Hello and welcome to this list Infinity Review uh thanks for looking at my Channel after you finish this video feel Free to look around at some other ways That you can make money online but let’s Jump Right In we are going to cover in This video first of all what is list Infinity and then we’re going to talk About what you get with the list Infinity program and also how you can Earn with list Infinity so make sure you Watch all the way through to the end of The video because I’m going to show you Income proof that I am earning with this And you can as well so first what is List Infinity in a nutshell list Infinity is a viral email Uh building and marketing uh platform You get some products with it opt-in Pages and some training as well and then Uh if you Um become a paying member let’s say a Free option and paid option and if you Become a paying member then you have Opportunities to earn with this Infinity So what do you get with list Infinity Well let’s jump over to my account here I am I’m logged in to my list Infinities Affinity members area And so as you can see I am a pro member Um and we’ll talk about the membership Levels here in a little bit and it’s Really great because once you become a Member they walk you right through the
Entire system setup if you’re a free Member they show you how you know you Need to do these first three steps they Show you how to connect your Autoresponder and they integrate with Aweber and get response and I think a Couple others as well but aweber is Great because when you get down to Import your email campaign because they Do give you 30 days of follow-up emails So once you collect a person’s email Address then as long as you have your This follow-up email campaign imported Into your autoresponder it’ll send out Emails for the next 30 days you know Encourage them encouraging them to Consider upgrading to a paid account and If you have aweber it’s super easy to do Because it just automatically Imports Once you enter the code in aweber But you can do them one by one with get Response or other options now if you Have a paid account then they also show You how to set up your payment processor Uh primarily they work with PayPal and Stripe Also how you can activate income streams There’s some affiliate programs that you Can apply for get your affiliate account And you see these down here that way When you add your affiliate links if Someone clicks on either udemy to buy Solo ads or click magic for click Tracking or aweber then you can earn an
Affiliate commission if they click on One of these banners down here so you Definitely want to activate those income Streams add your affiliate links they Show you that there’s some other Um There’s a way you can add your own Affiliate offers outside of that and so If you click on here as a paid member Then you could also earn some other Affiliate commissions by adding your own Because maybe there’s other programs That you promote or training or software That you can promote in this area and Earn commissions and then you can add Your tracking pixels If you have that as well and so that’s The system setup it’s very step by step Super simple even if you’re not Technical don’t worry about it and Remember the most important thing about Having an online business is that you Need to have a Email list you need to grow an email List it’s the most valuable asset you Can actually have for online business And so list Infinity makes it super easy So what else do they give you they give You 15 different lead capture pages and You can see these are actually pretty Nice okay so you just basically you know Select the one you want you know there’s Some that are really plain Some that have you know use different
Backgrounds again some planar ones you Know here at the bottom the plain ones Actually convert really well but you Know if you just click on it so if I Click on this one then it’s going to Open up and so you can see How it looks and when so you just are Sending you’re sending your traffic uh To one of these opt-in pages okay and Once somebody enters their email on the Opt-in page we’ll go through that here In a minute but let me just finish Um showing you how what else you’re Getting here okay Um These uh sponsor recommended so this is Where if you have a paid program you can Enter some of your own affiliate offers Here and then you are getting quite a Few promotion tools okay a lot of it Talks about social media especially uh Using Facebook and so it gives you some Different you know uh uh post Facebook Posts that you can so you don’t need to Come up with your own ideas you can just Copy and paste these posts that are Given here’s 30 more posts that can help With generate leads these are more about Engagement and then there’s a list of 100 different Facebook groups that you Can join that will allow ads and so you Can run these posts or ads in there You can also um update your Facebook Profile cover if you want they give you
Graphics for that so you can choose one Of these and then they also have Graphics that you can use in your Facebook post as well as different Banners that you could put on a website If you have a website so lots of Different um Things promotional materials now the Other thing is In training With a free account you do get the Facebook marketing plan and this really Is actually very in-depth you know if I Scroll down you can see it just goes on And on and on Um but it’s a great way Facebook can be A super effective way to as a traffic Source and a lot of people have you know A lot of good success with using free Traffic from Facebook and so this is Some really good training that you may Want to take advantage of the other Training you know they have some success Mindset this is important because if you Don’t believe you’re going to succeed Then you’re not so probably a good idea To look at solo ad secrets that’s a paid Traffic method and again quite um In-depth training here And they show you they’ll walk you right Through how to do it but um if you want To do some pay traffic solo ad traffic Can be good and they do have some Recommended vendors as well
Um you know I says last updated I’m not Sure if that’s quite accurate Um but they do show you give you some Examples the great thing is you go to Udemy right here you click on that and You can see solo ad traffic sellers on Udemy you can see their reviews you can See their rating you can see if they get Sales and so it’s actually pretty easy To you know find reputable sellers over There now the rest of the training the Instagram marketing uh free Facebook Marketing YouTube marketing Tick Tock Marketing and 10 000 10K blueprint those Are for paid members okay so let’s talk Real quick what happened so if you were To click the link in the Description box below this video it’s Going to take you to one of the opt-in Pages that I use for list infinity and What you would do is you put your email Address in and Um You know click on the button click here To continue now that’s going to open up This bridge page and this is part of the What you set up inside list infinity and What it’s going to do is say hey I just Sent you an email with a link to the Private Facebook group okay you can you Know customize this to um say well you Know whatever it wants what you want and Then when you click here to continue It’ll go from the bridge page to the
List Infinity main sales page and so This is where it kind of talks about you Know people can watch the video it Describes how the system works and People can create their free account now Once they create and there’s lots of Proof on here that people are getting Paid it does actually work I’ll show you Up some of my own proof here at the end Of the video so make sure you stay to The end and they do talk about if you Decide to get a paid account You know they show you you’re going to Get all the opt-in pages and if you do Sign up for a paid account you’re going To get the additional training and you Can get a free vacation if you get the Pro membership Etc okay so that is The sales page Um and so once you click on you know Either sign up or create your free Account it’s going to take you here It’ll have referred by my name will be On the bottom if you use my link and Then create account now that’s going to Set up your free account and then after You set up your free account you’re Going to see a page with the option to Upgrade to a paid account so let’s go Through and talk about what are the paid Account options list Infinity again you Have the free level doesn’t cost you Anything to start and then they have the
Starter level which is a 25 one-time Payment what they call the advanced Level which is the 50 one-time payment And the pro level a hundred dollar One-time payment and the differences Between those plans are all explained on The page where you have the option you Can always upgrades if you decide hey I’m gonna you know right now I’ll give It a try at the 25 dollar And see how it goes and you can always Upgrade at any time if you want now the Nice thing I always like to point out Remember the these this is not there are No ongoing payments okay this is not a Subscription this is not a recurring Um thing you’re going to be billed it’s One time I like to point that out Because a lot of these programs you Actually have to stay on the ongoing Subscription in order to be able to earn Commissions and that’s not the case here So like when I started they they Actually only had the free and the pro Okay Um so they’ve added a couple levels Since then and um the problem was if You’re at the Free level and you know You sent somebody to the opt-in page Oops And they opted in and then they went Here and then they set up their free Account and then they decide and then They saw the options to upgrade right
You know to Um to go to a paid level Then if you were a free member you Couldn’t earn commissions because you Can only earn commissions on the level You are at right so if you’re on a free Level then you can’t earn any Commissions because free is free you Can’t earn commissions on zero dollars Right and so if you only have a free Account and someone decides to go pro And pays a hundred dollars then you Don’t get that okay so uh so it’s Probably a good idea if you see the Value in listening to try to start out Wherever you can and remember it’s a One-time payment you’re not going to be Billed monthly okay Um and so that’s the beauty of it right So if you are at the starter level then If anybody joins at the starter level Then you get the and these are 100 Commissions that are paid directly to You it goes direct to your PayPal direct To your stripe okay okay so it doesn’t Go to somebody else And then you get paid and you’re not Earning a percentage you’re earning 100 So if someone decides so if you’re at The starter level and someone decides That they also want to get started at The starter level then their 25 payment Is coming directly to your PayPal or Stripe account and you keep 100 of it
And you get that immediately and so That’s why it’s probably good to join at Whatever level you can obviously don’t You know do something you’re not Financially able to do Um but you definitely don’t want to miss Out on payments because you’re only at a Lower plan right so let’s go back let’s Look Um let me just show you my stats and so You can see I’ve had a ton of clicks To my opt-in pages 157 leads and that’s Generated six sales they’ve all gone pro 100 okay so you know if you look at it That way I paid a hundred dollars one Time and I’ve been able to generate a Profit of five hundred dollars because Of you know 600 in Revenue Um you know I had the one-time cost of 100 so join which gives me 500 in profit And so that is the list Infinity system So um if you found this video helpful I Encourage you to please give me a thumbs Up and I should have asked you earlier To subscribe so if you haven’t Subscribed please do Um I showed you the income proof I Showed you what list Infinity is I Showed you what you get I show you how You can earn with list Infinity so if You have any questions at all please Reach out to me and let me know and if You want to give it a try then click the Link in the description box down below
It’s going to take you to uh one of the Opt-in pages that I use and then just go Ahead and go through I showed you what You’re going to see so go ahead and get Started and create that you know get you Need to work your way here so you can Get that free account set up and if if You’re able to and you want to then Maybe go and get one of those uh paid Upgrades as well thanks so much for Watching