Hello AI YouTube faceless automation So Today we're going to be talking about How to make faceless videos for YouTube And using AI software and programs to Make that happen so welcome to my Channel if you're new here please click That subscribe button I just hit 2 000 Subscribers today so thank you to Everyone who subscribed and if you're New please subscribe so you can get Updated videos as they come out so we're Going to walk through this whole process Step by step so make sure you watch all The way to the end so I can show you how To use these different AI programs to Create faceless YouTube videos some People they may not like doing what I'm Doing they don't want their face on Video they don't want to You know they don't like maybe their Voice on video and so I'm going to show You how you can get around that in this Video today so uh first for this example And and primarily we're making these Videos to upload to Youtube and not Really so much for the AdSense Revenue Because you can make money with AdSense But really you make a lot more money With affiliate marketing earning Commissions and so we're gonna go over To one of my favorite affiliate Platforms call ClickBank We're in their Marketplace this is where You can find products and if you make a
Sale then you earn a commission and on ClickBank they usually pay anywhere Between 30 and 70 75 percent depending On the product so for this example we're Going to do a yoga Niche product and I'm Going to specifically use this product Called yoga burn it's got a nice gravity Score The higher the gravity score that just Means the more Affiliates that are Making sales with this and so sometimes If you get something that's too high It's too competitive but this is a pro a Product that I know has been around for Quite a while it converts very well it's Consistently Got a gravity in this range or higher And so it is a product that converts you Know if we opened up and look at the Sales page it's got a nice sales video And it converts well okay so and you can See the average conversion for a sale is Almost two hundred dollars per sale so That's pretty nice so you basically just Click promote and get your affiliate Link your affiliate link we're going to Be putting it in the description box Below the video and so in the video You're going to refer people to see the Link below the video okay so now we have Our product yoga burn Um we're going to go over now we need to Create a script I am in chat GPT And I'm going to leave links Below in
The description box below in this video For everything I reference so don't Worry about trying to look for it after You watch the video you can go down into The description box and have there'll be Links for everything I'm talking about So chat gbt um is an AI Uh software that is free right now it Probably will you know come out with a Paid version as they continue to refine It but you can do all types of stuff With chat GPT but for this we needed to Write us a video script so I'm going to In the prompt box down here if you're Not familiar with chat GPT just go to Openai.com and you can create your free Chat GPT account and then really it's This is the interface it's this simple You just go down to this prompt box and You tell chat GPT what you want and so You I'm going to say write a and the More descriptive you can be the better Output you'll get write a YouTube video Script Um let's just put about How to start yoga from home because That's what our product is our product Is teaching people how to do yoga at Home So we want to write a script about how To start yoga from home And put in And enter Tanning tone okay and then just hit
Enter or here and it should start Writing Okay so we're going to go ahead and let That finish and while it's writing the Script Once the script is done we're going to Go and take it and put it into another As software called pictory Pick 3 is a Super super helpful way to create high Quality videos and these are super easy To use when you log into picture here or In my account you can see it does Actually several several different There's several different ways to use Pick 3 we're just going to get a script And we're going to turn that script into A video so we're going to focus on this Over here let's go back to chat GPT and See how it's doing So it's coming along okay Um And it looks like it's about done yep so Let's let this finish Uh Yep there it is so done okay so we're Going to take this we're going to uh Copy this Ctrl C we're going to go into Picture we're doing a script to video so Just hit proceed and here's where you Would paste that script in now I like to Separate this out so it makes the video Uh easier to produce I'm going to put This on pause just for a minute while I Do that and then come back and you can
See what I did Okay so I took a minute and you can see What I did is I just separated this out Um so that you know each little section Will be its own scene when the video is Created the other thing I did is I just Gave it a title base you know this is The product that we're promoting and Then I also added a couple of call to Actions by the way check the link in the Description box below for help and at The very end of the video see the link In description box below for more helps Starting at home now what you can do as Well is you can select your scene Settings and what I do here is create New scenes on I just put line breaks That's why I did went through the Process of doing that and now we're Going to click proceed and then what's Going to come up is all these different Templates okay you have dozens and Dozens of templates to choose from The bottom line is if you hover over a Template you'll see the way that the Text is going to enter the scene okay so Some will you know fade in some will Bounce in uh some will slide in there's Different ways now you can change Everything about the text you can change The font the color of the text the Background color so don't worry about Those items more so just kind of get Used to how you want the the text to
Come into the seam and so let's go down Um there's one I like that's called Unity that seems to work well And so let's just hit select and then What ratio do you want we're making Videos for YouTube so we're going to Leave it at the 16 by 9 ratio and then When we hit continue what picture is Going to do and this is Um a big part of the AI part of Pick 3 Is it's going to it is integrated with Story blocks and a couple other uh Places where it gets video clips and Images and so right now it's taking the Script that we put in and it's going out And finding appropriate video clips for Our script and when it comes up we're Going to be in the video editor and then I'll walk you through the editor and in The editor you're able to change pretty Much everything you can change the Visual backgrounds you can change the Text you can change as I mentioned the Text color the text background Etc okay so let me just get myself out Of the way so you can see So here we are in the editor the main Menu is over here along the left hand Side and so you can you know uh change And edit any of these things and you Kind of just want to work your way down The menu as you go through you can see All the scenes over here scene one scene Two scene three scene four you can drag
And drop these if you want them in a Different order and then you can also See all the scenes over here below the Main video so scene one scene two three Four Etc and so you can go from scene to Scene just by clicking on the scene on The left or if you click it down below The video so let's go back to scene one Let me just talk to you really quickly About the text so if you click on the Text now you saw this editor pop up here And so you can change you know pretty Much anything in relation to the text You can leave it as is if you like maybe You want to change the font let's say You want uh I'm just going to say Poppins bold Okay maybe we don't want it quite that Big so we'll reduce it and then again You can change all these other settings As well now and here's uh where I said You can change the text color itself the Background color and the highlight color So you're not you can change this okay If you make any changes and you wanted These changes to affect the entire video And not just this one scene that we're On then you need to make sure you click Apply to all and that will make these Changes throughout the entire video then The next thing you want to do is go down To your visuals and this is where you Can change the background okay so Basically you know if you like it that's
Fine just go on to the next one you know From the comfort of your own home so Let's say maybe you know we want Um We don't quite like that so maybe we Yoga home Um Let's see if we can yeah This which is a home what looks like a Home setting this one does right okay so From the comfort of your own home so I Just changed that now you can you know Below the video you can preview it if You want trim it you can add a voice Over here you can change settings right So maybe you don't want text on this Slide so you can take it off on this Scene or you can add it back or if you Want to hide the text for all scenes Again you just click apply to all and Let's go ahead and add that back into I Think it's helpful to have the text Because A large percentage of people that watch Videos on YouTube are not necessarily Listening you know and they're you They're traveling they're on an airplane They're training a bus they're in public They're eating lunch whatever so they're Not listening and so having the text is Great because it allows them to read as You go through the video and so that's What you do you just go through all the Scenes and change any of the visuals
That you want just by searching and then Clicking on it and adding it if you need To Um this is a new feature they have some Elements you can add stickers GIFs And emojis I haven't really used too Much of this but these are things that You can add you know maybe from the Comfort of your home maybe you want a Smiley face so you can you know add that If you want So these are different things that you Can do to you know customize that video Now on audio you have a couple different Options this is where you would add Background music and voice over so the First thing I would say is with Background music they have over 15 000 tracks that are available to choose From and you can sort the audio by mood Purpose genre and duration You can preview any of the tracks I'm Not sure it's why it's kind of loading Slowly here by clicking the button and You'll hear you know a preview of that Music track and then you can apply it to The video if you like it so again I'm Not sure why it's taking so long let's Jump over a voiceover while we wait for That now they do have some built-in AI Voices which are pretty decent and again You can preview them by just clicking You know you can search if you only want Male voices if you only want female
Voices if you're maybe from a certain Region you they have different choices For that right now And they're always adding more you can Adjust the speed if you want because Some voices sound more natural if They're a little slower or a little Faster and so again you just preview by Clicking and once you find a voice that You like I'm just going to go ahead and Hit apply and that will apply it to the Entire video okay uh Again you can choose your background Music you can upload your own background Music or voiceovers as well so if you Decide I want you want to make your own Voiceover you can do that and upload it And it'll auto sync it to the text which Is a great feature it just syncs it Automatically or maybe you have a Freelancer from Fiverr or someplace do a Voiceover you just upload that file and Again it'll sync it to the text in your Video Um you can edit your text settings if You like you can edit your Styles Um if um if you're doing this maybe you Have a logo or branding you can upload That where do you want it how big do you Want it Etc you can do that just on the intro You can do that for each for all the Scenes or just on your outro and then Format this is important you always want
To make sure you go here and you know Change that to 1080p Now here's a little hint once you've Made this video and saved it as a 16×9 Then you can go under your my projects You'll find the video saved and when you Come into the editor just change the Setting if you want to Use this same video for maybe in a Vertical format for YouTube shorts or Instagram Etc okay and so you can only have to Make the video one time but then you can Repurpose it as different sizes Depending on how else you want to use it And once you have have everything the Way you want it you can click preview It's going to generate a preview you can Watch the whole thing through make sure It's exactly the way you want it make Sure everything's synced up well make Sure the you know background music isn't Too loud and so after you watch the Preview then you can generate a final Video file and then it's going to be an Mp4 file and this is only taking a Little longer because it's syncing Everything In the pre for the preview as well as It's a 1080 now it's not going to be 1080 in the preview the other thing is When you're making the video and also in Your preview you're going to see the Story blocks logo on the visuals don't
Worry about that that will not render in The final video okay So here you go let me see if you can Actually hear Okay and so you can hear that so Obviously you know I didn't go and Change all these scenes but you know it Looks like there's a few scenes that Probably would want to get changed so That's the preview and again once Everything is exactly the way you want It you just hover over this generate Click video and it will generate a 1080p Mp4 file That then you can upload to Youtube and Make sure when you upload it to YouTube You optimize that with you know keywords In your text your description Etc and don't forget in your description Box make sure you put your affiliate Link for the product the yoga burn Product that we're promoting by making This video I hope you found this helpful If so please leave a thumbs up please Subscribe if you haven't and reach out To me if you have any questions about Any of this and I'll leave links for Everything in the description box below Thanks so much