On this video today you are going to Learn how to make ten dollars per Comment and thousands of dollars every Single day and this is perfect if you Are a beginner because you don't need to Sell anything you don't need to have any Of your own products and you don't need To have anything to do with e-commerce With that being said let's get straight Into this video because I want to show You how to use LinkedIn to make money Online every single day if you don't Know what LinkedIn is LinkedIn is one of The largest professional networking Platforms online and I'm going to show You how to use this platform to make Money using their own affiliate program You see when you're on the LinkedIn There are people over here that are Looking to find a range of different Types of jobs in the interest that they Have and you can help them explore these Opportunities and also get up skilled in Whatever they are interested in your say LinkedIn allows you to connect with People and I'm going to show you how to Connect with them then I'm going to show You how you're going to help them find The job that they want by taking certain Courses that you are going to get paid For every single time someone signs up So the first thing that you need to do When you are on LinkedIn is you need to Create a profile for yourself now once
You create this profile from there what You need to do is you need to get a lot Of connections but it's the connections That you're going to make that are key And I'm going to show you the best Connections to make that are going to Help you make the most amount of money Now before we continue with this video All I say you do is that you smash that Like button in appreciation so what you Want to do when you're on LinkedIn step One is you need to create a profile for Yourself once you've created a profile For yourself now what we need to do is We need to get connections now in order To get connections all you need to do You scroll up to the top and click on to Network once you click on to network This is going to show you different People that you can connect with some of The people that are going to come up may Already be connected to other people That you know potentially have same Interests that you have have worked with You before or currently work in whatever Organization that you are in at the Moment when you create your LinkedIn Profile it's going to ask you the Different types of interest that you Have what type of companies you've Worked for ETC and that's what it's Going to do then it's going to link you To like-minded people but if you keep Scrolling down you're going to find a
Whole range of different types of people In many different types of fields now The trick to this is what you want to do Is you want to come up to the top over Here under search and you want to type In something like looking for And you want to type in something like Looking for opportunities once you do That what's going to happen is it's Going to give you all these people that Are looking for opportunities they could Be looking for a new role they could Potentially be looking to get a better Position in the current company that They're in or they might just be looking At a whole new career change and these Are the people that we're going to help So you can be looking for looking for Opportunities looking for a new job Looking to upskill Etc and then what you Want to do is you want to start Connecting with these people so quite Simply just come over here click on to Connect and then click on to send now That you've sent a connection to this Person then they what they can do is They can accept that connection and once These are both connected then you can Start messaging these different types of People so this is what you want to be Doing so once these people have received Your connection request and they have Accepted it and a lot of people will Accept you are going to then come into
Your connections and you're going to see All these people that you are connected With that you can very easily message And I'm going to show you exactly what You need to write now that you have got All these connections remembering that LinkedIn if you come over here to Similar web and take a look at their Website they get over 1.6 billion Visitors every single month so the world Is your oyster with opportunity and the Other really cool thing is if you take a Look at their top countries it's the United States India United Kingdom Brazil Canada Etc it's a lot of T1 Countries with people that will be Definitely willing to spend some money To get themselves upskilled so what you Want to do from here is you need to sign Up to this side over here called in Learning now I'm going to show you how To sign up to their affiliate program so That you can start making money Promoting this software or this site to Them where they can upskill themselves By taking different courses the best Thing about this site is they don't even Need to take out a course if they sign Up you you can get paid as much as ten Dollars for every single sign up now Once you're on this site when you scroll Down you can see here that your first Month is absolutely free it's not going To cost anything as you scroll down you
Can see there's different types of picks That have already been picked for me but People can come over here and search any Skills that they want as you scroll down You can see that there's Business Development entrepreneurship social Media marketing how to use Adobe Sales Management so much opportunity with LinkedIn learning and when you come over Here people may potentially want to Learn how to use Excel or Microsoft There's so many different types of Opportunities and people are taking These courses all the time and the People that refer them are getting paid Not just for the initial sign up but Also when they are taking out these Different types of courses let me show You how you are going to sign up to These websites very important because There's two different ways that you can Do this the first way that you can do This is you can come over to this Platform over here called offervault.com Now with offer Vault what you want to do Is just quite simply come over here and Type in LinkedIn as you scroll down You're going to see this LinkedIn Learning and then it's got all these Different abbreviations these are all The countries that LinkedIn learning is Available in you want to click onto that And then it's going to bring you over to A page that looks like this and as you
Scroll down you can see that the payout Is 26.9 percent but I'm going to show You how to get an even higher payout Okay now if you're appreciating this Video guys all I ask that you do is that You smash that like button in Appreciation let's get this video to Over a thousand likes so it can help out A lot of people so as you scroll down Guys you can also see here that it's got This where it says run offer now once You click on to run offer it's going to Take you on another page where you can Sign up but also what I want you to see Here is that you can see that for online Sign ups are going to pay you seven Dollars and 69 cents per lead and also 26.9 percent per order this is because Of the volt is taking their cut but I'm Going to show you how to do this and Make even more money so if you wanted to Sign up with offer Vault you would click On to run offer it'll bring you over to This page where you'll need to complete All these details and then click on to Create account this is then going to get You signed up for this program that's The first way that you can do it the Second way that you can talk guys is you Can quite simply come over to Google and Type in LinkedIn learning affiliate Program click onto the first link that Comes up that's going to bring you over To a page that looks like this now you
Can see this is the LinkedIn learning Affiliate program what you need to do From here is quite simply scroll down And click onto learning affiliate Program so that you can sign up but take A look at this you can earn as much as Ten dollars for every free trial sign up And 35 of the sale from a standalone Individual course purchase okay some of These courses cost a hundred dollars Couple hundred dollars so you could be Earning some really good money With everybody that's signing up and Remember we're going to be promoting This on LinkedIn so a lot of people will Definitely that are looking for Opportunities will be signing up to this So you want to scroll down here click Onto learning affiliate program it's Going to bring you over to this page Quite simply click onto this learning Affiliate program this is then going to Bring us over to this page where you can Complete all these details Now this works through a company called Impact if you already have an impact Account then all you need to do is Click Onto this little simple link otherwise If you don't quite simply complete all This and this is going to bring you over To impact where you're going to be able To get your affiliate link and as you Can see it's going to tell you exactly What the payouts are if you scroll down
You can go through all this okay any Sort of other sale is 35 Every single time somebody buys a Standalone course so now that we have Our profile set up on LinkedIn we've got A few connections that are coming Through and we have created our Affiliate link on impact all through Offer Vault we can now start to promote This to these people let me show you Exactly how you're going to do that so What you want to do is come back over to LinkedIn you want to go over to your Network now these are all my connections Okay so what I'm going to do is find Someone that is looking for an Opportunity all right so I've just gone And found someone that I've connected With that's looking for an opportunity What you want to do from here is come Over here and quite simply click onto Message remember that both of you need To be connected in order for you to Message otherwise you can sign up for a Premium service with LinkedIn where you Can message anyone so what you want to Do from here is you want to send this Person a message and the message that You want to send them looks something Like this so I've got something already Pretty much made up and I also have my Bitly link in there so what I'd quite Simply do is copy this and all this Basically says is you want to thank them
For connecting with you let them know That you notice that they're looking for An opportunity and then make them aware That LinkedIn has a special feature that Can help them get themselves up skilled Learn new different types of skills take A whole heap of different types of Courses and these courses can be put in Your resumes when you're applying for New positions okay and then all you need To do is tell them where they can go to Sign up to take a look and also don't Forget to mention that they've can get a Free 30-day trial okay so make sure that You don't have any spelling mistakes in Here and then all you need to do is copy That once you copy that what you want to Do is quite simply come straight over to LinkedIn over here and you want to paste This in there as you can see that link Can stay in there then what you want to Do is click on to send now the way I Shorten this link and added a bitly link In it quite simply when you get your in Learning URL your affiliate link so Let's say this was your link what you do Is you'd copy it from there what you Want to do is come over to a site like This which is bitly okay it's a link Shortening service now you can put your Affiliate link straight in there it's Completely up to you or you can shorten It on bitly then all you want to do is Scroll all the way down to the bottom of
You guys and quite simply just paste That in there okay and then click on to Shorten once you do that you want to Copy that link then all you need to do Is add that to your note over here okay So you just want to add that to that Note then what you want to do is you Want to copy all of this just like I did So you copy all that and then quite Simply when you come straight back over To LinkedIn all you need to do is paste That in there and then that link will be In there as well from here what you want To do is quite simply just click on to Send once you click on to send you're Going to see here that LinkedIn is going To recognize that this is LinkedIn Learning okay and you've got your entire Spill here what that will do from here If they come over here and click on to This you can see here you're leaving LinkedIn you can click onto that and Then it's going to take them straight Over to LinkedIn learning if they sign Up from here you are going to get paid As much as ten dollars per sign up and Every single time someone goes and signs Up to any of these courses you stand a Good chance to potentially make hundreds Of dollars every single week from people That are looking for these opportunities And it's a LinkedIn product that's been Promoted on LinkedIn okay now I highly Recommend that when you go and create
Your LinkedIn account make sure that it Looks professional so that people are Happy to connect with you and let them Know that you're potentially someone That helps people find different types Of opportunities so they can get Upskilled in their Workforce that's Going to give you the best opportunity So that you can get as many conversions As possible until next time guys hope You appreciated this video video you Guys take care of yourselves and goodbye