This is urgent for some reason no one is Talking about this app but this app will Literally pay you while doing nothing Now there's a lot of different features Of this app you can make money while Watching YouTube videos you can make Money while liking Facebook posts by Sharing Instagram accounts whatever that Might be but in this video we're going To be focusing on one specific feature That literally allows you to get this App do nothing and still get paid for it Now obviously this is not going to Replace your full-time job it's not Going to make you rich it's not going to Make you millions of dollars or anything Like that but still if you're being paid For doing nothing I think it's gonna be Worth your time just a quick disclaimer Here if someone replies to your comment Like this claiming they're me just know It's a scam I don't have WhatsApp I Don't have Telegram and I would never Attack you for money you can check their Accounts they don't have a verification Badge they don't have the same Subscribers or videos as me and they Will just scam you my only Instagram Account is at I'm Dave Nick people are Just creating fake accounts reposting my Photos and dming you asking for money You can check their posts the engagement Is fake their new accounts and just know That I would never fax you like that so
Just stay safe and report them all if You're not afraid of work and you want To build a sustainable online business That can potentially replace your Full-time job and make a lot more than This app then click the first link in The description box down below and I Will show you exactly how I personally Make money online and how I've been able To establish my passive income systems Now with all that being said and done Now I'm going to show you the app that We're going to be using but you got to Stick with me all the way until the end Of the video so I will show you exactly How to actually withdraw the money from The app and how to actually turn the Points which you collect inside of the App to actual cash and how to actually Change those points for actual money That you can spend on different things Because inside of the app you can only Collect points but then you need to know How to actually convert those points Into the actual cash into actual real Money so with all that being said and Done let us actually begin with step Number one so for the step number one What you want to do is you obviously Want to use this app and the app is Called add me fast now you can of course Use this on your phone or you can just Go to the desktop you can go to your Laptop for your computer and you can
Still use the website over at the now I'm going to be using The website because it's obviously a lot Easier to explain on the website than it Is on a phone so we have a bigger screen Over here so I'm going to go to as we open up you want to confirm Confirm that you are a human so I've Only select all buildings Burj Khalifa Is probably a tall building so I'm gonna Go with that I'm gonna select it and Then we're gonna verify that we are Human now once you verify that you are a Human you will need to register an Account by pressing on the register Button over here and then as you Register an account you simply want to Log into that account now once you log In this is what you're going to be able To see and you see this is an app where You can like collect different points by Completing by liking Facebook pages by Liking Instagram posts by watching YouTube videos and stuff like that but That's not what we will be doing and That's not how you actually make money By doing nothing because that requires Some work right so I want to show you How to actually collect those points Without actually doing anything and then I'm going to show you how to actually Use those points to make money online so You see on the left side if you select
For example I'm just going to use this As an example if you select Instagram Followers you can actually see all these Different pages which you can follow and When you follow them you're gonna you're Gonna collect certain amount of points So for example if I follow this Instagram page all I gotta do is press Follow and it's going to pop up a page I'm going to click follow and that's it I'm gonna be paying seven different Points now seven points don't mean Anything on this website except that you Can use those points to then get Followers or likes or views for your own Social media now obviously you don't Need that you want to make money online So I'm going to show you how to instead Of getting those followers or likes or Whatever I'm going to show you how to Turn these points into actual money so You gotta stick with me for that but Anyways you can of course like follow All of these pages but what we will be Focusing on is scrolling a little bit Down and then focusing on website hits Or website traffic and what that Indicates is that you can actually Collect points while visiting someone's Websites and the beauty of that so if You go to website hits is that you don't Actually do anything so so you pretty Much just leave it like this and you can See the the seconds over here running
Like 15 seconds so we're just gonna stay On this website for 15 seconds so I'm Not touching anything and once these 10 Seconds expire this is just gonna Refresh and it's gonna load a new Website and as you can see as of right Now I have 52 points but once this is Ended like as you can see I'm not even Touching my my screen I'm not touching My mouse as you can see now I have 62 Points so as it ends it just refreshes a New website that we need to visit and It's just going to keep on refreshing on Itself so it's literally autopilot it's Literally automatic and I'm collecting Those points without actually doing any Of the works if I just leave it like This for a couple of hours it's going to Be collecting points for me now I can Literally go to bed I can sleep I can go Outside all I gotta do is just leave it Like this and let it collect points for Me and I'm going to show you exactly how To actually use those points that are Being collected on an autopilot to Actually make money online so that's one Of the ways you can collect points Literally doing nothing literally doing Nothing then you can also as I said Complete all of these different tasks You can follow me people on Tech talk You can follow people on Instagram you Can follow people on Reddit whatever That might be you can just collect
Points in different ways now once you Actually start collecting those points And you have enough points you can go to My sites section over here and you can Start adding your own sites as I said You can add your own Instagram page and You can get points you can get you can Get followers in in exchange for the Points that you collected so for example If you have 65 points and you are giving Six points per follow with 65 points You're gonna be able to get around 10 Different follows which means that if You want to get a thousand different Follows you will need 6 000 different Points so what I recommend you do is get To like six thousand seven thousand Different points and you saw that Literally all you got to do is just do Nothing and collect points on an Auto Ballad and once you get to 7 000 points Or six thousand points you can then Exchange that for followers you can Exchange that for a thousand Twitter Followers for a thousand Instagram Followers for a thousand likes for a Thousand Facebook shares whatever that Might be and if you're wondering like Dave how is that actually gonna pay me Well here's how that's actually going to Make you money so what you want to do Now is you want to go over to player up And player up is a marketplace with Thousands of different people that are
Buying trading and selling different Social media accounts and social media Engagement so you see if you go to the Player up Marketplace and you go to Instagram accounts buy sell and trade You can see that people are selling Instagram accounts Instagram comments Followers likes Mansions usernames Services views and stuff like that so if You go to Instagram accounts for sale You can see that you can actually sell An Instagram account for decent amount Of money on this platform this is just One of the ways that you can make money You can also go to a platform called Social tradia so if you go to Social Tradia and if you scroll a little bit Down you can see that Instagram accounts Are selling for like two thousand Dollars sixteen thousand dollars Nineteen thousand dollars now these are Obviously big accounts but if you get to Get like enough points let's say for Example you get 18 000 points on on the Previous app you can now exchange that For let's say three thousand four Thousand different Instagram followers You can build up a page and to let's say Three thousand or four thousand Followers and if you see on social Tradia you can if you go and you look at A social trade you can see that those Accountants are selling for like 200 150 Dollars two hundred dollars three
Hundred dollars up to three hundred Dollars for a single account it has like Three thousand four thousand followers So what you can do is you can use the Points from admit fast app that you've Collected while literally doing nothing To build different social media accounts Whether that's Twitter or Instagram or Facebook and then you can sell those Social media accounts on different Platforms including player up and Including social tradia now obviously That will require additional work you're Just gonna make the Instagram page and Once you make an Instagram page you just Grab your url you just grab the link to The Instagram page you go back and all It's simply gotta do is go to my sites On the left side click on ADD site slash Link and just click on ADD and you just Add your affiliate add your at your Instagram page link and that's pretty Much it and now the points are going to Be deducted from you because other users Anatomy fast will start following your Page for them to get new points so in Order for them to collect points they Have to follow your page because you've Been just watching their websites you've Been liking their posts whatever you've Been doing to collect those points and What you can also do you can just rely On website hits you'll literally just go To the website hits section you do
Nothing and you just let it run on an Autopilot collecting viewpoints as many Points as possible and then you exchange Those points for social media engagement Or what you can sell either as a service Or build up your own accounts which you Can then sell on these platforms now as I said that's obviously not gonna make You a lot of money it will allow you to Make 200 or 300 after some time but it Will take quite a bit of time to collect Those points and then to actually find Someone to buy those Instagram accounts Or Twitter accounts that you build using The followers from admit fast so if you Want to see how I personally make money Online and how I've been able to Establish my passive income systems and Click the first link in the description Box down below and I will walk you Through the entire process step by step And show you exactly how that works