7 Figure Launch System Review & Demo BONUS – By a REAL Buyer – Michael Cheney 7 Figure Launch System

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Hello and welcome to this seven figure Launch system review uh after you watch The video come back and look at some of The other videos i have on my channel That show you how to make money online And where i review only things that i Actually have purchased or that i have Used and so that is the same with this Seven figure launch system i purchased This i’ll show you proof of that in just A second and what we’re going to talk About in this video is what is the seven Figure launch system why should you Consider getting it how does it work And how to make money with it make sure You do not miss anything so If we go into my warrior plus account You can see that i did uh purchase this Um Right before making or you know shortly Before making this video And um i did only pick up the front end But we’ll talk about some of the upsells As well so if we jump right over to the Sales page uh full disclosure it’s a Very long sales page you got a video It is only 9.95 i think it’s definitely Worth it you’re going to get a ton of Value for just 9.95 and you’re going to Get seven additional bonuses which we’ll Talk about as well so make sure you keep Watching You can certainly go through and read All this if you’d like but

It is a pretty long sales page Essentially what the seven figure launch System is michael cheney shows how to Quickly and simply Launch products to build your online Business it’s important that you have Your own products that you sell because That’s the best way to build a buyer’s List and that email list is then going To be super important that you can Continue to Promote things to that it can be really Your best online traffic source And so he’s going to go through in the Training and show you how to Create products launch products And how he does it And so if we jump over to the login page You’ll see i’m logging into my account Because i did purchase it you’re going To see you know welcome video register For an onboarding session you can join Their facebook group and then boom start With the program so here we are inside My account with the seven-figure launch System and so the menu across the top is Kind of what you need to follow this is The system training here these are the Bonuses that come with it now these are Some upsells this is a Case study where he shows how he did a 400 000 how he made 400 000 Uh through a product launch in one month Uh these are some upsells about

Partnering with him that are actually Probably worth it the It’s it’s a nominal price but then you Are going to have access to earn extra Commissions Through Sales that His team makes on your behalf that’s Kind of the bottom line so you’re Partnering you’re getting traffic they Will close those high ticket sales and Then you’ll make a nice chunk of change As a partner With been sharing those commissions Um these are the different programs You’ll see obviously you need to Purchase that and these are the Different things that you could partner With them on as well as some additional Training This is another upsell Again you can see if you think that is Worth it when you go through the funnel And then some traffic training as well So if you need some help with traffic This is probably worth looking at now i Just did pick up the front end system And the training is set up pretty nice As you go through the steps they just Have them laid out over here so step one You just all you do is click watch the Video the video is going to pop up it’ll Automatically start and the great thing About


The way michael presents the training i Think is really helpful Is You can watch the video right here But you can also download the mp3 file So if you want to listen to it later Maybe while you’re exercising or doing Something else that’s a really nice Option if you prefer to read you can Download the transcript and you can Actually download the video itself now Some of the modules will have some extra Steps like here you know A link to Registering for the onboarding session And as you go through that’s based on What you do you just click you open it And watch the video now again some of Them like say in this tech stack you Know he does have some links For Some of the technology the software and Programs that he uses You again can use these yourself or you There are other options as well you Don’t necessarily have to use Everything here that he’s recommending So like for example click funnels is Pretty expensive it can make things a Little easier but there’s some other Options that Are not as expensive and if you know WordPress you could do everything Through wordpress as well

So you can see for yourself if you think These things are worth getting but he’s Just showing you what he uses And so he just basically go through the Training there’s some traffic training And how to kind of fast track or Accelerate things so that is the system That’s what you’re getting for 9.95 so a Lot of great information for a low cost Price for that alone i think it’s worth Getting uh it is again important to have Your own products out there I’ve launched my own products in the Past i have a you know a catalog of my Own products and i just need to do more Of it so This was good timing for myself as well Now there’s some bonuses that are Included that are definitely worth it These are part of the 9.95 price so i Definitely would uh grab these or you Know just for the just for that price These bonuses themselves are worth it so Um I get a little inspirational story from Michael um a calculator to help you kind Of you know run through the numbers when You’re launching a product so that’s Nice um A fast profits rolodex again this is Something that you know you can you can Download And so that’s nice to have and then some Other you know good training this five

Day fast start is great because it’s Actually a training within a training You know Kind of what to do every day you know As you go through here so It’s actually really really a nice bonus That’s included with the front end Purchase and he’s got a guaranteed Success and accountability system if you Think that’s for you The facebook group and some launch codes Which i’ll leave as a secret you can Come in and see what those are and so That is the overview of the seven figure Launch system this is a real review i Purchased the product you saw me you saw My purchase receipt you saw me log into My my training area and i only recommend Things that i purchased myself that i That i believe help other people or that I use myself and so if you found this Review helpful and you decide you want To try Uh the seven figure launch system and Purchase it i will leave a link in the Description box below i appreciate it if You use that affiliate link please like The video if you found it helpful and Also subscribe to my channel so you can Get more updates as i put videos out Thanks so much for watching and i hope This helped

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