor Over you'll see the different ways that The text comes in some have backgrounds Some don't don't worry about the Background color or the font or the text Color because you can change all of that As I'll show you once we get into the Editor so mostly you just want to find One that you like the way it looks we're Just going to go ahead and grab this one And then we're making YouTube videos but You can also do vertical and square so We're going to hit that and continue and Now what picture is going to do is it's Going to go out and this is kind of the AI part it's taking the words from our Script and it's going to try to find Appropriate video clips for each of Those lines each of those lines will Make up a scene as we'll see shortly in The editor and then it's going to try And find an appropriate video clip and It usually does a really good job you do
Want to go through scene by scene and Make any any changes if you need to okay So now here we are let me get myself out Of the way here we are inside of the Video editor and the main menu in Pick 3 Is over here along the left hand side so We'll kind of go through this right now We're in the story or the script and you Can see it's taking each of those lines That I inputted and made it into scenes So here's scene one scene two Scene Three you can drag and drop you know Move these around if you need to You could link them if you need to also Below the main video you can see the Scenes down here as well now like I said If you click on the text now you see This text editor opened and so you can Go ahead and change maybe we want to use Open Sans font so it'll change that Maybe we want a little smaller text we Want size 30 so you can change that use Lots of other options that you can Change and here's where you can change The actual text color the background Color and the highlight color so you can Change all of those things here and then If you love if you want to use this Throughout the entire video just make Sure you click this apply to all and It'll apply it to every single scene in The video now the next thing you want to Do once you have your text the way you Want it is go to visuals and you want to
Go through scene by scene and make sure The the background video for the scene Is appropriate you know to the text so For this first one today I want to share My thoughts on the doctor formula to Once daily women's probiotic Um so you know that might be fine but It's kind of a woman doing skin care and So instead you can come over here and See what other options there are or you Can search for options so I might change It to this one and so I'm going to go Ahead and just Click on it and that'll make It the background uh image instead and Then I can you know scroll through the Scenes either down below or through These arrows let's go to scene two It says I was really impressed by the Level of care and expertise I went into Creating the product and so it's kind of Showing you know medical lab setting so That's that's fine one of the things That stood up to me was a focus on Digestive health so the stomach so That's fine or you could say maybe you Want to you know search for a difference You could say that's first for stomach Um video clips and so maybe you want Something like this okay that's a little More obvious that it's the stomach Um so you can do something like that and Then you just go through one by one and Change
Um any of the clips like we'd want to Change that to a set of lungs obviously This is talking about you know stomach Stuff right Um so again we might choose this one Because it's going to talk about support And promote overall Wellness right so we Might use that one again Um once you go through and get all the Scenes in place then they do have these Elements that you can use I really don't Use these too much but just to so you Know what they are the stickers that you Can add GIFs that you can add and emojis That you can add as an overlay to that So let's say you know we want to use This one so you click on it And it'll appear and you can drag it Around you can resize it Um Etc so that that's how those work pretty Straightforward you can delete it audio You can they have over 15 000 mute Background music tracks that you can Choose from you can sort them by mood Purpose genre duration it'll Automatically apply what it thinks is Appropriate you can preview it you can Listen to it see if you like it or not And change it if you need to you can Save it as favorites if you want they do Have ai voice overs you can sort by Region So you can see all the different regions
You can sort by male or female and one That I use commonly is this South African English and so I just if you Click apply now it's going to add the AI Voice over to the entire video but you Can also upload your own voiceovers if You have them if you do it yourself or If you get someone to make a voiceover For you you can upload it you can also Upload your own background music if you Have that as well and you can alter the Text that's where you do that here or Add additional text if you want besides What's already there you can also you Can obviously edit the text just by Clicking on it you can add words change Words Etc Um This is where you could adjust the Styles if you have maybe an intro or Outro Style again this is where you Could change the default branding if You're doing videos for company purposes You can upload a logo uh say where you Want that logo on the screen how big you Want it the opacity Etc and then lastly On format you do want to make sure you Come through and change it to the Resolution to 1080P and then you can Also change it to a vertical or Square Video at this point as well and so once You have everything the way you want it It'll generate a preview if you want so You can watch the video make sure it's
The way you like it and if it is when You're ready then just go to generate in Video and in a few minutes It'll Generate a nice mp4 file that you can Then upload to Youtube put your Amazon Description Link in the description box Down below and that is the if we go to Scenes I did add that in the text box The last scene is going to be check it Out using the link in the description Below to see pricing obviously we need To change this Background but it's directing people to Look in there and the other nice thing Is when people because again a lot of People they will they'll they'll take The name of the product and they'll go To Google And search for more information because Obviously you know the information They're getting here is biased from the Seller and so they might be looking for Independent reviews and so they'll put That in Google and remember YouTube is Just a search engine it's a search Engine for video content versus a search Engine like Google which is for text Content and so uh there's a lot of times They'll go into YouTube and search put And you know copy and paste the title of The product there and so you can rank in As I showed you in YouTube when people Are searching for that title but if you Optimize your video well then there's a
Good chance it'll show up on the Google Search page also because many times you Know they will put a video near the top Of the search results which will Definitely help in getting traffic so I Hope you found this video helpful I will Leave links in the description box down Below for all the different things I Talked about in the video and if you if You found this helpful please subscribe To the channel I appreciate that and Give me a thumbs up as well thanks so Much for watching I really appreciate Um