And this is how this channel is making Over 2.7 million dollars in passive Income and they don't create any of the Content and YouTube is very quickly Becoming one of the best platforms to Create passive income but I want to show You how to do it without actually Creating the videos yourself for example This channel over here makes anything up To 987 000 a month the channel itself is Called Triple S sniperwolf and all she Does is react to other people's videos Channel number two is called Beast Reacts now you may have heard of this Guy it's Mr Beast and as you can see all He does is react to other people's Videos and this channel makes him Anything around six hundred thousand Dollars a month the third Channel I'm About to reveal is absolutely insane This channel brings in anything up to 2.7 million dollars a month the channel Itself is called Panda shorts and all They do is react to different type of Videos basically all they do is just Show their face on screen which allows Them to use this content very minimal Just facial reactions saying stuff like What but using other people's videos now If you want me to create a full tutorial On what I just showed you all you need To do is comment yes right now and I'll Create a video all you need to do now is Like this video and follow for more
($2.7 Million PROOF) Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts To Make Money on YouTube