In this step-by-step tutorial I'm going To show you exactly how I made over 54 000 using this one a single affiliate Offer and I'm going to show you exactly How to get everything down for you using Completely free AI tools from literally Anywhere in the world just a quick Disclaimer here if someone replies to Your comment like this claiming they're Me just know it's a scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I Would never tax you for money you can Check their accounts they don't have a Verification badge they don't have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their post the Engagement is fake there are new Accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all so first thing First I do want to show you proof that They actually made about forty fifty Four thousand dollars with this offer so If you actually go to the all-time Earnings on my warrior Plus account Which is an affiliate marketplace with Thousands of different affiliate offers You can see that the offer that made me About fifty four thousand dollars is an Offer that we are going to be promoting
In a particular way and I'm going to Show you exactly how that works and by The way while this loads and here it is 54 000 and 54 900 with this one single Offer and by the way word plus is a Platform where you can find a lot of Different affiliate offers in the make Money online in online business Niche I'm gonna reload a page so you can see That this is actually real so I'm gonna Reload it once again and you can see That there it is fifty four thousand Dollars now what we want to do is you Want to go to the affiliate offers Section right over here where you can Find all of these different offers to Browse and all of these offers are gonna Pay you different amounts of commissions But the offer that I was promoting was They playing so if you go over here and We search for diplink you're gonna be Able to find it right over here and you Can request to promote it now you can Also promote similar authors it doesn't Necessarily have to be this one over Here but the reason I'm showing this one Is because they are giving you email Swipes so essentially they're giving you Emails done for you emails that you can Use to make money so you can go to the View JV page right over here and that's Going to take you to the email swipes Section where you can just copy those Emails while types with one click of a
Buttons it's going to take you to the Google Document where you can see the Swipe number one we have the headlines Or the subject lines we also have swipe Number two swipe number three four and Five and we can copy these emails to Make money online so what you want to do Is once you find an offer that you want To promote you want to go to mixo AI so This is a tool that will generate a Website for you so what you want to do Is you want to click on get started for Free and you can get a generate a Website with literally just one click of A button so you want to click and create A new website and then you'll just want To enter something that is related to The offer that you are promoting from Warrior plus and in this case the offer Is all about how to make money online or Whether traffic Source whether traffic Software that gets you traffic on a Complete autopilot so it's called The Deep link and it generates traffic for Your link so I'm gonna enter my company Name it's deep link and we help Entrepreneurs generate traffic for their Offer with a one-click software and now I can click on generate side and now ai Will generate an entire website for me Now there are going to be two different Reasons why you need a website with Mixer the very first reason is if you Just share your referral link on any
Social media platform you're most likely Going to get banned people or platforms Don't actually like referral links and The second reason is because with mixer You are allowed to collect emails on a Complete order pilot and then you can Use those emails to build a sustainable Online business and get higher chances Of actually making money so as you can See drive more traffic to your offer With deep link here it is here's a copy We have the website nameover here deeply Has helped me to reach more customers And generate more revenue for my offer So this is very good the pictures don't Make sense because the AI has found like Traffic pictures and it's like a traffic Jam so you could definitely customize That if you click on Save and customize You can change those colors and you can Just continue with a free plan as well You don't necessarily have to pay for This and you can click on publish and It's going to publish your website and Once the website has been published you Will be able to copy or link over here So you can just go to the link and by The way I'm first things first gonna Copy that and if we go to this link this Is how my website is going to look like And if someone enters their email Address so let's say for example someone Submits their email address so we're Here they want to join the wait list for
This offer that's going to help them Drive traffic they click on join the Wait list and now if you go back to your Dashboard to the site dashboard you will Be able to see their email over here and You can download your subscribers and You can put them in some email software So what you want to do next is you want To go over to get response which is a Free tool it will allow you to do email Marketing and then what you want to do Once you've signed up for free by the Way all of these tools are going to be Linked in the description box down below Once you create an account you just want To go to contacts and then you want to Just create a list now I'm going to give This list a name and it's going to be Called The Deep link or whatever offer That you're promoting from Warrior plus And then you can add your contacts here So you can just click on add contacts And you can just upload them from mixo Now once you upload your contacts what You want to do next is we want to go to Autoresponders on the left side and then You want to create a brand new Autoresponder and now that brand new Autoresponder is going to be linked to That list called Deep link and you can Also give it a name as well so in this Case I'm just going to call it deep link And now I'm going to set an Autoresponder with a subject line which
Is going to be the email swipe which we Got from Warrior plus so essentially I Can just copy some of these headlines so I can copy this first one I can put it Over here I can click on design the Message I can begin with a blank Template use the template one of these And then I can just drag and drop the Text block right over here and then I Can go back and I can copy from one of These so I'm gonna copy this one and I'm Gonna copy that I'm gonna paste it here And I'm gonna make sure that I've Customized the the text and as you can See it's gonna look a little bit weird When I just pasted so I will just make Some space and most importantly you want To go back to Warrior plus and you want To copy or refer a link for that offer That you want to promote and once you Copy or refer a link you just want to Paste it in the in the highlighted Sections you just want to insert your Link insert that link there and then you Can also insert your affiliate link here As well so that when someone is reading This email they can click on your Affiliate link and they can purchase That product and you're gonna earn Affiliate commissions now all you gotta Do is click on next and now you want to Want to publish or autoresponder and you Can actually really set up multiple Autoresponders for that one single
Context list so they can receive emails For example on day 0 then on day few Then on day five then on day seven and You can have all those emails copied and Pasted from those email swipes document That they provided you with on Warrior Plot now the next thing that you need is Your first things first you need to Start driving traffic to your mixo Landing page so that you can first of All get those email subscribers which You can then import into get response And have that autoresponder send them Emails with different offers so that you Can earn money with affiliate marketing But one of the first and easiest ways That you can drive consistent free Traffic is to use Hercules plus which is An absolutely free tool you want to Click on get started to sign up for an Account and you can advertise over there To thousands of people daily for free Just make sure that you're skipping all Of these ads so you don't really want to Click on the ads you basically just want To click on Prime and you just want to Submit an ad you want to submit an email With your Mixel link included it so you Can just click on ADD mailers right over Here and you can submit an ad with one Click of a button to a thousand people Every single day so you can continue to Add mailers once again skip all of those Ads then you want to confirm your email
Once you've entered it over there and You can just copy and paste one of the Email swipes and instead of dragging Your referral link from Warrior plus Directly you can just drag your mix link Which is this this link of a sales page That we generated with AI and then you Can promote that on Hercules Plus Instead because that is actually going To collect your emails and then you can Import those emails into get response And you're gonna have a sustainable Online business because you build your Own email subscribers a list to whom you Can Market these offers and even similar Products to make money online with Affiliate marketing so I really hope you Got some value out of this video if you Did make sure to drop a like down below And I will see you in some of the next One [Music] Thank you [Applause] [Music] Thank you