How to Make Money With Canva As a Beginner in 2023

Is a complete step-by-step tutorial on How to use canva in order to make money Online I'm going to walk you through the Entire process and show you exactly how To do it even as a complete beginner With no previous experience we're gonna Talk about what Canada actually is and Four different ways that you can use it To make money online so if that sounds Good enough then drop a like down below And let us begin with a full Step-by-step breakdown just a quick Disclaimer here if someone replies to Your comment like this claiming they're Me just know it's a scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I Would never tax you for money you can Track their accounts they don't have a Verification badge they don't have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them all you see when it comes to there are four different ways That you can make money with it but First of all let's talk about what Camera even is well canva is a graphic Designs platform with thousands of

Different templates for you to choose From you can create logo designs you can Create a YouTube channel art you can Create Pinterest designs there's Thousands of different categories and You can create all sorts of different Things including videos and gifs now When it comes to making money online With canva there are four main ways that You can leverage this tool in order to Run an online business first of all you Can create graphics and create graphic Design which you can then sell on Different platforms secondly you can Provide different services such as Social media designs and you can sell Those freelancing services and Freelancing platforms such as Fiverr Upwork people per hour and so on and so Forth thirdly you can create for example YouTube videos and create YouTube shorts With canva where you don't even actually Have to record anything yourself and Lastly you can make money by creating Designs which you can then leverage to Promote different offers isn't either as An affiliate or even your own offers and That's exactly what we will be focusing On the fourth monetization option Because that's kind of the most Complicated one all the other ones are Pretty much self-explanatory so let us Begin with a full breakdown so what you Want to do first of all is you obviously

Want to sign up to canva you want to Create an account and you can also just Create an absolutely free account in Canva you don't need to pay for anything So you don't have to sign up for canva Pro or whatsoever just create an Absolutely free account and then you can Start playing around with different Tools that they have as you can see we Have white boards presentations social Media designs as I said videos print Products websites and much more so you Can even create a website using canva so That's one of the services that you can Also sell on freelancing platforms but Before I can come back to canva to Create different designs I will need to Find some offer that I want to promote And I'm personally going to promote a CPA offers and CPA stands for cost per Action or cost per acquisition and in Most of the cases this means that I can Promote some offer where people just Have to enter their email address in Order for me to get a page so it's kind Of like affiliate marketing but with Affiliate marketing people actually need To spend money in order for you to earn A commission but with CPA marketing all They got to do is become a qualified Lead which in most the cases once again Means just entering the email address Which is obviously a lot easier than Actually making people pay for something

Or spend their money and in one of the CPA networks that you can use is called F plus this is already and as You can see you can find all of these Different offers that are going to pay You different amount of money per per Product or per person that you refer so If you go to the search bar you can Search for what type of offers you want To promote I personally found survey Offers to work the best on app Plus So I'm just gonna search for surveys and As you can see for example if someone Signs up to this survey website through My link I'm gonna earn one dollar and Seventy cents per person if someone Signs up to survey junkie in this case I'm gonna earn 1.96 so I'm gonna open up This offer and then I can join the Network over here if you grab my Affiliate link from App plus and then Once I do that and by the way this is How the offer is gonna look like this is The landing page where people can just Sign up they can click on join now they Can create an account and as you can see They can even get paid while completing The surveys which makes it a lot easier For me because I'm incentivizing people To sign up because they have a chance to Make some money while completing those Surveys it's gonna be easy we're not Selling anything or whatsoever they can Literally earn money by completing free

Surveys and I'm gonna pay 1.96 so I'm Gonna grab the and grab a link for this Offer let's say for example this is my Referral link I'm gonna copy that and I'm gonna create a promo design for this Offer over here so what I'm gonna do Right now is I'm gonna go back to Canada And I'm gonna create a a custom size Design by clicking on custom size over Here and then I'm going to select 1080 By 1920 you can record select select any Other one and you can even choose from Pre-made templates from the left side Like for example if you want to promote If you want to create a design with this With this template you're going to Select it and you can easily customize It so you can change you can basically Change the font you can change text you Can type in whatever you want to I can For example type in a get paid with a New app and then I can also change this Text and say for example click the link In BIO and then I can also customize This as well so for example I can say Sixty dollars average earnings it's a Free to sign up and it's very fast for Example and then I can either another Call to action that says click the link In bio And here it is here is a design which I Can use and I can of course go to the Left side and I can customize this you Can find different elements on the left

Side so if you for example want to add a Money bag I can easily do that so we Have all these different Graphics so for Example let me find something good maybe I'm gonna use this one Here it is you can of course add Different elements you can add your own Images you can add stock photos stock Stock images stock videos you can Customize it as you prefer and then once You do that you can just press the share Button over here and you can download Your promo design onto your computer so You just click on the download button And you can download it as a JPEG or PNG I'm going to download it as a PNG file Because in most of the cases has higher Quality like that and then I'm going to Proceed to the last step which is to now Share this design with other people Outside of canva in order to actually Earn money so what I'm going to do right Now is I'm gonna go to Pinterest because Pinterest is actually getting hundreds Of millions of visitors every single Month so you can just leverage this Platform to promote your design and as I Said this is the fourth out of four Different ways you can make money with Canva so this is just only one of the Ways that you can make money with canvas So you will just go over to you will click on create a Pin over here and then you will drag and

Drop that design which you made with Canva and then you'll just just write a Title for example I'm just going to know That I've been a free app pays you to Complete surveys and I would paste my Link to that app inside of this box over Here and then you will create a pin That's related to in this case let's say Making money or complaining surveys I Have a pin over here that is all about Making money online so I'm going to Select that one and just click publish And now when people see this they find This design on on they Will potentially click on it because It's a nice design they will click on That and if they sign up I'm gonna earn A commission as a referral for this Particular offer and as you can see it Is pretty easy and fast to create Designs with canva because they're Already pre-made there's templates where Which you can use and fully customize it Literally just a couple of clicks of a Button you can change colors you can Change fonts and you can do all sorts of Different things and then download those Designs and share them with different Platforms to promote different offers as An affiliate that's just one of the ways That you can use canva to make money Online so I really hope you've learned Something new in this video really hope You got some value out of this video and

If you want to see three other ways to Make money with canva besides this one Let me know in the comments down below Thank you so much for watching and I Will see you next time Thank you

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